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Everything posted by molden

  1. 2007 was Central Michigan. They won the MAC and went to a bowl game. We beat them something like 44-7.
  2. Nothing like this. I'm finished now. Keep up the fetish.
  3. No, but the obsession over Bison football is puzzling.
  4. Obsession over Bison football here on siouxsports. It's nothing new. It's been that way for a long time. It begins with varying degrees of jealousy and hatred. By the way, you have a nice looking football team. Hardin is impressive. What Coach Bohl does should be the very least of your problems.
  5. Then why siouxsports.com? Does the name confuse you?
  6. Thought this board was about Sioux sports.
  7. That's a perfect name for this website. The topic is more dominant than UND football.
  8. Has anyone here heard of butt chugging? That's a North Dakota topic.
  9. Forgive me for telling you that this is the UND forum.
  10. Concern yourselves with the Eastern Washington game. As far as discipline is concerned, concern yourselves with the butt problems in your hockey program. There are many ways to get a high. I never thought of using the butt.
  11. That's true. The smack forum and the commons (or equivalent) are where this discussion belongs on siouxsports. Bury the topics so that your members can go there and wring their hands over problems at NDSU.
  12. Take the topic down and focus on your own programs. This thread would have been long gone at bisonville if it were about UND.
  13. A serious topic about UND would not be on the main board at bisonville. It would be in the commons. Equivalent to not being read.
  14. I've never been happy with the push to get rid of the Sioux name. I can't speak for others. I've always figured that a serious topic like that belonged to Sioux fans. The same would apply to discipline problems at UND.
  15. I've read everything. There's been deep concern over the problem. We've dwelled on it to the point where there's not much else to say.
  16. Yet another typical attempt at reversing the envy train that flows from UND.
  17. Oh yes, they took away your freedumbs. That's what you're concerned with.
  18. UND envy of Bison football is about hoping for failure of any kind. And when there's an opening, piling on as though you actually care. None of you actually care about the program. There's the common thread.
  19. This is getting really old. Another typical UND response. Feels like a time warp.
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