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Everything posted by Tuk
I think the logistics of a UND/NDSU membership into the Big Sky would be more complimentary for the BSC versus a SDSU/NDSU membership. I think the Big Sky is trying to see if UND will make the plunge with a little nudge from the Sky...I think in the eyes of the Big Sky the UND/NDSU matchup will do a lot more for the bottom line (money) due to their longstanding rivalry (which sells tickets during matchups). Of course, this is only my view to counter the "Big Sky begging UND for applying for membership"
I thought a long time ago that UND people were done talking about NDSU? Doesn't the constant trashing of NDSU get old for anyone? Is there nothing else to chat about? Also, why don't most of those who give their opinion, misguided or not on both sides of the issue, just lay it out and leave it at that? If you want NDSU to fail, then just state that and get on with life.....or if you want UND to become the D1 wannabe's, then say it and quit pulling old news into the forum. I think I may be preaching in an empty church tho, so.....whatever. I am going back to Bisonville.com and leave you all to your thoughts. Just some ideas to ponder .
I am still surprised at the amount of NDSU smack being tossed around on SiouxSports.com. I guess I don't watch this board as much as I had in the past due to the loss of the rivalry but I was bored today so I logged in and saw anit-NDSU this and thats all over the place. I thought our marriage of hatred was over?? I know a few of you will tell me its because of the trouble-making Bison fans coming on to poke around and cause some trouble, but I still read a lot of posts from UND fans saying the same thing over and over with little responses from Bison fans. Thats all, just wondering if this may ever end...
Oh heck! I posted again! Seriously, this is the last time for today. Sorry to offend you guys on SiouxSports.com with my "mindless Bison intelligence" or whatever you guys label me as.
Does anyone have a transcript or link to Hallstrom's opinion broadcast? I am too late to access it online without paying money, and the heating bill is huge this month (ie-I am cheap).
Oops, I guess I posted. I will try to stop myself next time. Just disregard the above entry.
Ironically, we say the same thing on Bisonville.com. I guess its just perspective. It would be great if we parted ways, but I doubt the passion everyone has for or against these 2 schools will ever thaw. Good luck in your endeavor though!
This has been a very upsetting event that affects everyone across the state. Although I did not know these 2 fine individuals, I am nonetheless saddened at the loss of their lives. I wrote a little bit on the Bisonville site about my feelings, and wish to repeat it here for all who knew these men and any others who have fallen in the line of fire or, like myself, know people who are stationed over in Iraq. I have the greatest respect for the people in the American armed services, and in my opinion they all are heroes for what they sacrifice for our way of life. God bless those guys and their families. Being a soldier is never a job that brings prosperity, glamour, and security, but instead is a service of a higher stature. Their sacrificies were for our freedom and security to be maintained, and regardless of one's view upon the war in Iraq these two are heroes and saviors of the sword. They are now in a higher place where war, suffering, and violence will no longer affect them, and in this I take comfort while remembering their loss. God bless Keith Smette and Kenneth Hendrickson, and those who they left behind.
Just wanted to drop a line to wish everyone on the SiouxSports.com Messageboard a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I hope everything goes well for UND in the future and look forward to future "discussions" on this board and Bisonville.com for those who like to mix it up with the Bison fans. I know some of you have engauged in some heated discussions with myself and other Bison fans and I must say I look forward to debating future topics as they come about. In any case, have a great and safe holiday season!
PCM--you about as classy as prefab concrete yourself. Sorry if you had to jump down my throat because I congrad-ed your team. Also, I guess I have to be a UND fan in order to wish congrads to the team....silly me! You are the kind of person that gives UND a bad name, I hope you are ok with that.
I just wanted to say that congrads on the season and I hope your future continues to be fruitful. I think UND's team this year pulled together when it counted, and thus made them a true football TEAM. Congrads again and continued success in rep-ing the NCC in DII....
Congrads on the big win UND fans. As a NDSU fan, I was pulling for UNA but once again the Sioux pulled off the W. I just hope this rematch for the championship goes opposite of your other championship game 2 years ago....(sorry, but I got to root for Grand Valley. Hopefully you understand.). Anyhow, good job and break a leg next week....
I obviously won't move the minds on this board with my position no matter how well I think I describe it, so I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on who is to blame for this mess. You think UND is pure, in the good, and has done nothing wrong, where I think there are mistakes on both sides. Thats alright. I guess I am tired of the debate over the game. I would like to see a resolution to this problem in the near future, and would like to see the game go onward or ended all together. I still support NDSU's move to DIAA and am fine with UND's position of staying in DII. I guess everyone can't agree on everything. I think it is a shame that one of the longest running rivalries in the nation will probably be ended, but I guess everything has to come to an end sometime. It was fun UND! Good luck on the future in DII.
