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Posts posted by SiouxTupa

  1. They put the Money Line back together.

    Split them up, it helps, brings up the play of other lines. I disagree about starting Parise tonight, I see why they did it, but I like giving goalies another chance to prove themselves (ala Denver, last weekend). Having said that, I think Wisconsin played well enough to win, and eventhough we outplayed them, the pressure was squarely on us, and we didn't handle it well.

    Next weekend we need to rock the Ralph and pick up a fallen team.

  2. Nope...Sensers is open to the public, not just a bar, they have decent wings and the building is designed well. They get good crowds, I was surprised, but liked watching the Friday St. Cloud game there.

    By the way, I'm 20, so you're good to go. Even if I wasn't, I'm not sure if they could keep me out of there, as it was the only place broadcasting it. ;)

  3. FINALLY...we can call a spade a spade...or more fittingly a MONEY LINE a MONEY LINE.

    Actually I enjoyed the time they spent apart...I laughed :huh: ...I cried :lol: ...I made a skeptical face :glare:

    Alright maybe I went overboard, but what Blais says goes.

    In Blais we trust

    Go SIOUX!!

  4. I'd have to say that, without a doubt, going from an "0'fer" in league play, and winning only 1 measley game to near .500, and consistently gaining points is a ridiculously great improvement.

    Now granted, it's not hard to improve on a season where your only win came NC against an in-state rival and CHA powerhouse :silly: , but they're really turning heads in Alaska (hard to do given how cold it is).

    Cudos to the team and coaches for their season, they've done a great job. BUT, I've got one four letter word for our couch potato friend Chris! ;)

  5. Someone want to send me some info?

    I'm interested, don't know when it is, or what I'll be doing for Spring Break. I think it would be fun, though I maybe a bit younger than some (27 year old Canadien :silly: ). I'm not too bad though, play Intramural at UND (which doesn't say too much), but I am in shape so thats a plus.

    Let me know because I never turn down a game ;)

  6. Good game to watch except for the 5x3, which I didn't want for either team.

    Brandt played outstandingly well, and then got pancaked by Guyer, but hey, we scored on the PP so HAHAHA.

    Great game from our top guys (both teams' top guys had good games).

    Overall a fun game to watch...

  7. I like how (true story) all kids in MN are brought up to believe the Gophers are deity. All mites run the same breakouts and formations as Gopher teams, and the kids are basically brainwashed.

    That's why it's nice that when I LEFT MN like many a UND student to come to "the godforsaken state of ND" it was nice to take 8 or 9 MN born from my school with me! :D

    You said it yourself "most of UND's good players come from MN"...

    Well what does it tell you when players of that caliber leave your state, and your "team"??

    Go Sioux!!

    2 HRS TILL PUCK DROP (and change)

  8. Goon, you're now famous to Gopher fans everywhere!

    There are actually a LOT more Gopher fans than Sioux fans. Something about 48,000 vs 13,000. I like to think we make up for it in quality :p

    The size of the school does not represent fan base. Just think of how many alumni/young/never went to school Green and White blooded Americans who will be watching this game!

    Granted MN is a much bigger (both size and pop) state than ND. I wouldn't discredit us like that! Sioux fans have 3rice the spirit of Gopher fans :D

  9. That's another thing!!

    I can see where a native american person (in this case Sioux) could use a computer.

    But how on God's green Earth does a gopher learn to type...let alone read, understand...etc. :)

    In a real match I'd have to give the edge to the PERSON vs. the GOPHER. :(

    On a hockey rink I would pay 1 million dollars to see a pack/gaggle/herd/group of gophers skate around with little mini pucks...oh what fun that would be. ;)

    Seriously...GO SIOUX!!!

  10. That was a great summary, and I enjoy reading them, so thank you.

    I honestly would consider Jordan Parise for Friday, riding that 30-shot shutout effort against (yeah ok it was MTU) Tech. I agree with whatever CB decides though. He is the hockey mastermind, and I am just a peon. :(

    Hoping for a great series so no goaltending letdowns (yeah...for either side!) please.

  11. Can anyone clarify my reading that one of the recruits (Duncan, I'm almost sure of it) is 5'6"??

    Granted he's 17 years old, he'd be like our own Pittis...although some of UND's best players have been "midgets" :( Jeff P.!!

    Seemed kind of strange when it's been clear that Blais has focused on size recently stronger than in previous years. I hear he's a hell of a player, and one of the best on SSM this year.

  12. Respect to the Gophers and their crowd of supporters, in which I am not a part. Love to hear fans comments about the matchup and teams, and hope to see some GREAT HOCKEY. Hell, I'd be alright with both teams losing as long as the game was played fair and well.

