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smokey the cat

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Posts posted by smokey the cat

  1. Any word from UND regarding webcast improvements? I was impressed with the webcast initially, but the US-U18 game was so terrible I almost turned it off several times. Skipping, extremely glitchy and blurred images. It was almost like the camera could not keep up when it had to follow plays. Extremely dissappointing to see a product like that after commiting to a full years payment. Hoping to see a big improvement this weekend!

    I did not have that problem. A couple of slight skips but that was all. I did notice though there is like a slight stutter for lack of better word. Is this common? I could see the helmets shining on the bench and the ice spraying off of skates.
  2. No kidding. If anything, it's the opposite. Every Gopher fan I have interacted with is very cautiously optimistic because of their youth. The Gophers started 7 freshmen on Sunday. The young kids are playing really well right now (better than even the most optimistic Gopher fans expected), but will that last the whole season is the question. I will say this - Lots to be excited about for the future :)

    Been hearing the same thing for the last 25 years.
  3. That the internet feed is a better picture than Fox was last year.

    That I was able to find eggs close enough to their sell by date to make egg salad. Fresh eggs do not boil and peel as well as older eggs.

    The sun came up.

    Goon must not be out decimating the duck population. :lol: :lol:

    Sebastian Vettle won the World Driving Championship for the 4th straight year.

    Tractor pull is on NBCSN.

  4. First, I assume you mean MRI. Second, charges mean nothing. Third, MRI is a generic term like "car" there is a difference between a Ferrari and a Taurus. How powerful a machine, which body part, contrast or no contrast, walk-up, inpatient, freestanding or in hospital- tons of variables. Your example is an unusual one as well, because typically there is a longer wait for services in Canada.

    The ACA isn't to blame for anything other than drying up capital at this point. That is because financial markets are leading indicators. It will negatively impact the health and healthcare industry and will redistribute costs of care via subsidies- which simply means taxes paid by higher income earners will be used to buy lower income earners their insurance. Sounds like socialism to me.

    Wow what a concept. Letting the higher earners kick down to the lower earners instead of making the lower earners kick up to the higher earners, the way it is now. You seem to be forgetting the socialism of where the higher earners are not being taxed on their income to buy their health insurance. Would not that government subsidy be considered socialism in the rightwing world if it was the other way around, as you just alleged?
  5. I won't take the bait, but lets just say I spent 8 years on the west bank of the Mississippi in a city to the SE of GF. I've also got 15 years of professional experience working on the payor and provider side in industry and as a consultant.

    I do not ignore the growth of healthcare costs, but I do fully understand the drivers.

    Health insurance is expensive, because healthcare is expensive. It is driven by a multitude of factors, but predominantly utilization increases including both volume and complexity of care. There are many more drivers, but utilization is the big one. Don't forget the quality of life indicators, life expectancy, and survival rates of chronic and catastrophic illness have all dramatically improved over that same 20 year time horizon.

    Then quite blaming it on the ACA because you know better than anyone that is not the cause.
  6. I won't take the bait, but lets just say I spent 8 years on the west bank of the Mississippi in a city to the SE of GF. I've also got 15 years of professional experience working on the payor and provider side in industry and as a consultant.

    I do not ignore the growth of healthcare costs, but I do fully understand the drivers.

    Health insurance is expensive, because healthcare is expensive. It is driven by a multitude of factors, but predominantly utilization increases including both volume and complexity of care. There are many more drivers, but utilization is the big one. Don't forget the quality of life indicators, life expectancy, and survival rates of chronic and catastrophic illness have all dramatically improved over that same 20 year time horizon.

    Then maybe you can tell my retired Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer friend why Altru charges $2,000 for an MIR and his daughter did a walk up MIR in Canada for $513.
  7. But you were not the norm (with so very few services)...you were subsidizing people who were using more services in your same rating band. Now there is only one rating, so the gap you are describing will only grow via ACA.

    You are correct that cost shifting has been happening for a long time. As has the purpose of insurance. True insurance is not pre-paid medical. True insurance is stop-loss protection for unlikely events that you can't pay for yourself.

