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Posts posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. I talked to the medical staff while I was waiting to ride the zamboni and they said they thought Bina wasn't that bad off and would probably be okay.


    Before you post something you "heard while waiting to ride the zamboni", get your facts straight. Yeah, he might be okay, but his career in hockey might not be.

  2. 01grad

    talk about not getting what almost everyone was trying to say in their posts. They are not blaming the officiating on the loss, they and I are mad at Adam's lack of judgement to call a major penalty on a play that happened right in front of him. Now Bina's in the hospital, with an injury that is being reported as "serious".

    No one cares about the power play the sioux should have had, they care about the health of the players. You cannot make a hit like that on any level and it is the job of the officials that when a hit like that does occur, to throw that player out of the game and send the message that dangerous play like that will not be tolerated in hockey.

    Obviously they missed the call because a little over an hour later they suspend the player who made the hit.

  3. Just heard the announcers say, all the coaches, including Lucia, want to see this rule with MN playing the Friday night game changed. He said it is not only unfair to have a team play 3 games in 48 hours, but there is also more of a chance of not only injuries, but serious injuries, as we saw today with Bina.


    This is not new news, this has been talked about for a while and the announcers referred to the vote the coaches took regarding the rule, where all 10 voted against this rule, but the WCHA obviously overruled them.

  4. Nobody thought the Sioux had this much talent according to Woog.  No wonder why he no longer coaches.  He would never know what hit him.


    I'm so sick of him making references like that today, this team did finish 5th in the toughest league in the country, do we have to remind him of that.

    I'm also sick of hearing him call our offense "pathetic" , that is the 2nd time today he has done that

  5. Listening to the feed on the 2nd intermission, I heard TO say you could definitely tell that Hak, and the player were really upset not only about what happened to Bina, but that nothing except a minor penalty came out of it. I could see it as well from what little they showed of the sioux bench. I was just waiting to hear someone say it.



  6. if we already didn't realize Woog was an idiot, he really has shored that up today.

    Again, he just talked about how important this game is for North Dakota to win to insure them a place in the tourney.

    Does he not follow the PWR?

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