    Refs or no refs, please, please no 5-3s this weekend...in either direction. I love hockey and when it is played to its potential there's nothing better in the world.

    GO SIOUX!!

  13. Here it is folks!

    I want to see the Gophers play TWO consecutive good games. Against a team like UND, which let's face it, there aren't many (any :( ) I believe the Gophers can't put together a solid effort two nights in a series. They haven't shown that they can do it yet, and this UND team will make it SO hard for them to do so. If they win on Friday night...to get Lucia his 400th...they will get worked Saturday for the much anticipated split.

    Prove me wrong?

  14. One thing to consider when looking at how Minnesota has faired since the first series with UND is the series at UW. While they only took one point, I believe they held a lead late in the Sat game they lost and the series was on the road. So while it is true that a few of their wins of late have been against lower tier WCHA teams, they were in the series at UW and they can't do anything about the schedule at this point. Either way, I expect a split and hope for more. :)

    Good call on the split.

    As for the UW series, maybe expected, but probably not because, lets face it Wisco isn't that good. They were horrible last year, and this year they're climbing...but they only took 1 from NOTRE DAME!? The goofs blew when they played Bucky, and I think that's why UW got the points they did.

    Wisconsin doesn't score a ton, has average/better than average goaltending, and a pretty fine/young defense. That translates to about a 4th place finish.

    So in saying that the UW series is a good indicator...I would just look past it because not only was it in that crumby stretch in the beginning, it was against a team that I believe the Gophers are/will be better than.

    The games against Michigan/Mich St./New Hampshire are better indicators. Talk about frustrating a Sioux fan to see the gophers play so well, but good for the WCHA. I guess most top 5 teams in the NCAA are going to have 10+ losses by the end of the year...well except for a few hopefully :(

  15. Ah, so the Wooger didn't kiss the Sioux's arse? As for there, "being others" I could probably find 10 complimentary remarks about opponents and cricisms toward the Gophers or calls they received for every 1 homer remark you think he's made.

    I guess it doesn't matter too much to me... It's just sad sometimes when they are broadcasting games that the Gophers are losing and make the game so much less fun to watch. They pretty much skim over everything in the game (bright spots) and focus in on what the Gophers have to do to right their ship.

  16. Woog is very quick to criticize the Gophers when they make an error, to compliment an opponent for doing something well, to criticize the officials when the Gophers got a gift call, and rarely (if ever) makes excuses for the Gophers.

    I don't know about that one. Every Gopher broadcast I've watched had those two basically celebrating their bias for that team. Plus, they have to be two of the biggest opponent of the sioux. Every "compliment" about UND is turned around the way you turn around a flaw to make it sound good.

    Case in point:

    (not a quote, rather an example) "Next week the Gopher hockey team hosts #1 ranked North Dakota in what should be a barn burner. Boy that UND team has really looked good." "Yeah, but they haven't played one of the harder schedules, and they've only played 6 road games!" "I guess their hardest days are ahead of them, you're right Doug." "Thanks for this stack of cash Coach Lucia." :)

    And there are many many others

  17. Despite all the talk about God, shutting Bochenski down is the key to having a chance to beat the Sioux.

    This statement was true of last year's team...but not this one for a few reasons.

    A: Colby Genoway

    B: Quinn Fylling

    C: Zach Brady Drew on FIRE :lol:

    C 1/2: Our new scoring threat Matt Greene :glare:

    D: Everyone else that has elevated their game this year.

    Shutting down BB would be a great step toward beating us, but I firmly believe that UND's depth is there this year and will be the deciding factor.

    Plus, altough the Goofs were decidedly crumby in the first half, the surprising key to the November series was the scoring by the defensemen. Lucia commented that he was not prepared for them scoring so often. That was a nice surprise and a testament to this team's will to win.

    Shut down one line and we send 3 more after you.

    What scares me on the gophers is the abscence of scoring from Guyer, Riddle (my favorite/least favorite Gopher), and there's one more guy there that should be producing a lot more. Maybe a game against a team that can skate forwards AND backwards will get those guys' energy level/production up.

    I hope CB is ready for the unexpected heroes from MN. Death to PB Vanek!! :)

  18. Speaking of UW again...

    They lose 3-1 against NOTRE DAME???

    There's definately some magic leaking out of Coach Eaves' lineup. Next year should be great, but for now...yikes

    1 point NC weekend really hurts, good for ND though (Notre Dame) :lol:

    Happy Gopher Week!!

  19. Hale in a fight...hmmm well sounds like he's bleeding a lot against Scott.


    Good to see him sticking up for his teammates against the biggest guy in college hockey.

    6'7" 255 is ridiculous

    I would rather have seen Prpich, but I think Prpich will play next wknd...Hale may not.

    Goofs scored 3-1

    1 min remaining in UND game 4-0

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