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Everything posted by UNDSIOUX

  1. To claim that this wouldn't hurt the competition level in RR/GFC and all of local high school hockey is just a dumb argument, it would level the playing field and GF/Fargo might not be the powerhouses we're used to being in HS hockey, but in terms of what it can bring to the city I am not opposed to it at all... Heck we have more than adequate facilities here to house a team so why not. Plus it would add a really good local recruiting ground for UND/The Sioux/The Whioux/or whatever we're called in the future. Sure we'll get a few kids that are here because of their rich parents, but it would allow some of the great products from GFC/RR and other local towns to stay here for high school and play on this team instead of moving to play Juniors somewhere else. There are obvious pros and cons of if we were to get a team, but ultiimately in this case I think if we can, we should.
  2. I heart that as well GFG, I can't remember where or when so I guess I lack credibility, but I heard the exact same thing you did about 3/4 months ago.
  3. hahahahaha
  4. Showed a lot sticking up for Bozak like that, but that fight was pretty much decided before it started... 6'0 200 vs. 6'3 220... Still I give him props for having the balls to stick up for bozak though haha
  5. Does anyone know if Di Puma is going to be eligible to come this year or not? Was his situation similar to St Clair's or not? We(or at least I) feel like my questions about St Clair have been answered, but when people ask about Di Puma there is never see an answer.
  6. If he does my guess is he redshirts. I don't see him getting much playing time since we're pretty well off at defense right now, but I just put him in there because he's a 1993 and Koules is planning on coming this year(last I heard anyway) and he's a 1994 born. I don't know the inside scoop on all of this though, I'm just making guesses.
  7. Here's my guess(from a long ways out and with a long time for players to come and go still haha) Nelson – Knight - Kristo Rodwell - Grimaldi - Rowney MacMillan – Parks - O'Donnell St Clair – Pattyn – Gaarder Forbort – Schmaltz MacWilliam - Mattson Simpson - Panzarella Goalies: Dell, Saunders, Gothberg Extras: Senkbeil, Gleason, Macmillan, Koules, Chyzyk, Ladue, Crisfield?
  8. So right now what do you guys think our roster will look like next year with our class of recruits? Correct me if I'm wrong, but we have 4 openings as of now (3 seniors, Tate Maris leaving, and IF Knight, Nelson, Kristo, Dell, Forbert, all stay and noone transfers?)
  9. Depending on your cable/internet provider ESPN3 might not work, I can't watch ESPN3 on cable, but I can watch the game at espn3.com and over my XBOX 360
  10. Nevermind everyone, it's working now.
  12. I am trying to find the game on my XBOX 360 on the ESPN app and I can't find it... I can find the previews for the Air Force/BC game, the Minnesota/BU game, and so on, but the UND/Western Michigan game isn't there... I guess if it isn't there I'll be watching it on FSN?
  13. It would be a bummer to not have UW and UM play us in hockey, but honestly I do find myself getting sick of UM's "dish it out but can't take it" attitude on the ice and by half of their fanbase, and UW was the driving force behind the B1G hockey. Also the notion that UM will only play us at their home ice is a dream they need to give up. In all other sports, they could pull that off, but in hockey we are equals(IMO UND is the more storied hockey school, but that is a matter of opinion), so we will be alternating those games home/away each year. Don't get me wrong, I do hope we play each other every year, I was just saying that those institutions seem to think they walk on water and can have a condescending attitude towards everyone else.
  14. Hakstol's statement today had nothing to do with job security, Hak is one of the, if not the best coach in college hockey. If he were to leave us every school besides UNO, BC, Michigan, and a very select few other schools would have a job waiting for him. What Hakstol said today is exactly what he should have said. The current situation with the state law cripples the school if they keep the nickname, although I am a firm supporter of the Fighting Sioux nickname/logo, this state law is just not going to do any good from the school and we will be alienated by the schools that we need to play to move up in the DI college ranks. If Spirit Lake wins the lawsuit, we can/should bring back the nickname(if SL wins and Kelley/Faison were to not bring back the nickname in this instance, I hope they get ran out of town), but until there is a final verdict on the case, I think it's in the school's best interests to just go as North Dakota and let the fans represent the Fighting Sioux.
  15. It still boggles my mind how the NCAA can be such a hypocritical organization that gets away with so much $#!T.
  16. I say for now leave it retired and go as North Dakota until the SL lawsuit has run it's course. If SL wins, I say that we reinstate the name, if SL loses I say we decide if we want a new logo/nickname or we decide if we should just stay as North Dakota. It will be a few years before the lawsuit is done and I'm sure not everyone will be ok with moving on to a new logo/nickname right away so we can just stay as North Dakota for a few years and see if eventually a name starts to stick or if we need to make a nickname. Lastly, if we become the North Dakota Flames I will lose my damn mind... I don't want to be referred to as the "flamers" by all of our rivals.
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