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  1. whew didn't need that close of a game today...geez
  2. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. stuck in a hotel room with no radio....and the free wireless isnt picking up the game..this sucks...thanks for the updates wisioux and everyone else
  4. lets go siouxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. how much time left....wow the internet feed sucks today
  6. very good post....I love Sioux football and Hockey...I would Obviously want the Sioux to win any game they played.......Who cares who would win the game this year? They don't play each other.....Basically, anyone who has ever played a sport knows teams match up different versus different teams...so comparing a team to this team, that team etc etc Doesn't add up to anything......Regardless if NDSU is better (which overall I believe they probably are right now..with more schollies...etc ...) Comparing UND's win over SUU, Compared to NDSU vs SUU when they play will mean absolutely nothing......Everyone knows that UND vs NDSU never comes down to telent or records, rankings.etc...Its a rivalry game, and you never know really who is going to win the game.....I've seen the SIOux win it when NDSU was way better then them on paper...Ive seem NDSU win it when UND was way better on paper.......I think overall most UND fans and most NDSU fans (at least the fans that really know anything about football) have respect for both North Dakota teams and want the best for both of the teams this year........I'll never forget bringing 2 NDSu football players with me to UND to watch my little bros game, and watching them jumping up and down in the stands chearing for UND,....... Good luck to the Sioux the rest of the way! I'm hoping for another run this year, and I hope to watch NDSU whoop Minnesota...and in the future I hope to be attending a UND-NDSU game...In which I will be chearing for the Sioux to whoop NDSU!
  7. I think to be fair it should be known most NDSU FB Fans are not this idiotic! I have a brother that plays for the Sioux FB team. I live in Fargo and I have heard nothing but good things about the SIOUX FB team the last couple weeks, or for that matter the whole season! I don't think it is that hard to figure out why the Sioux will no longer be playing the Bison! I think everyone should just drop it and concentrate on what is next...Which is the Semi final game vs a very talented team~ The Alerus is going to need maximum fan support~ So all you BIson peeps jump in your car and come support NORTH DAKOTA~!~!~ It's not like there is anything better to do~Or I guess you could just sit at home and cry waiting for a Bison playoff game in about 7-8-years.............
  8. GO SIOUX! I'm thinking who really cares what the Fargo Forum media people think, because to be honest they don't know anything anyway! So who cares~! Both teams are having a great year. It should be a fun game to watch, regardless of who wins~!
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