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Everything posted by Nodak78

  1. What this tells me is Trump Rallies were Yuuuge. To the steal can't be concealed. Big red wave. Thank you Sidney Powell.
  2. enjoy http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2020/11/dna-level-statistical-proof-smartmatic.html?m=1
  3. Yes she did. Another Lin Wood is great as well. Took on the WAPO and CNN and won
  4. Here defense of Gen Flynn was remarkable. I think she had best the IRS as well.
  5. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/12-reasons-why-trumps-lawyers-are-absolutely-convinced-he-will-win-election This is a very, very serious allegation to make, and no experienced lawyer would make it lightly. Sidney Powell has put her entire reputation on the line in this battle, and she has a history of taking on huge battles and winning. The following comes from John Nolte… But of course this is the biggest battle that Powell has ever faced by far. Either she will win and become a legend, or she will lose and her reputation will be completely and utterly destroyed. The stakes could not be much higher for her personally, but she seems quite confident of victory. In fact, here are 12 quotes from Powell that show why she is so convinced that Trump will end up in the White House for a second term…
  6. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/tue-am-trump-legal-team-zeroes-expulsion-election-observers-data To augment the case, the lawyers are securing affidavits and declarations from citizens who allege: they went to the polls to vote and were told they had already voted when they had not cast ballots they are listed as voting in a state where they did not cast ballots they witnessed fraudulent or improper vote counting activities as observers or election officials extreme statistical anomalies uncovered in a handful of battleground states' vote totals are prima facie proof of fraudulent or untoward vote collection and counting activities The request to discount large numbers of votes is a high legal and political hurdle to surmount, but it is not without precedent. In the last year, North Carolina threw out an entire special congressional election in its 9th District after evidence emerged that mail-in ballots were tainted by a ballot harvesting scheme tied to a GOP operative. And in New Jersey, a state judge earlier this year ordered new municipal election in Patterson, N.J., after evidence of ballot fraud emerged.
  7. Nevada smelling very fishy. Its not over until the fat lady sings.
  8. https://nypost.com/2020/11/14/biden-cancer-initiative-spent-millions-on-payroll-zero-on-research-report/
  9. Not all votes are legal. That what this a but. SoS may have over played their hand.
  10. The citizens most sacred right. equal votes. Philly denied equal under the PA legislature. A judge and Commissioner changed the rules illegally.
  11. here you go. Virus going to Virus https://apnews.com/article/technology-business-pandemics-geneva-coronavirus-pandemic-4e133325afec1d3f309ab184138e6f73 GENEVA (AP) — The World Health Organization has recorded 65 cases of the coronavirus among staff based at its headquarters, including at least one cluster of infections, an internal email obtained by The Associated Press shows, despite the agency’s public assertions that there has been no transmission at the Geneva site. ..... Last month, Thomas told WHO staffers the agency was restricting access to its Geneva headquarters to critical staffers, including senior directors, their assistants and management officers. “All members for the workforce are reminded to always keep proper hand hygiene, respect physical distancing standards (at least one meter) and wear masks, when distancing is not possible,” he wrote.
  12. How long before you condemn BLM/Antifa in Portland give me a break.
  13. No fraud here. Let's move on. https://c-vine.com/blog/2020/09/28/bidens-texas-political-director-charged-for-ballot-harvesting-in-harris-county-tx/
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