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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. This drives me nuts! Neighbors in our section all scream SHOOT! I want to stand and yell no stupid...there is no lane to shoot down, or they are at the blue line! There is one couple who yell at the dump and chases because they don't at least shoot it at the goalie when entering the zone!! My god...learn the game!
  2. It would kill some on here if they found out Boeser came back mainly for the World Junior Tournament. No I'm not saying that's why....but what if?
  3. Wouldn't that be something around here?
  4. Just like scalpers, it should all be outlawed! Nothing worse than some degenerate selling a ticket 3 times face value because he was quicker with key board!
  5. That would make him the master! That would have to be considered the biggest mind f**k ever!
  6. What's wrong with that? I understand they aren't authentic jersey's, but you can't get authentic ones, unless you buy from someone who thinks it's a treasure! I have 2 authentic jersey's, and I wear them, also g with 4 replicas bought from the REA or Scheels.
  7. Show some pics, curious to see examples of what you guys are talking about.
  8. Hey, I think you might be on to something! DaveK is GFhockey, GFockey is DaveK! Finkel is Einhorn
  9. MM don't ruin this with statements that make sense!
  10. There is no ointment strong enough to get rid of this itch is there?
  11. I got to say this is the best response to a PATHETIC post I have read in a very long time! I think I heard two sounds after reading this one, the hit to Darrell and two, Darrell hitting the floor!
  12. I think I remember you posting on here when BB had a Hawks hat on in an interview and you had to clean your underwear! Yes, he has wore hawk gear.
  13. Oh boy, settle down there message board cop! He said he didn't want to hear it so the other guy told him to stop going to the games, you know why? Because he is going to hear it!
  14. You better not watch the post game interviews after the MSG game! You will be very disappointed...
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