It was nice to see a sense of urgency from slot of guys yesterday. On that first red zone 4th down Studs was screaming at the sideline to go for it. We did and we scored a TD. That’s the type of stuff I’ve been waiting to see all year.
Not sure what Bubba’s quote means but it doesn’t sound good at all for Reyes.
One thing I found very concerning is when Brady had that huge head to head collision at the goal line and was clearly knocked unconscious momentarily and they left him in the game. This is unacceptable. It was clear as day that he should have been subbed out and evaluated. Not only did they leave him in but they gave him the ball.
Well, here goes nothing..... on the bright side we are undefeated against Bears this season and tomorrow is supposed to be the nicest day in the history of October. Hopefully the guys can find a way to win and not let this season go up in smoke.... too soon?
Weed doesn't lead a person to do other drugs. Weed being illegal like other, more serious drugs, it what leads to people using other drugs. The gateway is the black market, not the weed itself.