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Posts posted by SiouxTupa

  1. Why does everyone discount Radke? He is not a freshman. He may not have played in most of the games last year, but game experience isn't all that matters. He practiced all season with the team. He's familiar with our playing style, and coaching. He's also familiar with the speed of the college game.

    Expect to see him in a bigger role this year. Though he may not have shined last year, I believe he is more ready this year. You have to think the coaches, with the youth that's back there, are going to look to Radke to work hard and get more minutes this year. Realize that, though he may not have played in all the games, he's one of the more experienced d-men on the team.

    Good luck, Matt. I look forward to seeing you on TV.

  2. Sparky's goal was classic, and gives me goose bumps whenever I watch it. Too bad I was in New York and never saw it live. I make it up by watching it whenever I want to see some hockey.

    Actually I think that crop was fairly weak. I know there were better 1 on 1 moves than some of the lucky crap that went into that list. Afinogenov's crazy figure skating goal was absolutely amazing too. That he could keep control of that puck whilst pirouetting between the goalie and defense is crazy. I would have put that as number 2.

  3. Datsyuk's goal is head and shoulders above the rest. That was simply amazing. And I'm sure that goalie sees that same clip in his nightmares.

    I've never seen a goalie fooled more. :glare:

  4. As long as we're going into this tangent...

    IF this did happen, the author also mentioned a league-wide salary cap/luxury tax. The teams would be able to "bid" on the players they want, but each team would have the same shot. If you have the extra cap room, you probably need the player, and the team that didn't probably doesn't. It works out. AND IT'S FUN DAMNIT!!

    Sorry. :silly:

  5. I think it's a fun idea. Keep in mind that the writer is emphasizing this as a radical shake-up. I think it would bring a lot of interest and story lines. It's the kind of things kids did with their NHL '97s and still do with their XBOXs. They just have to make sure it's like a lottery, so old NHL crap teams don't get top pickins. But like the author says, you can't just take the best available.

    I understand that it would be outrageously hard to convince players/coaches/fans that this is a good idea. However, I'm thinking about entertainment, and getting the NHL going strong again. This is a very crazy idea, but I like it. It would bring back some old fans, but more importantly it would create a reason to watch and go to games. Just think:

    teammates as rivals

    rivals as teammates

    I think there's a big up-side...odds of it happening...not so good.

    Now I have to go back to winning the Stanley Cup with my Atlanta Thrashers. :silly: Thomas Pock is a HUGE stud in that game, got him amazingly cheap! :blush:

    BTW, hey everyone, hope your summers are going well. I just watched Sparky's SH goal in the Final Five and got chills. CAN'T WAIT!

  6. The UND Athletics website (fightingsioux.com) announces single game ticket sales ... last year tix went on sale in mid-September.  Its also possible to get tickets, especially for lesser draws like a Tech or Northeaster, if the student section doesn't sell out all their seats the leftovers go on sale Monday before the series.

    And if that doesn't work you can always hang out by the front door.  :D


    Students have until Wednesday, then the public gets their take. There are almost always extras in the student section, so that's a good idea.

    Also at www.theralph.com there is a ticket exchange where you might find lower bowl tickets. Often season ticket holders will put up tickets for games that they will not be able to attend.

  7. Thank you for acknowledging that post even though it was just one person's opinion. The information you post is usually very good and interesting. However, sometimes comments (like your fairly sarcastic rebuttle to 206Jockey) could be misconstrued as an attempt at discrediting the other person and their comments. I realize it is not intentional, and I have been in that situation where another person tries to pass marginal info as fact so I understand.

    In my opinion, when you have a topic that so many people are passionate about, and a person is sarcastic in their responses it is deconstructive and fuels a lot of fires (admittedly mine). I don't know who 206Jockey is, and I definately didn't know about the PM's you received. I tried to establish that I took it in poor taste, and truthfully I have no idea how 206Jockey reacted. Had I known it was fairly personal, I would have stayed out. Actually the funny thing is, although the post in question was pretty cynical in itself...had it not featured the eye-rolling smiley, I might have just brushed it off like the others. Haha, sorry.

    I guess it's the old "high road" for topics like this for me. This situation hits home pretty hard, but I try to stay away from swearing/standing discussions. They should be dead by now, the real issue is establishing a CONSISTENT system for didstributing student tickets, whatever it may be. After that I really like the idea of a "workshop" or "Sioux Sports Orientation" for the new season ticket holders. I agree though, aside from a few workable ideas I've seen on this board, the discussion gets really old.

