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Emerald joker

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Posts posted by Emerald joker

  1. What  irritated me Is the fact from what I saw the team looked good. But after they went down a man in OT.  It just seem like they were, like I know they have to be cautious because it’s double OT, But it’s like they slow down a bit and for a second just really didn’t care.And it’s almost like you knew that the clowns we going to score

  2. 2 hours ago, Wilbur said:

    I'm thinking the second the team is eliminated 24 is gone.  Ottawa won't be waiting outside the locker room, but they'll be calling.

    I agree he isn't ready for the NHL, but maybe a few years of the A. 

    Just a few years of the A and then move on to Europe? Because I don’t really ever see him in the NHL unless someone is injured

  3. 6 minutes ago, Siouxhawkey said:

    For some reason I don't think it will happen.   Play strong for 30 get up 3 goals, them Gift them the game, no reason this team can't hang with the likes of the wolverines, I guarantee you won't see them losing to Arizona State this weekend.

    The way they’ve played some nights, this team could make the Sun Devils look good 

  4. 3 hours ago, AJS said:

    I'll die on the hill that it isn't completely a talent issue with this team, I'm not saying they should be a #1 seed, but we've seen this team be very, very good. They can and have played with the best teams in the country. I also don't think they are that far off from being a good team. Last night was a bad loss, but did anyone think CC was a much better team? 

    With the ups and downs of this year, what I'm losing my mind over is special teams. If nothing else, when this team doesn't make the tournament for the first time in 16 years, you can circle that as the # 1 culprit. It's beyond pathetic, Shaw deserves nothing but blame. 

    It’s either Shaw sucks as the PP coach or the guys aren’t quite good enough to pull off what he’s trying to do or a little of both. It feels like most of the year this team has been on the same step as everyone else and not a step a head like we’re used to seeing. And it hurts even more now that Jones isn’t playing. On the PP it feels like once we get the puck the opposing team is right on us, we need to be a step or 2 ahead of them and I havnt seen it. 

  5. 1 hour ago, sprig said:

    Do we know for sure that his injuries resulting in missed games are concussion issues,  or something else? Would seem if multiple concussions he'd already be done for an extended period of time,  like Genoway. Or is he milking the idea that it's concussions when he flops to get a 5 called. Certainly Smith's elbow in the Ralph could have caused one,  haven't seen the rest. 

    I’m thinking him milking the idea and Monty going with it because if he’s going down and staying down that easily, he shouldn’t even be playing. And from what I remember about Coles hit in the ralph, it didn’t seem like he hit him good enough In the right spot for Plant to be knocked out like that. Maybe if he wasn’t wearing a helmet. I just didn’t seem like there was enough contact

  6. 2 hours ago, Bemidji State Beaver said:

    I was all for the Cole Smith game misconduct until i watched the flop by Adam Plant during their game last night against Duluth. Around the 3 minute mark of third period(notice a trend, 4th time this year?)

    When no call he gets up off his back grabs his stick and plays on.

    Ugh, I wanted to finish watching that game just to see if he’d get hit and get “knocked out” again. 


  7. 4 minutes ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    People who complained about UND having to change the name (even knowing the consequences for doing so) are they same people that complained about the Fighting Hawks name, are the same people who will complain about the Fighting Hawks logo, and will be the the same people that complain about the new Fighting Hawks mascot.  You know what?  Nobody cares about you anymore.  Nothing will please you.  This new mascot is going to be for kids.  Not for 40 year old "adults" who complain about everything that doesn't make them happy.  

    It sounds like you’re talking about part of  the pc crowd there that got the name changed, “40 year old “adults” who complain about everything that doesn’t make them happy”

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  8. On 1/26/2018 at 8:18 AM, petey23 said:

    I am not really against a mascot per se. But the fact that the last time we had one it was an embarrassment to the school, state and region makes me a little leery. Then when you consider the whole nickname process that eventually gave us a mediocre name and the sh!tty logo we have now and......well it is a little hard to have trust that this will turn out alright.

    Wait........so let the school make a mascot then we can say we’re offended by it then it would have to go away right? Just as long as a couple people are offended by it.


    On 1/26/2018 at 8:48 AM, darell1976 said:

    So it’s okay to have a guy dressed in a cowboy hat running with a flag around the field but we can’t have a Hawk interacting with young kids and other fans, making their game day experience even better. All because you are still butthurt over the name change. 

    It’s funny how people still get on other people for being butthurt over the name change since that was the reason the Sioux name had to go away to begin with  because all the liberals were BUTTHURT over it and they finally got their way and Sioux fans are supposed to accept it

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