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Everything posted by runaroundsioux

  1. Where's Bergers prediction? That's the one that counts.
  2. Boston guys in Philly last year told us you DO NOT want to drive in Boston. One wrong turn and they'll never find you.
  3. Better? Thanks for all the good advice so far.
  4. This could be the Penrose Cup championship.
  5. Hey,we potted an ENG! First of the year. Got that monkey off our back.
  6. Disclaimer: This can not, by any means, be construed as a jinx, as we are going to Boston for the F4 whether the boys make it or not. Wondering where to stay. Walking distance. Never been there. Anyone who has or is, advice appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Gas could be free and someone would complain. Well they wash your windshield in Fargo! We're getting screwed in Grand Forks!
  8. Berger calls sweep, Tigers will weep.
  9. Yes,but not in Burke co.
  10. Again,check your sources. http://www.bigpictureagriculture.com/about.
  11. Well let's see. I live in Burke County. Have for 52 years. The only place there could be 5000 acres of "contiguos native prairie" would be Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge. A federal refuge, not privately owned. Native prairie means never been under the plow. As for the several thousand acres owned by ranchers, that would be in the Coteau Hills. That would be currently grazed in pasture. Some pretty rugged land,thus the "hills" part. Haven't seen a lot of corn up there lately. Earl Butz was sec. of ag. in the 70s not 50s. Pesky facts.
  12. No, that was after the UND game. Morons thought they'd won the championship on Thu. night.
  13. Do you actually believe there were large tracts of privately owned land in this country that were grassland and not in agricultural production(crop or livestock) or CRP? If there is it's because it's too poor to grow anything on, especially corn. The CRP that did come out was mainly because the USDA stopped renewing large tracts. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.
  14. Please tell us where these large tracts of grasslands are that were lost to produce "roundup ready crops" for"subsized ethanol production". Corn is currently at $2.79 a bushel at our local elevator. Hell of a subsidy.
  15. I was in Philly, i doubt there was more Gopher fans than Sioux. Alot of Gopher fans showed up Saturday, AFTER they made the championship game. I would also say the majority of Sioux fans there were not from Grand Forks. We come from everywhere.
  16. Can someone please tell me why the Pittsburgh Penguins are wearing the Boston Bruins uniforms? Thank you. Signed, Confused
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