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  1. Coach chose Hart as Libero, Clarke DS. Reason I got from parent was that decision was made based on last weeks serve/receive stats. All I can say is decision surprised me. But heard Clarke did not let it phase her style and intensity of play.
  2. All of the returning players have been on campus most of the summer. Their summer camps just ended. Official start of Fall begins in August. Team meetings August 7 and practice begins August 8. The girls seem to have a positive outlook on the season.
  3. Dan resigned in June. Rumor has it the position has been filled but girls have not met the new assistant.
  4. They have not met the coach yet, but are looking forward to it. I think they are all just ready to move forward and work with COach Pryor. Anxious and nervous, but they are all ready to move forward and win win win
  5. And the new coach is announced: Mark Pryor from Baylor. SOunds like a good guy. ANd the SPRING SEASON to begin!
  6. The girls are all ready for a new coach They are excited for the Spring Season! From my daughters eyes, they all worked hard over break to impress the new regime.
  7. Not my darling daughter ;-) NOt sure if I can disclose the name...but it is a freshman DS.
  8. Transferring, that is all information players received.
  9. Individual workouts so far includes ALL starters from the EOY tournament minus one back row player
  10. The bulk of student-athletes who transfer and do not need to sit out do so because they qualify for the one-time transfer exception. To qualify for the one-time transfer exception, a student-athlete must meet all of the following requirements: Play a sport other than baseball, basketball, FBS football, or men’s ice hockey;[5] Have never previously transferred from a four-year institution; Be academically eligible at the first institution, assuming the student-athlete had stayed; and Get written notice from the first school that it does not object to the use of the one-time transfer exception.
  11. Kind of an unwritten rule when a coach is let go, girls can back out of NLI if they have one, or leave if they don't, and not be dinged with a year of not playing. RESPECT FOR THE PLAYERS I call it. You still have to notify the AD prior to looking.
  12. First time posting and yes I am what my login says. What I know. Two different stories from two different players in car. All agree: coach overslept and team was running 20 minutes late. Other coaches: I have no idea what they did or did not know. Player 1: Coach was under the influence, hit car in parking lot, drove off and then drove us to airport. SCAREY RIDE ALL THE WAY Player 2: Coach probably had hangover and overslept; he hit a car in parking lot while we were rushing to get to airport, left the scene, we were all now on heightened alert and all SCARED the entire ride because we were racing to get there Girls in other vans did not see anything, but a lot of texts flying between the vans. And the stories grew bigger and bigger. As for me, I think Hardee was a great coach. Lots of garbage though in his past which I was unaware of. I tend to forgive mistakes, as long as it does not involve putting the players or anyone else in danger. He has an excellent family, now being dragged into all of this as well. Hardee made a terrible mistake in Portland when he got into the drivers seat and backed into a car in the parking lot, with five girls in the van, and then took off. WHY did he do that? No idea. You can speculate all you want and make stories up, but overall he made a REALLY bad decision. With his past history, he had to be let go. As for NINE players leaving, they planned on leaving prior to the tournament. THREE SENIORS, who were leaving anyways, and a possible 6 more players who get limited playing time. I do not know of any future starters planning on leaving at this time, but now with this mess they possibly could. The door is wide open to move without penalty. So let us move forward and find a new coach quickly. The girls we have for 2014 deserve this and can WIN THE BIG SKY CONFERENCE NEXT YEAR AND GO TO THE NCAA!
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