  8. I didn't make that post to incite a debate about poster integrity. I was only commenting on what I've noticed. I'm not taking sides on the issue, mostly because I can't be unbiased, and 206Jockey's post was no different than many others in this thread.

    That post was directed at PCM, though nobody should be held at different standards, and was my opinion on what I've noticed.

  9. The Ralph has nothing to do with where people sit. It's a UND decision.

    I had no idea that students pay so much for hockey tickets. Boy, do I feel silly. ;)

    Let me preface this post with the fact that I bow to your knowledge of the sport of hockey and the University of North Dakota. I in no way mean this as an insult.

    I notice that you often make posts similar to this. I also understand that others do. However, for a well respected, and well educated, "sudo"-reporter I don't think comments like these are constructive. Your opinion on this matter is well known and, like most others, well appreciated. Something like this, however, is taken in slightly poor taste, and I'm not sure 206Jockey appreciates you belittling him.

    I agree with you on the fact that this argument has moved far past welcome. I only hope you understand where I come from on this situation.

    I'm sorry if my opinion is unpopular, but I thought it was necessary to mention.

  10. Can people stop quoting 12 different posts?! If you're going to quote please keep it to one or two...it's getting ridiculous having only like 5 posts per page because of all the quoting. PLUS, it sucks when I have to sift through it. Gosh you guys, can't you just always appease me! :silly:

  11. I actually agree with Sagard. For all the flak you take about your team, you're sure a great contributor to this board.

    I'm thinking, since seeing line combos gives me butterflies...

    Stafford-Zajac-Spirko You have to figure that'll come back

    Porter-Murray-Toews Why not try Murray (who has centered as a Sioux before) with Porter and Toews...size and speed.

    Prpich-Kaip-Fabian Add Miller for taste...and you have another Grind(er) Line

    Watkins-Duncan-Kozek I'm not sure on this one, but there's always a possibility of one of the Frosh sitting in favor of a Foyt or Marvin.

    As for Defense...

    Greene-Lee If Greene comes back I bet he gets the "Andy Schneider" roll of training in the new big gun.

    Smaby-Jones The new defense are new to me as well, as I've only seen Lee play. But Smaby is ready to take on a large roll as a rock on defense.

    Chorney-Radke The key, if not obvious already, is to watch out for all Freshman pairings...at least for the first month or so. I'm one of those guys who think Radke learned A LOT more than just what he saw in game experience.

    There is a good possibility that Hak will do what Blais did and combine the vets and give the freshmen a pairing of their own. However, for most of the season, I don't see that. I agree that Foyt and Marvin will most likely bounce between forward and D. We'll see how the freshmen fair, and then Hak will adjust accordingly.

  12. The player that got the penalty shot for UNH in the regionals made Mannino look like a chump. He used a backhand drag to get Mannino down then darted left to the forehand for an easy empty netter. It was a nice move...though with all the time in the world it's pretty tough to make a save.

    If the Sioux play like they did in the Final Five they should do well. All the signs in the world point to UND being due....however

    Driving down the road today I was thinking about how reliable my car stereo has been over the last 4 years that I've had it...

    Then I noticed the brand ;) ... PIONEER :ohmy::D;)

    uggghh. I think I'll cover it with hockey tape tomorrow for the game. :D:)

    AND THEN!!!

    I was driving near Crookston and I saw a sign that said: DEAD ND...

    so I hope omens aren't my thing. I love the Sioux, and hate those damn Pioneers.

    Lets DOMINATE tomorrow UND!!!!

  13. At this point, UND's injuries play a non-factor. They've played without people all year. Murray's been out all year, same with Kaip. The dinged players will heal, but when you're on a mission not even a broken arm would stop you. These guys are ready, and I don't think we're any worse off than MN in the injury dept...in fact, quite the contrary. The gophs can have their guys back, with the group of guys UND is fielding I'm pretty confident.

  14. I tend to agree with that...UND is scoring, UM isn't. The trends would say that UND will run away with this one. However, I don't think there's any way that will happen. I'm looking 4-1 5-2 area. I don't think Minny is going to have their horses ready...just like BC didn't.

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