So...apparently you guys all think I am some NDSU spinster who is trying to blame UND for the end of the rivalry? Well, I am sorry to say that this is something I truly believe. I am not placing belame on UND for starting the ball rolling, BUT I do believe that UND was not outright and upfront on its position concerning the implications of the move upon the rivalry. Roger Thomas still does not draw the line in the sand and answer the question everyone wants answered. Does that mean NDSU thought of the consequences of their decision? No, and such makes the CURRENT situation a product of both institutions and their inability to compromise or decide on a solution. I think it is unfair to place the whole of the blame upon NDSU. To say it is all NDSU's fault is a product of the spin UND has placed upon the situation, and visa versa with regards to NDSU supporters. I am not saying its all UND's fault because Roger won't sign the contract, but the hesitation of the current decison to continue and the lack of immediate refusal to play the rivalry due to NDSU's DIAA move I believe contributes to the current situation. Only when both sides come together and talk this through to agreement will this be resolved. I am afraid this has turned into a political situation, and just like Dems vs. GOP'ers both sides are blaming each other for the problems instead of solving it, and as such are both responsible for nothing getting resolved. Hopefully Roger and Gene put their mutually stubborn heads together and come to a bilateral decision on the future of the rivalry. If not, then Roger needs to say, "No, we choose not to play anymore for these reasons...." and allow both sides to move onward (although for him this is a 'rock and a hard place' situation). I hope this does not end the rivalry, but I think this needs to be resolved quickly. I am tired of the finger pointing. I am not sure who you talked to Airmail, but everyone I know is for it. I guess only time and the almighty dollar will tell where this ends up.
Again, it is both sides that have created this situation. No one wants to be the one to belame for the end of the rivalry, and as such I think they should mutually agree to put the rivalry on hold until a compromise can be worked out or a final bipartisan decision can be released stating the rivalry is ended. What this boils down into is politics and credibility. UND doesn't want to sign for their reasons, but Roger continues to withhold a decison of YES/NO for next year. NDSU moved up, and as such theoretically gives them an advantage in about 3 to 4 years. I think if UND's decision was known earlier a compromise or a more calmer dialogue could have developed on how to address this problem. Now however, the AD's and whole universities for that matter are pointing the finger at each other. Thus, this situation has rolled into a big quagmire of crap. Hopefully this can be resolved somehow.
Congrads to the Sioux, you guys played a dang good game today and stopped us when it counted. Hopefully, we will meet again and maybe the Bison can pull their head out of their posteriors during the game. Lets hope the rivalry doesn't end, but if it does enjoy the nickel and congrads again. (sniff)
All right, I lied. I am posting another reply.... After todays dismal performance by the Bison, I think we may need a stacked deck to beat UND. That being said, I don't think the rivalry should be dropped right away. Next year I doubt we will be any better than any other DII team, and I truly believe UND can beat us if they play like they did today. DaveK, I am glad to clear up our apparent misunderstanding of points. I don't believe that NDSU is running away from DII to DIAA so they can beat UND. I think it is a combination of things after last years crap season, and they wanted to move up with a new focus and with a fresh page. If UND fans really think UND is the reason NDSU is moving up then they are greatly mistaken. I think the growing confusion of DII football, the aged debate about DIAA move, and the dismail 2002 season was the reason why we moved up. UND can think what they want, but NDSU is not running away. We are just starting new on another level, and hopefully we can unscrew ourselves. DaveK, lets just agree to disagree.
DaveK, do you not understand what I was trying to say earlier? Is this too hard for you to comprehend? Is your blinding loyalty to hockey that great? I mean, are you for real or are you pulling my leg? I will say this one more time and one time only: NDSU does not care about hockey as much as you would wish it does. HOCKEY IS NOT THE ONLY SPORT IN THE WORLD! Get over that idea. Just because we didn't go to hockey as a sport doesn't mean we are heartbroken over it. To think that would be redicuous! Get over the idea of NDSU not having hockey. WE DON'T CARE THAT MUCH ABOUT HOCKEY! WE LIKE FOOTBALL AT NDSU, EVEN IF WE DON'T DO WELL AT IT SOME YEARS! Do you need a hammer to pound this idea into your skull? Furthermore, congradulations on telling me the obvious. I realize my team hasn't been the major winner of this game the last 10 years. This is good for you and bad for me. NDSU had some bad times in the last years, but I am confident they will pull through in DIAA. I am done tho. You just don't seem to get my argument. This is a stupid conversation and I for one am done with this thread due to its complete lack of logic. Again, DaveK, you show me aspects of UND which make me loathe some of those who go there (not to mean I hate ALL UND students and alum, just many I have met there). In my opinion, you are a prime example of why I left that school and attended NDSU. Thank you DaveK for being the all-knowing moron on this board and I know you will make some stupid last word so in advance: If there was such a thing for euthinasia for stupid people, you would definitely be dead by now. I HATE YOU! This thread is DONE. This stupid argument is DONE.
