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Posts posted by NoiseInsideMyHead

  1. Laudable for you; however, many in the "no nickname" camp really are for it for the specific reason you cite: to be able to continue using the old one (and think or feel like they are "stickin' it to the man!"). 


    One morning the NCAA attorneys will:

    - wake up,

    - find that a Power 5 school has a scandal brewing,

    - need a distraction for the media from that,

    - realize that they've been played by those hick in fly-over North Dakota,

    - pull out their copy of the Settlement Agreement,

    - highlight the word "new",

    - make a statement about "not selecting a new nickname is fostering a hostile and abusive environment" which is what the Policy and the Settlement were to prevent,

    - put UND back under the Policy,

    - and put out a press release about it. 


    The media lackeys will miss the P5 scandal story and instead write about how the NCAA is serious about "diversity and inclusion" and how they are rightly slapping down those contract-breaking rube hicks that are still fostering a hostile and abusive environment by not taking the last step in retiring their terrible nickname. 



    Grandiose? Boisterous? Preposterous? Really? Uh ... the same type of scenario got us ... here



    • Upvote 1
  2. Wow.   I can't believe I need to spell out the context of my remark, which you decided to quote, but conveniently left out the majority of the sentence.  But, here goes:   Being known as ND, with no nickname, is what is unique.  SMH


    No need to be a jerk.  You're the one who used the words "interlocking ND" and "unique."  Ain't no "context" gonna fix that.

  3. Yup.....if Sundogs or something similarly lame isn't implemented soon UND is going to miss out on the potential renuve from those looking for some new street cred college gear to wear in areas like Ferguson, Mo., the Hamptons and on the SR rez.........


    And once the new gear catches on, it's only a matter of time until it ends up on the big screen...



    • Upvote 1
  4. Here come your University of North Dakota Processors..


    "Fans, it's time for another Hormel Power Play!"  


    "Let's meet the IBP Three Stars of the Game!"


    We could even rename the court at the Betty "the Killing Floor".


    This has potential.

  5. I-44 is not bad you might see construction when you get close to St. Louis. I'd avoid going through St. Louis I-44 to I-55 I'd take I-270 North to I-55 where I-70 branches off in Illinois.


    UND geography major, right there.  ;)

  6. Regarding the outside consultants it appears they were hand picked by the administration - by that I mean it doesn't appear that they took proposals from a group of possible consultants and chose one - these were chosen with no competition. (I'm not saying there is a conspiracy just wondering if there was any competitive process).   


    How on earth would professional bull$%!# shovelers - er, I mean, consultants - participate in a competitive process?  By smell?  :)

  7. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/3647228-und-puts-thousands-dollars-nickname-task-force

    That is one expensive consultant charging $15,000 for one extra day of work and one extra meeting. I wonder what she accomplished in that one day!


    Inclusiveness (even if feigned) ain't cheap.  But I gotta say, at those rates, the consultant could have thrown in the extra day for free and still not had to remove her kids from private school.  WTF?!?

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