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Everything posted by watchmaker49
I see the world you grew up in you would just tuck your tail to protect your nuts and slink away? Ah the sign of a real man.
I am glad to see that you have no problem with someone attacking my father. So your mother should have swallowed.
Sorry but I do not drink and never have. I wonder if they mental health industry can do anything for a bunch of grown males that act like middle school girls?
OK here since no of you find attacking someone's late father as wrong here goes. All of your mothers made one big mistake in her life. She should have swallowed. See I find that as being wrong but the rest of you find it as being ok.
And you would not respond to an attack on your father by someone that did not even know him? He died 10 years ago. So I am not suppose to get mad at him for attacking my late father?
I can read the other posts that said he could not switch to a Big 10 school. LOL was for the numerous previous posts about how everybody wants to play for a Big 10 school. Hence, the sarcasm of my post.
Never even saw it. I came glad none of you would have responded to an attack on your dad or your kid by someone that knows neither of them. So high roadish (verbalizing of America) of all of you. Now which one of you ever chastised him for his totally uncalled for attack? Oh wait that would have been none of you. So by remaining silent you all condoned it. Which makes you no better than him. Then they you can chastise me for responding? That is some really sick logic. I would have accepted an apology as I have apologized many times here when I was wrong. So now you question me on who is the bigger person? Evidently the moderators must have decided that his comment deserved such a response from me that they never said a word to me about it.
Only when someone attacks my dad.
Why would I think that when FSSD quotes me and then you quote him? And Siouxvolleys comments were so far off from the truth it is scary. And if Siouxvolley had said that to my face he would be in the ICU because I would have busted his skull with a baseball bat without thinking twice.
Read the quote I was quoting and it should not be very hard to figure out. That is unless you have no reading comprehension. I will explain it really ssssllllloooowwwlllyyyyyy for you. Not giving enough money equals lack of donations such as not donating enough to FU. Many posters here and others who call themselves huge fans and wanted to keep the name never give any money either. Now was that easy enough for you to understand?
I thought everybody wanted to play in the Big 10? LOL By the way does anyone know now that they have a league for hockey what will become of the Rodents and FSN? Big 10 network does not really cover hockey at all.
Why not? As been mentioned before hockey is a different sport and would be great to have a hockey running it. We know he sure would not favor DU over anyone.
Just like many of the posters here and the loudest defenders of the name, many of which never even attended UND.
I had said it before though that he was a nice guy. I did not attack him when I posted a fact. There is a big difference so you can retract your middle school girl claws anytime.
Difference is that what I posted was an observed fact. I saw him doing this numerous times and I did not say he was not a good guy. In fact I did say he was a nice guy.
You have know idea what you are even talking about. It is a true analogy though because it has worked well for the simple minded. My dad probably had a 100 friends to your one friend. At his funeral it was a full house with a cross selection of society from bikers to bankers. You could not find one person in Grand Forks that would not have a good thing to say about him you're a freaking loser to attack someone's dad. Being an atheist or a deist, like the Founding Fathers, is a much better thing than being a hypocrite that pretends they are a religious person.
The more man clings to religion, the more he believes. The more he believes, the less he knows. The less he knows, the more stupid he is. The more stupid, the easier he can be governed! The easier to govern, the better he may be exploited. The more exploited, the poorer he gets. The poorer he gets, the richer and mightier the domineering classes get, the more riches and power they amass, the heavier their yoke upon the neck of the people
By the way how did you even come up with "she" instead of he? You are the one who is avoiding the subject and not me. But that is the typical response of the one who can not debate a subject correctly and include all the facts. I pointed out the faults with your argument so right away instead of arguing your point you run the other way. You must be bummed about Bachmann then? You get your debating skills from her.
Go back some pages and they were always included in this thread. When you say that people lost their right to vote and you never bothered to do anything to help you should just keep quite about it. Otherwise you look like a hypocrite. I have nothing against them it is just if you live in a glass house you should not be throwing rocks at the walls. Much of this thread has had to do with discipline of athletes and UND fans claiming the high road.
Because if it was so important to you that people voted you should have given your time. They did not steal any rights from ND citizens. It is not as if they were the only people with petitions. They cost money in the same way that UND players have cost the state money but you do not complain about that now do you. You never quite digging the hole deeper do you? Gothberg evidently thought the same thing but not a peep out of you for that.
That is not what was being referred to though. How much have UND players cost the taxpayers with their shenanigans? They did not steal anyone's right to vote. As if they were the only people circulating petitions. Did your volunteer to circulate petitions for both questions since they were so important? Didn't think so.
When it is the difference of being in the black or the red where to you think they would go? There is no way UND would not jump on a game like this in a heartbeat. They could care less how bad they got beat. They still have a check for 525K. Do you think the players would rather play Crookston and beat them 70-0 or get beat by Oregon 70-0. You know the guys they watch on TV. Not much of a question here.
These football players did not steal one penny from the North Dakota taxpayers. Get a clue or a better grip on reality. Also this was not a fraud against all of North Dakota. Frattin was not the top player at the time. If you are going to embellish get some of your facts straight first.
So you are saying that UND did want to know what happened?
Their investigation would have meant talking to the players and all would have lied. No. They were not part of a cover up they just had nothing to go on. I doubt they leaned on them very hard either. Though they knew they were being lied to there was nothing they could do.