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Old Fella

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Everything posted by Old Fella

  1. Don't like to be repetative but "that is relavent because---"
  2. Was not aware that children were immuned.
  3. No one asked my opinion but here it is, I have 0%f fear for me. I have 100% fear for your children.
  4. New Zeland and Iceland and to some extent Soutth Korea. There may be others. You of course know that the US has the most cases and most deaths from the virus than any other country in the world. Russia may someday pass us as they are reporting 10,000 cases per day.
  5. When we get a vacine or when we all act responsible when out with the public. Some countries have been able to vertually eliminate the virus when their citizens act responsibly,
  6. The value of testing is to find who is carrying the virus, not who is not. Tomorrow the who is not's could be the who is.
  7. There is no reason you should have zero reason that you are not shedding the virus. Unless you were recently tested negative for the virus and subsequently had contact with anyone you could have the virus.
  8. That does not mean the are not carring the virus. That does not equate to them not spreading the virus.
  9. I wear the mask to protect others. As I am over 65 no longer worry about me. It is irresponsible for anyone to go out in public and not wear a mask.
  10. I am an optomist and a realasist. I realize the ecomomy must be opened. I have been out the past to days/once to the area I grew up in/the other to a hardware store in GF. Made a stop at the cenex station in the area I grew up in to put petro in the car. While doing so a young woman came out of the station with food/she was not wearing a mask. Went into the station where 2 young women were working. Although they handled take out food neither was wearing a mask or gloves. At the GF hardware store at best 1 out of 10 employees were wearing masks. Asked why their reply was the store was out of masks. On the plus side 8 out of 10 customers were wearing masks. I was wearing a mask at both places. Wearing a mask does not protect me from the virus does not protect me, it protects others, if I had the virus, from speading it to others. (The fact that you may not be sick does not mean you don't have the virus.) Millions of people in this country fall into this catagory. Disclaimer: Like most of the medical experts on this message board I recieved my medical degree from the University of Pheonix. Point: A significant % of people are not acting responsibly.
  11. You are correct. Cult members believe and do anything their leader sas or wants,
  12. Yes we should. I hope you are right. It is worrysome that the free press is under attack. That people who disagree with the administration (previousl known as dissatents) are fired. Quite sure there are other examples. This is how it all began.
  13. You have accuratly discribed the current administration.
  14. Stay away from cliffs! No one is being locked in their homes or forced to wear mask. I spent all day yesterday outside without a mask and will do the same tomorrow. I can understand your unwillingness not to wear a mask/it does not protect you from the virus/it protects others/who cares about others?
  15. I have no problem with gradual opening of business's. When you go out there is no need to wear a mask/it does not protect you from the virus/only others and who cares about others?
  16. Yesterday, in an attempt to jump start the economy, we filled the car with petro and took a 100 mile (1 way) journey to where we grew up. Spent some time walking around. Grass is turning green and the birds are coming back. Not withstanding, 'I still won't rolar skate in a buffalo herd'
  17. My bad. Your post referred to the virus.
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