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Posts posted by SiouxTupa

  1. I hope that Blais goes with the line of Porter-Bochenski-Genoway. Porter is someone who I thought played out of his mind on Saturday in St. Cloud. I was watching from my standing room spot...and just when I mentioned how great I thought he was playing he went down hurt. Turns out he played the rest of the game leading me to believe it was a case of getting the wind knocked out of him. I think he is outstanding at protecting the puck and using his strength to create great chances...so if they do go with that combo...Cheerio.

  2. I would have expected rude behavior after a Sioux loss but not after they win. What's up with that? Oh well, glad you had a good time anyway despite a few hooligans.

    I have to agree. I get sour (not nearly that caliber) after a Sioux loss, but not a win. After a win, I just look at the "losers" and smirk. I love meeting people from all over the WCHA/nation/etc, and its a shame that I couldn't meet any of you UMD folks. It's unfortunate what happened, but what do you expect from the state with the most underage drinking in the nation.

    After reading what you said...sometimes middle age fans can be drunken idiots too...I guess

    Hopefully when I make my trip to Duluth (my first ever, eventhough I grew up in MN) I can meet some good people, and you guys can show me what classy home fans act like after a loss. :lol:

  3. However, there just seems to be something about Brandt coach Blais doesn't like.

    Actually, if you look at the last few seasons Brandt is the one that Blais seems to favor. He's the only goalie from 2001-02 who is still around. Granted Kollar was a senior...there's no Sofie, Ranfranz isn't playing anymore, Siembida...the list goes on. He's coming into his own, and picking up his consistency. I'm pulling for him. :lol:

    If you ask me, whoever Blais decides to go with sounds good to me. I think either one will have a good game tomorrow, and the team as a whole should be a little more intense.

  4. teams do not play as well defensively and...let's face it...college players make many more mistakes, leading to interesting and unusual situations.

    Thats the very argument I've been waiting for. I totally agree. In the college game most of the players are at different levels of development. Often, this brings mistakes, but also helps the star players to shine. The NHL is so regimented and the players play at such a high level that, at times, makes their brand of hockey boring to watch.

    One thing I do like is the outrageous plays that come from the skill of these NHL players. They can stickhandle "in a phone booth" and it is fun to marvel at the level of play. I also wish they would get rid of the two line pass rule in the NHL. The game is very defensive as it is, and doing this would open up the game.

  5. If it was simply a straight computer algorithem that took into account only wins/losses, strength of schedule, etc. (in other words, obvious stats from the games played) and discounted humans which are obviously biased, the BCS would be perfect..

    Are you kidding???

    Nothing is perfect, and if you were on the football field, you wouldn't want the hopes and dreams of your season riding on a computer.

    I hear what you're saying about the bowls garnering dollars, but seriously...Money can be made other ways. Personally, not being a corporate tycoon or bowl sponsor, I could care less about dollars and would MUCH rather see two qualified teams battle it out on the field. Who wants another debacle like Miami/Nebraska...yes we liked having eventual Heisman winner Tim Couch in the NC, but look at the score...Unless you're a home-town fan, who wants to see someone run up the score?

    Scrap IT!!!


  6. Polls are OPINIONS. PLAYOFF!!! Playoff playoff playoff playoff.

    You can't get screwed if you lose the game. You can only get screwed when you don't play in the game.

  7. No one can deny that they've had their share of winning... 2 in a row hasn't been done in 30 years. Team didn't lose a lot of talent in the offseason, but they did lose some. That is what scares opponents. They know how to win, and they have the tools to do it.

    It's a Jekyll & Hyde season, one doesn't know if they will come out smoking or be out smoking.

    I agree. They have the tools, but as everyone knows: if you don't put the puzzle together all you have is a bunch of pieces.

    I agree also that this is not their year. Will I come out and say it? No, not yet, because who knows what crazy things can happen in the WCHA. It's when teams/players/fans/media counts them out that they are at their most dangerous.

    In my opinion though flame on Gophers...flame on

  8. This is a ridiculous argument/debate/flame session/congratualtory thread. I'm sure everyone agrees that having home field is better than not having it. HMMM that's hard to figure out. :silly: The Star Spangled Banner thing was not classy, but overall I'd have to say UNA fans and players were a good group of individuals. The better team won. Undefeated or not 13-1 means different things for each team now...for UND it would mean NC...for UNA it means reload for next year.

    Probably the classiest thing I saw all game...since we're on this subject was

    After being taunted all game by the "racist unruly UND students" #68, an offensive lineman for UNA, came up to the students, was appologized to, and shook many fans' hands. No hard feelings, he offered his congrats, and the students were as professional as students can be after winning a National Semifinal game. I was one row back, so I witnessed this first-hand. The players are not blaming the loss on inappropriate fans, so people should listen to what they are saying.

    The goal posts didn't even come down...everybody filed out in an orderly manner.

  9. They ARE a good team...and they DO have the depth to go all the way. Their problem then?

    They aren't playing with any sort of drive. Giving up leads against sh** teams (sorry) and after dominating the night before shows lack of work ethic and discipline.

