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Everything posted by cowboys5xsbs

  2. They called Murray for a flag yay
  3. LMAO these refs are a joke
  4. Well at least our corners are showing a little competitiveness
  5. I would say play for the fg but we don't have a kicker so
  6. Yea defense sucked in every phase.
  7. That onside was a gift we only have to go 50 yards now
  8. I mean it matters in the fact that if we lose it the season is over
  9. How is the receiver wide open just WOW
  10. Ever since the Bison game it's been awful
  11. Way too loose on the coverage
  12. They are picking on one corner over and over
  13. I hope they run the ball more
  14. BRUH can the dbacks make a play on the ball
  15. Wasn't Bubba supposed to be a defensive coach
  16. Huge playcall and first down
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