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Bulk Truck

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  1. Playing up to the highest level of competition, does not necessarily mean playing each other again.
  2. What a discussion of futility that lasts indefinitely!
  3. There might be a huge crack in the ROK! Que Sera Sera
  4. <p> It's either Ralph's or Roger's favorite joke, I'm not sure!
  5. What do you call 10,000 barristers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start!
  6. Anything north of Omaha after November 15th is a crapshoot insofar as weather, maybe further south and earlier.
  7. The Oct 4th weekend will be of special significance in two areas: 1. Roger Thomas, a longtime personal friend, will be inducted into the HOF. 2. UND will play Montana U in football. Montana is a Great State because it is part of a special union called the United States of America. Having said that the griz suck!
  8. Good report, it will show well on your record. I would believe that ROK views Faison as his guy.
  9. ROK's roots are TCU and the Great State of Texas!
  10. Check your facts on that comment. If I am wrong I will stand corrected.
  11. Faison, in the main, might be OK as an administrator. He is definitely not a dynamic speaker, outward individual, or hard charger type personality. That is something UND needs right now. His biggest baggage might be the man who hired him, ROK. ROK has turned into a very liberal, politically correct hatchet man who, IMO, does not represent North Dakota core values. That would entail a sense of fair play, not jumping to rash conclusions, and being accessible to the average citizen on the street. He seems to be retreating to his ivory tower in Twamley Hall and forgetting from whence he came. It sadly happens all the time and IMO was the same character flaw that led to Chapman's downfall at NDSU. I remember hearing Coach Dale Brown say many years ago that if you forget where you came from you will never get to where you want to go. I believe ROK is forgetting his roots.
  12. So was Scrap Iron Gadaski and the ever capable Kenny Jay from All Star Wrestling. How many did they ever win?
  13. Who is everyone? Sounds like you have a turd in your pocket! Before it's all over I will have donated more money to UND than you have ever considered, but you will never hear about it because it will be done anonymously. That's the way most charitable work should be done.
  14. That's the beauty of America everyone is entitled to their own opinion. At this point any one hired by ROK is going to be suspect in my mind.
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