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Posts posted by MoreSiouxForYou

  1. And sad!

    So does this include, Vikings, Irish, Warriors, Spartans, Trojans... There is a lot that fits under race, isn't there?

    This seems like one step closer to UND Green v. UMN Gold. Don't want to offend the little buck toothed fellas. DOn't they have it hard enough? We are taking their natural habitat in urban sprawl and jepordizing their exsistance. NDSU Yellow seems right too as we nearly killed off the Buffalo with our settling.

  2. Disagree. A good leader will push the envelope, within reason, until the proper authorities tell you you have pushed too far.

    Analogy: you know there is a governor on the truck but you don't know what the cut-off is, so you go as fast as you can until it cuts off. The within reason part comes into play when you're going 75 mph and no cut-off yet, you probably don't keep pushing to 90.

    Unfortunately, the governor (SBoHE) was completely broken in this case and Chapman pushed it too far. But to say it's 100% Chapman's fault for pushing at all? Bulllllsh*t. Everyone pushes the envelope.

    But the Speed limit(guidelines and procedures) were inplace and so there was no need to push the envelope. It was established.

  3. I had no intention leaving out other sports. You could say I left out, football, baseball, basketball, swimming, soccer, mens/women's golf, cross country... Wrestling, nascar, poker... Oh, wait a sec, what?! :D

    SF: that is a great video. If you are still still a student you should put that in your portfolio for sure. Well thought out, and great flow throughout.

    Q: what is the song in you used?

  4. So what do you guys think, will there be an Auction for the last set of Home White hockey jerseys with the Fighting Sioux name and logo next year and how much do you think they will go for??

    I would love more than anything to have a Game Worn, Home white jersey from the last season of the Fighting Sioux.

    But i dont want to hold out for them if they do not Auction them off and instead keep them for History or give them to the players or something.

    Hopefully they Raffle a few off. The big spenders will load up and the pee ons like me still get a shot. The silent Auction is right outside my seats at the Ralph and its frusturating when you see something youd like but the first bid was $1k. no one else bothers to bid after that.

    Can you imagine if the last home whites had a FF patch on them as well? or a NC season behind them? Those could fetch some $$$(I got goose bumps just typing that) :D

  5. This is not really an update, but when searching for a video of the Force goalie's scoring on youtube today. I stumbled across the Fargo Force's channel and they had a player spotlight of Dayn Belfour. I thought you guys might find it as funny as I did.

    Definitely Eddie's Kid

    In an interview he did on the Dan Hammer show, Dayn said he and his dad are often mistaken for Brothers.

  6. You are right? :D No public spin from Mr. O'Keefe there!

    Any university of the size of UND will and could absorb the hit of losing a $25K/tr donor...not to mention a lot of small donors!

    Agreed. $25k out of $2.4mm from 2009 numbers is not a large shot at all.

  7. Nobody was stopping Innovis from cutting a big check to renovate the BSA. If Sanford wants to step up to the plate they should get the deal. NDSU switched from the Forum to KGFO for business reasons, bash Taylor all you want but his job is to do what is best for NDSU and not the Forum or Innovis Health.

    You know for an Ag School, all the farmers I know value not only what you have done for me lately, but what have you done for me when I needed help in the past. NDagU is getting away from its roots.

  8. Bill Ayers Speaking Controversy at U Wyo

    A donor gives to a University because it believes that it's purpose is just and moral and benefits society. If a University hires or gives a platform for unrepentant terrorists, should not the alumni have a voice with their own money?

    Donors to a point are allowed to say it should go to athletics, or here is $X to go toward the new wing of a dormatory. That is typically how you get your name on a building. But to the point where this guy takes it no. You are supposed to give because you believe in what they are trying to accomplish.

    Think about donating money to a church. They may buy TP with that money, or they may comission a painting with it. You can donate that painting if that is your intent but, the church still needs TP.

  9. Really quick: My comment should not have been specifically at the US flag and I would not ever intend to tarnish it or anythings anyone has ever done for what it represents.

    That said, I don't know if I consider myself educated, I have a degree from an accredited University(BS if you want more detail). My intent was moreso to say that simple things can take greater meaning than their face value. I am not as well spoken as you, but that was all I was trying to say.

  10. You all are aware there is a petition being circulated at Spirit Lake to rescind the "approval" right? I understand there are several hundred signatures on the petition already. This is why the settlement with the NCAA called for a 30-year contract with the tribes.

    I believe the 30 year part came from the SBoHE last spring. NCAA only requires tribal approval but the SBoHE wants a 30 year contract so that we are not going to be dealing with this again for a long time. It is the largest hurdle because even if both tribes voted in favor of, Tribal politics may still make it impossible because of council changes.

