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Everything posted by Esoteric

  1. Very scary passes and mistakes picking up the puck.
  2. What is the actual forum for tonight.
  3. What is the actual forum for tonight.
  4. Biggest thing is no more overtimes. The team must get the job done in 60 minutes. That applies to both nights. Also quit making unnecessary square passes that the other team figures out and breaks up the play, or worse takes off for a breakaway. Be selfish once and awhile and take the shot in the 2 vs 1 situations.
  5. They should have kept Stanley as a quarterback.
  6. Once again UND had to not take the shot and instead pass.
  7. Does a rebound exist? And what is it like? If no one is there to hit the puck into the goal then there will be no noise from the UND fans willing to cheer.
  8. Needs to develop an awareness of the location and the direction of attacks. As the announcers said “head on a swivel”.
  9. My former dentist will be sad. He played for them.
  10. Wow just watched that square flat pass along the blue line bordering the Sioux defensive zone. That pass looked like a potential breakaway for USA.
  11. USA starting to figure out what other teams learned about playing UND. Be patient and wait for the easy to intercept passes of UND.
  12. Are they practice related injuries. Is there any place to get a lineup sheet for USNDT?
  13. Imagine the christmas conversations with friends and family. It still was a very good first half.
  14. Not enough teams in the league mishandle tight marking and the resulting pressure, like UND. Likely the book on UND is pressure them and use your sticks to slow them down. Watch them pass and pass and pass and pass until UND hits your stick to break up UND’s offense.
  15. Oh my gosh the officials are picking up the holding and interference by CC that has been going on all night.
  16. No penalties by UND during this power play. Or short-handed by CC.
  17. Did UND shoot toward the goal. Or was I dreaming that.
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