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Everything posted by runaroundsioux

  1. Those clowns couldn't find their a## with both hands, let alone call a college hockey game.
  2. Shouldn'thave been in this situation. This one's on Zane.
  3. If you had ham, you could make a ham and cheese sandwich, if you had cheese.
  4. FSN, FCSP. The ice looks like pond hockey in May.
  5. Maybe they feel safer at a women's game. Not as many hostiles (fans).
  6. I think the Red,White and Blue of the NATIONAL Collegiate Hockey Conference logo has something to do with something. Can't quite put my finger on it, but I think it's something bigger than school colors.
  7. I I believe he's looking for this. These are known as the diagonals. Ebay is your friend.
  8. They actually took the names off when we were in the WCHA. Can't remember what year but they used to be there. Anonymity is the reason. We still know #3,#4,and #33.
  9. Nah, I think the Frozen Faceoff needs to stay in Mpls/STP. Target Center isn't that bad. I think we'll see a lot of improvements this year. You would see a lot less Sioux fans in Chicago. Illinois has no Div. 1 team.
  10. Agree with all the above, except the United Center deal. Are you talking about the NCHC at United or B1G. Too far to drive for NCHC.
  11. Not hard to be lethal when OSU's PK consists of 4 red traffic cones. It's hilarious to listen to these announcers pump the BIGMistakes tires. And the OSU hockey team has nice football helmets.
  12. Was in a suite last year,didn't notice it unusually cold. Usually warmer in the upper than lower bowl in an hockey arena. Heat rises.
  13. It's not the X. It's a basketball arena. But it doesn't suck.
  14. If you go on the NCHC website they have a special Frozen Faceoff rate for hotels nearby. We are staying at Mpls. Marriot City Center, $129/night. Connected to Target Center by skywalk. We stayed there last year,where the team stayed,loaded with Sioux fans. $129 is cheaper than a hotel in Grand Forks on a hockey weekend. Parked our car on Thu.,didnt see it again til Sun. Can walk everywhere.
  15. Because it's not a delay of game. It happens when there's a break in the game due to a goal being scored. No one touches the fish but the guy on the go cart- zamboni thing. He's on and off before the UNO players are done celebrating. Lighten up Francis.
  16. Were you still at DJ's when they turned the lights out on us?
  17. Next year UNO will be in their new barn which will only seat 7500. Probably won't be able to get enough tickets for the usual horde of Sioux fans. There is talk of them using Century Link when we come to town. Will have to wait and see. This was our second Omaha road trip. Great time again.
  18. The fish goes on the ice after UNO scores when play is stopped. The guy on the go cart comes out and scoops it up with a dip net ,and is gone before the the players are done high fiving the bench. No delay, no big deal. He pops some awesome wheelies on that thing too.No more delay than the fireworks at the Ralph scaring the hell out of unsuspecting visiting players.
  19. Would guess 2000? Hard to tell, scattered all over arena.
  20. Their flight couldn't get out till 4.They didn't come back to the hotel. Another chapter in Omaha travel problems history.
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