    The reason for the three year term according to something I read when it was agreed on was that it was two election cycles at both tribes. The people of each reservation should be able to vote in the people who shared their point of views to the councils because the councils have to give consent. Just like how we don't actually elect our own presidents(electoral college) or actually make our own laws(congress), they were to select representatives of the majority opinion.

    Also, abstaining from a vote is a right. If I choose not to vote for president or a government official it is my right to say I don't feel a choice or candadite represents what I think. In that case, the majority chooses, but I made my stand. Wouldn't SR abstaining from a vote in this case represent their will to allow someone else to decide for them?

    I am proname but, that is the way I see that.

  11. Anyone who thinks UND sports is the name or logo is mistaken. It is a part of it, but the players, coaches and those relationships and the shared experience is what makes UND athletics including hockey tradition so strong. I would offer UND's resources of academic workshops, athletic coaches clinics etc. but I would not give one penny to anyone for the purpose of keeping the name.

    You are correct. The logo is no different, in idea, than say the US Flag. It in itself may not be that great but it is an image and a bonding idea that instills a sense of pride and ownership in that which it represents.

  12. It's an oversight issue. Rest assured, this type of thing won't be happening again any time soon. There will be oversight procedures a hundred pages long by the time they're through.

    Oversight= Convenient lapses in judgment. Also see actions of security gaurds in Best Buy Ring.

  13. Last season 08-09- there was a shot for 3 or 4 teams with a shot to finish in first place with 4 or 5 weeks left.

    09-10 there was a 6 team logjam for 2-7 spots.

    I think with the level of talent in the league you would have the same parity, but just up a level. The UND UW, DU, and other teams on certain years and then you have a second teir. It is the way it works right now but perhaps the top teams wouldn't be so beaten and tired after the regular season.


    Could it be that way already and we just don't want to see it? NAH!! :(

  14. Was at the Fargo Force game last night, game 3 of Western Finals. I was disapointed in the play of Colten St. Clair. Is he a verbal commit or did he sign a LOI?

    I am very impressed by Mankato's freshman class memebers for next year. Chase Grant is a machine. His Hat trick was impressive but his play off the puck was great. He never stopped trying to make a play. I hate saying it but for a brief second I was jealous of MSUM, then I remembered, ITS MANKATO!!

  15. So after a presidental election, people still Bi*** and complain and people reply, "you lost get over it."

    If the vote goes through and it is pro-nickname and it is retained by the University, will supporters get to say the same to evey protest to follow?

    That is the problem with fighting a minority of people(in opinion not race), they can still be upset and hold protests long after this would be settled against them. If it is retired, as a supporter I am told, "Tough s***, stop holding onto what is gone."

    Where do we get to draw that line? Just because the vote supports, doesn't mean a 30 year agreement would ever be binding, would it?

  16. Why would the Summit want UND? That article says that Centenary is leaving and USD is moving in to take the 10th spot.

    The WCHA wouldn't expand to 11 teams with just BSU according to McClown because it is a 6 year schedule instead of 3 or 4 years and it is very complicated.

    That was for one sport, why complicate all sports?

    Just a thought...

  17. Ain't going to be Norman. That deal fell through, and the owners of Big D's in Fargo are now the bidders. In case you're unfamiliar with Big D's(most of Fargo is from the state of their parking lot), they're a bar and grill that has live music in the evenings fairly often. It's near West Acres on 42nd Street, just south of BWW and across the street(and a bit north) from Granite City. The building started life as a Country Harvest Buffet before becoming a Mexican place. Big D's has also been in trouble from time to time because of their liquor license. They're required to have over 50% of their sales be food, and they've had problems keeping to that.

    Fargo investment company to buy Suite 49

    Yes but two for ones all the time and Triple up for a buck from 9-11, in a decent bar is a great thing. :glare:

  18. Leslie (and his brother) in some capacity was very involved in the Extreme Home Makeover house that was built in Minot a few years back.

    Also, his family owns the Ramada Plaza Suites, if no one knew that already.

    They were also involved in the All Star house.

    THey manage the group that owns the Ramada, they do have stake in it but there are others as well.

  19. What surprised me the most is that all of them little guys just skated by the Badgers like they were skating in slush, Oh that's right they were...

    The badgers weighed enough to actually sink into the bad ice. The little guys just floated on it.

  20. Yes, I hope he didn't turn in mid stream and say "Hey, I know you"!

    No, Thank god it was between the first and second so I was still speaking clearly. I didn't even see him until he was washing his hands next to me.

  21. Are there any former or current sioux that have brothers coming up that und is looking at?

    I met Ron Hextall in the mens room at a game last Nov. He said they were there watching Brett and his 16 year old son was touring/looking around. I don't know if it was for hockey or just to see what UND is about as a school. Maybe he wants to be a pilot.

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