Well, again I guess I am wrong for saying the truth. You OBVIOUSLY know everything about Fargo and where football stands with the citizens of Fargo. I guess all the parents and fans cheering for the West Fargo Packers are there just to exercise their vocal cords. I guess the whole notion of NDSU being a football school is a farce also, since YOU obviously know more than everyone on this board the impact of football upon Fargo and NDSU. I hope your pig-headedness and lack of logical reasoning for my argument works well for you, DaveK. If you read more into my arguement, I stated that NDSU prioritizes football above all its other sports, as does UND with hockey. I didn't state that NDSU has dominated the last decade in football, nor did I state that UND has spent most of its resources upon hockey and as such is why they want to remain in DII. I am just stating that NDSU wants to improve its athletics to a DIAA level and UND wishes to remain at DII with DI hockey as its premier sport. Thats all. Nothing more or less. Again, what UND is doing is fine with me, albeit disappointing. I don't care either way. If they want to remain in DII, its their decision. I however support NDSU's move and think that only the future will tell if this is successful or not. But remember DaveK, I don't care. UND's conservative stance is your field, and NDSU's move is my field. I know tho I am talking to a brick wall of reasoning and judgement and as such am wasting my time typing this out. I just hope others are understanding of my argument and agree that NDSU and UND should just keep out of each others business after the decisions are made. But as Barney the dinosaur's evil twin Burt says: "...and remember, I hate you."
Well DaveK, you are entitled to your opinion on the why, but nevertheless NDSU is moving up and UND is not. Hockey is something that has interested NDSU and Fargo for some time, but I think the push for hockey isn't big here due to the fact that NDSU is a football school and rates everything else behind that. Most hockey fans I assume go to UND because of the hockey program. As for Fargo, a good minority of people here are UND alum or have some ties to UND, and don't want a hockey program at NDSU because of the impact that may have on recruiting for UND. I like hockey but I will gladly watch the Gophers play on TV instead of pushing for hockey at NDSU. I like football much more, and will support that portion of our athletics feverishly. You apparently think hockey is the ONLY sport that matters in the world and because NDSU didn't land that sport they are compensating for it like someone with an inadequacy issue. Thats fine, you can think that way. I personally don't view the world through such filtered ideals and realize every school has their love. UND=>hockey NDSU=>football SDSU=>basketball Just because NDSU doesn't have hockey doesn't mean the athletic dept was thinking of ways to get back at UND and thought of this. Sorry my closed minded friend, this is just another move. Hockey didn't work out, so they moved on. Simple as that. No compensation, just hopeful thinking and wanting to grow in this world. Again tho, why should you care? You go to UND and have hockey. Good luck, and hopefully we never meet (I don't like you already).
I recall back in 99/2000?? when I attended UND (before moving to Fargo and attending NDSU) and they played BC in the NCAA D1 hockey championship during which the commentator frequently screwed up where UND was from and in fact once mistook the school for USD. Sure was great to be so noticed that year (a sarcastic comment if you don't follow my intention). Personally, I think we should drop the whole controversy surrounding the DIAA vs DII and move on. Its obvious UND doesn't want to move upward in their athletics and is content to hold on to their DI hockey program (after all, UND is a hockey school just like Mankato) and remain in DII in everything else. Thats fine, I have no problem in that. It is their decision and although disappointing should be no concern of NDSU. NDSU on the other hand wants to expand their programs and attempt DI level status in athletics. Again, its NDSU's decision and should be of no concern to UND. NDSU feels adventurous, while UND maintains their conservative status. Thats fine. I as a NDSU fan feel excited for the transition and will contribute to the change as much as I can. NDSU may fail (I personally don't think so but it could happen) but then again UND may wish they made the change by noticing the growth of NDSU and the influence athletics have had upon that growth. In the end, its a matter of free will and personal decisions. What I am saying is this: NDSU and UND have a mutual interest in getting into the others business. The poo floats both ways on I-29 and we hate the other for it. It has been that way for 100+ years and it will continue until the bond of rivalry is broken, and probably still won't quit. So what can we do? Here is a thought: Lets not care! UND fans: Who cares if NDSU goes DIAA and is #7 nationally in football?! NDSU fans: Who cares if UND is #4 in college hockey and wants to stay in DII football?! I personally think this bickering is meaningless. I tell my UND friends they shouldn't concern themselves with the move of NDSU, and I won't concern myself with their lack of judgement in supporting a collegiate athletic program that doesn't want to progress to better things (and their choice to live in a depressing town 75 miles north of Fargo). When it comes to that point in the future where one or the other realizes their mistake , thats will be reward enough to the other. Its too bad the rivalry will quit because UND doesn't want to play, but I understand it if they think it is not in their best interest. The other powerhouses of the NCC (Mankato, USD, Augustana) will have to step up to fill the Alerus full of fans. Maybe the NSIC can help out too with the playoff system to help UND through the jungle of criteria to make it past the regular season. In the end tho, both of these schools have North Dakota in their name and as such are no Nebraska or Boston College when it comes to college athletics and name recognition. Don't fool yourselves. In conclusion----UND: good luck in the future of DII and puck shooting. You still show me aspects of everything I hate in the world and always will be that way, but hey.....WHO CARES!!
Sorry man, but I was just trying to get some cheap jab lines in....figured it was about time to start the ball rolling for October......