    We all know, and have heard repeatedly that they have skill and are coached well, but as it looks...

    They're not doing it, and that's not going to make their road any easier...

  10. Maybe the youth on the team is finally getting comfortable with the Friday win. Losing to AA on Saturday shows that they are realy not working hard enough to get back into it. I realize you can't win them all, and that MAYBE AA will one day win more than 3 or 4 league games, but this was a must win series for UM. They really needed the confidence boost that a sweep would give them.

    Not being on the same page must be frustrating for all of them, but whatever the case props to the Seawolves for dumping the Goofs.

    A huge surprise...but a pleasant one. :silly:

  11. Weak goal...I think in that instance you have to credit the shooter. He found daylight where there was none. Hell of a shot. Ziggy played pretty well, although he had trouble controlling rebounds. I guess you can expect that after not playing for awhile.

    I also underestimated the U-18 team. They were fast, and great in the transition. Their problems occurred when they played puck chase because UND was much bigger and better in the control aspects. Overall I think this Development team has come along way since being schellacked by DU and CC. In my "professional" opinion they play with much more "gusto" than many DI teams.

  12. I remember my mom said she sat next to Hrkac in one of their classes back in 86. She said he wasn't the brightest bulb on the tree...but man could he fly on the ice. :)

    By the way, has anyone ever seen Derian Hatcher in an interview?? He opitimizes athletic meatheadness.

  13. Sioux fans under the age of 25 rush the field, rip down the goal posts, destroy the field and break the scoreboard. Sioux fans over the age of 25 all have heart attacks, brain aneurysms, strokes, etc.

    Awesome...simply awesome. You had me at Sioux Fans...

  14. The gophers are a good team. NOT a great team this season...not yet. Tradition is in their favor and possibly momentum now...at least after AA. They lost two big keys:



    Notice how their defense/goaltending flopped at the beginning of the year. I don't think anyone would doubt that these losses played a factor. However, with good coaching and a great nucleus of players they are finding their way back into the hunt.

    UND is a different story. Finally out of their rebuilding/young/inexperienced phase, it's now time for the...prove all the hype phase. Many are hinting at a late season slide like last year.

    Right now the Sioux are playing better than most/any team in DI. Wisconsin is raising eyebrows from their side, but going to denver and DOMINATING 14-4 is MAKING A STATEMENT...just as the headline at USCHO previously stated.

    If UND played UM right now we would most likely take both games, but it would be much closer...and come January...

    I'll be at Maricrotchi to cheer on a great series. Merry X-Mas Gophers... :)

  15. I have to say, for seeing football firsthand at UND that I am proud to have a team that is competitive in all that it does.

    I've followed Sioux hockey since I was a kid (it's all I talked about...even while going to MN schools where they brainwash you into Gopherdom...another thread...)

    Sioux football was pretty new to me when I came up here in 2001, and I was kind of disappointed that we can't enjoy a good outdoor game as in previous years. That year I attended all of the home football games at the Al, cheered with the Sioux Crew...and even worked the sidelines after giving VIP passes during the first quarter.

    I got my younger sister to come for the homecoming game because I thought it would be fun for her...little did I know it'd be our only loss of the season, a heartbreaker.

    On the subject, this team has something SPECIAL going. They must know that they are going to win ahead of time because even when they are getting beat around/surrendering leads they never give up hope, and have pulled off some thrillers.

    I love watching this team play for that reason; they are exciting.The nat'l championship game in 2001 almost slipped away from us, and was probably the best ending to a football game that I've ever seen.

    When I came here I thought a national championship in hockey would be the first thing I see, but I soon learned the thrill of Sioux football. Winning games the way they are takes heart, and determination. We'll see if UND can spring an early lead and test UNA's heart and determination...if so, let's hope they don't let it slip away. Either way I'm proud, and am looking forward to a great game!

    GO SIOUX!!

  16. We know the gophers will get it going again. It's inevitable based on the fact that they can go to Anchorage and take 4 points, and then Mozocco/Woog will praise them for being at their best.


    This year we may actually have a team which is put together better than this years Goofer team. We are playing well and scoring a ton of goals...all the while getting the goaltending that we lacked in the past few years.

    Nobody is doubting the Gophers' ability. They have a stacked team...it is strange that they took such a nosedive at the beginning of the year. I find it hard to believe that they will lose 3 or less games the rest of the year, and a team that loses 10 or more games winning a nat'l title is unlikely.

    It will be a tough road for them, but hey, they're playing well now...

    See you guys in Jan!!

  17. I think its best if people look at polls as opinions. Opinions are just that...and if taken too seriously can come back to haunt.

    Having said that, and knowing what UND has done the last few years, STILL many "opinion makers" are buying the Sioux this year.

    I know its early but I enjoy watching the team win, and the way they are doing it (balanced attack, scoring throughout the lines) tells me that they have come together much better than last year. They've taken some tough tests this year, and I hope they'll continue to get better and impress those pesky opinion makers.

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