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  1. Exactly, its like I said before fourwinds boy, The nickname doesn't promote racism, it exposes those that are racist! I have friends that are Native Americans, some opposed to the name others not, but the fact is, I know people have said terrible things to Natives and what not, but that is not because of the Nickname or the majority of the students that attend, its probably a fraction like 2 or 3 people in a group of 10 that make all that noise, and they still will after the name is gone!
  2. Thanks!
  3. OK so why does NDSU only play football in Missouri Valley Conference? Why be in the MVC and Summit? Doesn't make sense! Help me out here!
  4. I know that the Summit is not a great conference, and that football is non-existent, however if they are going after staple schools that have legitimate football programs, the Summit looks like it could turn into the NCC. And with our geographical locations we would be able to pick up non-conference games in the Big Sky, MVAC, Big 10, Big 12. And something to this effect was said before, that either you earn your way in to a good conference or you build one. Why not build the Summit, and make it a premier conference! UND and NDSU those two football programs alone would make the Summit be recognized, that is after we get off of our 5 year probation period, but in 5 years you could turn a weak conference into a force by adding the right schools. UND, NDSU, SDSU, USD, and now talks of Omaha wanting to jump that is 5 programs right there! Build it and they will come!
  5. Wow I think I have to agree with FargoBison on this one. What does the BigSky have that we want. It's an established conference yeah but where are our rivalries, and the costs would be much greater. As for the Big 10 that would be AWESOME but what are they going to do expand the Alerus or rebuild Memorial Stadium to hold 30,000 people. I don't know what the minimum facility requirements are for football but I don't think we are there. The Summit even if it is not as revered as other conferences is still a conference with NDSU. I want that rivalry back on every front. And who knows maybe with the schools that we are talking about they would add football to the conference. Again I don't know the logistics but it would make sense.
  6. So Fourwinds boy, I am being serious as my position has always been to let the Sioux tribes vote and be the deciding factor if UND keeps the Sioux name or not. So is it right that one tribe is not being allowed to vote, is that right? Why won't they allow their people to vote? To be honest it reminds a little bit of communism. Here is my reasoning to support the name 1. It represents strength, honor, poise, confidence and intelligence 2. It represents a school of higher learning 3. It does not promote racism, rather it exposes it. Now there are people that are racist and that will always be there, on every side of the line there are racists but to say that a name is used to bring down a group of people at a University is in my opinion false. I also believe that people that say that if the name goes so should the Native American programs should get their head checked themselves. What good does that do? None. As a culture a melting pot culture of America, we have honored other great cultures from the Spartans, Trojans, Patriots, Vikings, Irish some because they struggled but were resilient and fought to overcome the obstacles put before them to succeed, others because they were the standard of the time of being the superior force that ruled the land. But that is neither here nor there as it is not my place to say whether we should be allowed to keep the Sioux name, that right belongs to the Sioux people, not a council not what is thought of as a minority of a minority but rather what the collective soul of the tribe, the Sioux tribe, no matter the outcome that is who it belongs to.
  7. Here is some info for you. An old friend who is a Native American and opposed to the nickname facebooked me the other day. I responded to his friend request and there is a group (not surprisingly) against the nickname that he joined so it popped up on my FB page. I checked it out, one guy on there wrote on the wall how "embarrassed he was over the vote and that they are going to re organize and re vote! The fight is far from over!!!" It is really upsetting, because these few criticize their own people for supporting it, and will stop at nothing to get the outcome that they desire. Here is the link to the group it is called Petition to get rid of the Fighting Sioux name. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=140...4824&ref=mf
  8. I know there has been talk of splitting the WCHA into two divisions, and what not, but, and I hate to say this as it is cold, but what about cutting Alaska, or Michigan Tech? I would think Mich Tech would have a better shot at getting into another conference due to logistics of travel, and on the flip side Alaska! the costs must be staggering! But that is my un-educated opinion, as I haven't thought too much on this issue, but I would hate to lose more rival games! And Bemidji I think would develop into a rivalry due to the proximity to UND! Or, just add Bemidji and float the schedule like they have been doing, maybe they could cut out one non-conference series. IDK any thoughts?
  9. All I know is that MPLSBISON is just trying to stir the pot. You have stated your opinion and position on the Sioux name, so be done with it, we know your stance as you pray to the all mighty Summit gods! Yes, getting into the Summit would be nice, it is a good conference, but there are other conferences that UND could join! Or hell maybe the NCC will be resurrected with USD, SDSU, Neb-O (when they come calling) yes Bison fans even NDSU! Why not there are other schools that are making or wanting to make the jump so it makes sense and if we only have 6 or 8 schools so what, we can play a tough non-conference schedule with the Big Sky, Summit, MAC, Big-10, Big-12. Maybe I am dreamin' but last time I heard there was no one saying that we had to jump into the Summit. So MPLSBISON why don't you go back to the Farm and chat up with your own kind! Let UND, the alum, fans and the Sioux Tribes determine what is best for us, and stop trying to stir the pot! Thank you and have a nice day!
  10. I agree, MplsBison sure does have a lot to say on this matter. I have said all along that they should let the Sioux tribes vote and no matter how close rule in favor of the vote. The thing is, and I am not sure which Sioux tribe it is but they blessed the University when we wanted to implement the Fighting Sioux Nickname! Now history is repeating itself with a 2/3 vote in favor of keeping the nickname! I am not sure how it would turn out with the other tribe, but I would guess that it would probably pan out similar to the vote that was held today. I think it is time that the opponents of the Nickname step up and say the people have spoken and they favor the nickname and be done with it, PERIOD. And for supporters to stand up respectfully for the nickname and not let any ignorant punk to make any slurs towards Natives. (Remember the T-shirts that with a Bison and a Sioux) That $@*! needs to stop. We need to move forward and keep the moral high ground, which I think many have in the past, like 95+%!!! In regards to the Big 10 and whomever else won't schedule a game, because of our nickname, well I can assure you the Fans at UND won't be the ones making slurs towards the Fighting Sioux nickname, maybe it's time they educate their students, fans and alum on what is appropriate and what isn't. Go Sioux!
  11. I know what you mean but that could be easily changed to make the U stand out by making the U Black
  12. I agree it looks AWESOME on the N!!!!
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