    In a lot of ways, the migration of insurance to pre-paid medical can be tied to continued pressure on wages and completely inaccurate reporting of inflation. If the vast majority of Americans aren't liquid $2000, they can't "self-insure" at all.

    This was an insurance program only available for full-time college students. Probably the lowest risk around.
  8. I think it's cool that they stayed in the Webster School which is close to my hunting shack. Apparently, my buddy knows Neil Ford and I hope some day that I get to meet these fine Gents. Actually, two pressers ago, Pattyn was wearing the if you're too busy to hunt and fish, you're too busy.

    I thought that was the same area as you hunt. That is why I mentioned they screwed up not getting a hold of you.
  9. If you didn't think changes to prices and costs in health care were coming with mandated coverage you are naive.

    If you do not think that this has not been happening for the last 20 years you are naïve. Companies have been raising what their employees contribute and getting less coverage for 20 years. Now there is the simple scapegoat to blame. My insurance premium with NDBLBS went up 100% in 5 years from 2004-2009. They paid out less than $500 dollars on me the entire period. So before you people blame the ACA think back at what happened with your insurance during these years. And if any of you say that your rates did not go way up in that time either your coverage was cut way back or you are a liar.
  10. Sicatoka beat me to it, but is exactly right.

    The long term impact of affordable care act will be to impact jobs and access to healthcare. Communities like GF will be hardest hit.

    Your PhD in economics comes from... While you ignore how much insurance and healthcare have gone up in the last 20 years.
  11. BS again. Go rewind the speech where Obama spoke out IN FAVOR of these automatic cuts taking place...before he decided to come out AGAINST them when they actually went into effect.

    And feel free to explain to me how a near 9 trillion dollar deficit under Bush is 'unpatriotic' but a near 17 trillion dollar deficit now is apparently a requirement for good government.


    Actually Bush raised the debt from 5 trillion to 12 trillion and not a word from the right the whole time. So feel free to explain to me how Bush was patriotic for doing this. Over 2/3rds of the debt is on Republican presidents. And it was not a 9 trillion dollar deficit nor a 17 trillion dollar deficit. Furthermore Obama's deficit has been cut in half from the Bush deficit.
    • Upvote 1
  12. You're making the same assumption that Obama is - that Americans (and non-Americans for that matter) will prefer paying $1000 a month for health care coverage over a $700 a year penalty for NOT buying coverage.

    For $300 more you get something. But for some it seems easier to spend $700 and get nothing. But they are making a point.
  13. Main reason is obamacare. It's going to hurt many medical facilities. Less staff will be asked to do more. Hospitals will be receiving reimbursement cuts for early re-admits for certain diagnosis. I understand it was common practice at altru to simply code a different primary dx in the past and they will no longer be able to do this.

    With that said altru knew this was coming so it should come as no surprise. The money was spent on the south end simply to ensure they wouldn't have competition in grand forks.

    BS. "Reisnour said because of federal budget sequestration cuts enacted by Congress, Altru had budgeted for a $300,000 drop in monthly Medicare reimbursements this year. But that reduction has actually been about a $1 million more than that a month, he said". This is what the teapublicans wanted and you blame it on Obama?
  14. She's a 7 year old German Wirehaired Pointer. I've known/loved her since she was just a puppy, but she's actually the ex's dog (at least for the next two weeks).

    Do you have pic? Or post one later of your drive home of the dog. I love dogs what can I say.
  15. so let me gt this strate

    just watch thru these doors

    we don't have enough money for shuttles on game nights

    but we have a enough for a couple of empty passenger busses just with the stoarage filled of hockey equipment to buss down for road trips while the teams flies lmao

    too funny.

    I wonder though if it is cheaper to ship the equipment this way and then have the bus for use when they get to their destination? I was wondering that last week when they flew an rj200 to Ohio (flight tracker.com). It might not have been their plane though. No way would all the equipment been able to fit on the plane. Now if they chartered a Sun Country or Allegiant plane it would fit. But that would cost a lot more than an rj.
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