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Posts posted by SiouxTupa

  1. Please. How many "corpies" are in the Great Grand Forks metro area? This is a bogus argument.

    They make the trips. Those season seats are held by big spenders (some to more than some are anyway) and people who share tickets and only get to the Forks on occasion. It is DEFINATELY more "trendy/spendy" than the old ralph.

    That said, it's a joint problem, so I can't believe I'm replying to this thread because it somehow followed the lines of so many before it since I started that RT letter thread. Actually there've been posts about this for so long now. Ridiculous. Makes my head hurt. :glare:

  2. I love it. I thought the exact same thing. In fact I wrote an OP/ED piece for the student which was in Fridays issue; similar feel to it. I think and feel exactly the same as her. I was pretty embarrassed for the team.

    I at very least hope people can find their voices when/if the sioux are skating around with the cup next sat.

  3. Well, I'm happy to say that I'll be there (Senser's), so I look forward to put one down for the green and white. I'll be sporting my stylish green road jersey, a new jersey mind you, as my roommate got bleach on my throwback :) (home, circa 1997). I was in the market for an upgrade anyway! ;)

  4. I wouldn't go that far! Smaby will be a stud eventually. It's harder for defensemen to come into their own when they go up a skill level. He'll be good eventually, the only reason you're saying he's a disappointment is because the only time you notice defense is when it makes a mistake. (unless you concentrate on just the defenders)

    I honestly think we have a great crop of rookies who will all be ROTY this year! Murry, JPar, Stafford are just slightly faster developers/bigger studs.

  5. Stupid as I am, I'm leaving for the cities Friday. Is there any way I could get it at a bar there? IE: Sensers? I really hope I don't have to drive to Dulut after driving all the way from Forks, but don't think for a minute that I won't pack it up and do it on Saturday just to watch it on tv! :love:

  6. I don't have tickets, but I want to be in Duluth to maybe watch the game. Where's the hot spot? What bars are showing it, and are going to have Sioux fans? It'd be pretty slick if I could get tickets, but since they're sold out I'm not going to hold my breath.

  7. If the Sioux and Dogs tie atop the league, and UND happens to take at least 1 point next wknd UND will win the league due to tiebreakers. UND has beaten (knock on wood) :lol: UMD twice this year league and three times total. Hopefully we can play them like we did in December. Kato is a good tuneup road series.

  8. Brandt starts Friday, unless JPar has a stellar week of practice. Blais said he will go with Brandt, when I asked him, but we'll see. However, just hearing this was encouraging.

    We interviewed him about the Parise brothers (overplayed...zzzz, not my decision) and when asked if they would name a goalie for the stretch run (no surprise here) he said they wanted to stay away from naming one guy because both are capable. He gave equal attention to both Brandt and Parise, so this was a great sign.

    On an unrelated side note worthy of its own thread: I watched as Pat Sweeny got drilled in the face with a puck during practice! :huh:

    So if you see a big shiner on his eye during the five o'clock news, now you know why.

    Poor Pat, take care buddy :lol:

  9. I have always thought that Brandt is the goalie of destiny for this dynasty. Hopefully he'll prove me right, and Blais especially for keeping him around while scrapping all the others over the last few years. He's got a great deal of confidence in Brandt and I think when it comes down to the NCAAs Brandt will step in and shine. He's come a long way, and all of CB's teachings will be put to use...just like in the Karate Kid! :lol:

    Seriously, he'll do it. I've said it all year. He's going to step in and take an 8th banner for the team. As long as we play well in front of him I think he will silence nonbelievers and brick wall-it-up. :huh: I'm waiting for it...you're waiting for it...Coach Blais is waiting for it...It's going to happen!

  10. Welcome to St. Ralph's Cathedral.

    Where we motivate our team to victory through moments of silence.

    Good game for the sioux though. Shut the door after the first and played very solid. The best part is the variety of player scoring. Good games across the board for players previously mentioned in this thread. JPar shut the door and hopefully got some confidence back. However, Brandt gets his back tomorrow?

  11. Actually I need to cancel my order of a hat.

    I won't be going, someone is taking my ticket for the night. Thanks for the offer though!

    It's great that you put so much effort into this! :D

  12. If you want another supporter I guess I'm in. 108 J 20 will be my location, unless I get press credentials. Let me know if you want me to wear one.

    I'll be sporting our newly instated cheers as well. At least some of them


    We're Sorry

    Whos he, Who cares! :D

    God I love hockey

  13. Yeah, I like the pylon!

    Put them together you get:

    For the goalie: We're Sorry!

    For the D-Men: One More Pylon.....

    For the Rest: Who's he? Who Cares!

    I was there in '01 when it was tried, but I say these cheers are better than the attempts then, and hopefully (in my mind) will make for a fun weekend on national tv! :)

  14. I love the "WE'RE SORRY" for the goalie and as long as it's not used by MN or another school I'll do it Fri and Sat with anyone else willing. I'm lower bowl 108 J I believe.

    Also, for the rest, Who's he and Who cares...BRILLIANT

    I'm up for both and a STRONG advocate. I'd much rather do these than the who's he, he sucks sh.. chant, AND I'M A STUDENT :lol:


    I love hockey!

  15. Naw all CC has is Sejna right!? :silly:

    Seriously, if we play our game we won't lose. Plain and simple.

    I was caught telling a buddy of mine that there are only two teams who could skate with the Sioux in the tourney: BC and Minnesota. No team in the east can hold a candle to BC (nor to the Sioux) Will we see both UM and BC in the NCAAs? Probably.

    The victory will be much, much greater if we overcome our biggest adversaries to claim it.

  16. For those of you who got it, you've seen this, but those who haven't should read it.

    I have been thinking of writing and expressing my feelings since I returned from Florence, Alabama, and the national championship football game. The comments from President Kupchella and his desire to improve conduct at UND athletic events make it imperative that I write these comments now. Let me start by saying I am so proud of the majority of our fans and students and truly enjoy the many compliments given the crowd support our teams are so fortunate to receive. We are all very lucky to have so many championship level teams to support and to have the chance to watch our great athletes perform. In many ways, others envy our teams

  17. Finally, a refreshing post. Thanks mikejm!

    I totally agree, I hate looking at the downsides, how can it possibly cheer things up. Seriously look at the positives, move on, and do better.

    Go SIOUX!

  18. You are an idiot!!!!!!!! Do you know James Massen??? I doubt it...other wise you would not be saying all this trash. There is no one who feels worse than he does right now. It is hard to get into any kind of rythm when you only play a game here and there. When you are on the ice you push so very hard to not make a mistake.

    I have played with and against James for many years and he is hurtin' right now and is trying everything in his power to turn this around. These players are givin' it their all and for you, a weak fan a best, to cut them down now is unaccecptable. If there is any dead weight around here it is you buddy.

    Thank you for that.

    I think we all need to heed this same advice. Look at the positives on the weekend/season. Be thankful you have a powerhouse team to watch and cheer on every year. Get behind them, cheer when they win, but don't criticize them when things don't go YOUR way. Instead, yell louder next weekend, pick them up.

    I for one am sick of all the negativity that I see/hear. Yeah, I'm frustrated/disappointed, but I'm not going to cut down the team that I'd watch play any time against any team win/lose/or draw. Just to see them play is a treat.

    I'm going to continue reading the boards because I love college hockey, but it just sucks hearing the sob stories and finger pointing thats going on.

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