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Posts posted by ringneck28

  1. Perposturous statement of the day heard on KFAN this week by one Paul Allen.

    The Gophers will go into Grand Forks and win the series. They will then win 3 games in the Final Five to make the tourney.

    I love listening to PA, but I think he has been drinking to much of the maroon and gold koolaid. :)

  2. Does anyone think it will make a difference? I don't think MSU-M can beat SCSU with or without Marvin. I also don't think Marvin is that good that he

    would make that big of a difference or a game breaker either way. Even before the Genoway hit I wasn't ever impressed with the kid. I don't know. It would be nice to move up in the standings but now we are counting on other teams to do the Sioux's dirty work. I would love to see the Huskies loose three games in a row because I think it would be poetic justice. I will bounce it off you guys.

    K, I guess I am obligated to reply to this. Anytime you take a guy off your team who is drafted by the NHL it is going to make a difference. He was fourth on the team last year in points, so he does have some talent. Plus now you are going to affect the team not only in the regular season, but in the playoffs both by thier lines and thier mental state of mind. If you remember, it wasn't until after marvin was off the ice that we really started to get it rolling in St. Cloud. I am also just going for the sweet justice angle too. This is so going to be poetic justice if we can just take care of our business it is going to all work out. I just have a sneaky suspicion.

  3. This suspension could be just desserts for the Sioux. I could see mankato taking 2 games this weekend, with marvin and this whole distraction. If there is a such thing as the hockey gods, they may have just smiled on UND. Finally McClown got it right and the Sioux are looking like a different team since they got the St. Cloud games out of thier system. Now lets go get a couple wins this weekend. SIOUX YEAH YEAH

  4. I used to live in Roseville and would go to both sensors to watch games. Just a hint for you, if it is college football season do not go to the Bloomington location if the Nrebraska Cornhuskers are playing, that is an official Fan Club sight. You will not get the game on. As far as attending games, I too bought tickets off the street with little problem. You are about an hour and a half max drive from both Mankato, St Cloud and it isn't much further to Duluth. I have gone to games at all 3. Good luck to you. SIOUX YEAH YEAH

  5. I asked Kelly point blank about the nickname and stammered like he was doing a Nancy Pelosi impersnation. I told him that a lot of people love that name and that a few people shouldn't push their political agenda on us. He kept referring to Mr. Horse is Thunder has having a valid point and that all sides should be respected. I told him that Horse is Thunder won't even go and look at the Ralph. He calls it names and yet we still treat him like royalty when he visits here. He stammered some more and then admitted he didn't know anything about hockey and that he used to go to school or teach or some crap in Berkely. Right then and there I thought this guy doesn't like the name. He'll get a big ol' atta boy from his liberal friends. Mark my words, we will see a present, donation, or something from Horse is Thunder soon. Let's all be friends now. As long as you do what we want, we'll be friends with you.

    Some people on here are saying they want to fight back. Man it's frustrating because board is so protected. My advice is to never buy the Herald again (they are a party to this), never vote for Pomeroy, Hoeven, Dorgan, or Conrad again, boo the heck out of Kelly everytime he is on camera, avoid the race baiting crap they're doing to distract us and "prove their point", and keep the faith. Most of the people on here are true fans and might I add, patriots. You have backbone. Let's adopt the scorched Earth policy and fight wherever we can.

    One way you can fight is to not support anything that the Standing Rock Tribe has affiliation with. If you live in the S.C. or S.W. part of the state, BOYCOTT Prairie Knights. Take your money and go to a local Bingo Parlor or go support the local organizations that run bingo and other gaming sites in your town. The way I see it is, let our money talk. That is right, I am taking my money and staying home.

  6. Uh....

    No. I don't care what happens with the nickname, the programs should remain.

    However, here's what I'd do:

    UND is in the perfect position to use a number of PR related excuses that aren't nickname related to accomplish these as well.

    First thing I'd do, if the Federal grant money earmarked for NA higher ed doesn't increase (as it pertains directly to UND), UND shouldn't invest any more than it already does in NA higher ed. With the nickname gone, there really is no incentive to treat NA students with any more honor or respect than any other ethnicity, caucasian included. Spending more on them than the caucasian students doesn't spell equality. It spells favoritism. The built in excuse is that, with this economy, UND doesn't have the money to expand on any one particular program over another.

    Second thing is, the tribes should be brought more into NA responsibilities. The NA Cultural Center and its employees should be paid by the tribes, not by UND (unless federal funding goes into that too). I don't see a Caucasian Cultural Center. I'm not even sure there's an African American Cultural Center...

    Third, to ensure that no NA symbols are wrongfully handled in the nickname change, the Tribes should supervise the process. Since they are supervising the process, they should pay said supervisors, pay disposal fees (all costs incurred during the removal process of the symbols from the University and REA), and lost merchandise fees (loss of money due to inventory already made that cannot be sold). UND would then be responsible for the costs of creating and producing new merchandise, and replacing whatever symbols etc that were removed.

    I'm not sure that was very clear, but let's put it this way: There is a large Sioux logo in the entrance way of the REA. The NA tribes will pay for its removal, leaving a whatever sized hole in the concrete/marble flooring. UND would then take over financial responsibility for replacing the flooring with whatever, be it the new logo or just matching concrete/marble.

    Does this produce hardships on the tribes? Yes, but the nickname is, by NCAA decree, THEIR nickname. So why should we pay for its removal? UND cannot be held responsible for third party property, even if it is now embedded in the flooring of their or cooperating facilities.

    The other action that all UND supporters should do is boycott Prairie Knights Casino by all means. I suggest instead of heading south for your casino fun, head north to either the Spirit Lake Casino or to Four Bears. I don't know how much money the Standing Rock Tribe makes off of these casino's, but I am not going to support anything to do with the Standing Rock tribe. They are planning on expanding, well, lets send a message that it is not needed. I will not step foot on the Standing Rock Reservation.

  7. I also find it strange to see that people assume that defense works on an individualized basis. There are TWO defensemen on the ice at any given time 5 on 5 and even the forwards have some defensive responsibility. Where was Finley's defensive partner? Why did Finley go behind the net? Was the play he was running require him that deep? What was the strategy involved?

    Or did he just get beat on that one play? Even the best D get beat. Genoway gets beat all the time.

    The fact is, who knows.

    And according to Brad's blog, Finley was playing with a seperated shoulder. Seriously... how much hockey can you all play with a seperated shoulder?

    Hextall played with a broken foot. Wow.

    I know enough about hockey that I know that he got beat in both instances that I brought up. I know that if you take the man off the puck he can't shoot it. I also know that hockey players play hurt. If he is hurt that bad, then that is the coaching staffs job to not have him hurt the team.

  8. I think the fact that a Gopher fan is hating on Finley makes Finley even more valuable for the Sioux.

    As for where he'll land? Unquestionably it will be with the Caps farm club.

    I don't think Washington ever expected Finley to progress enough even over 4 years to make it directly to the pros. He's got 2-3 seasons in the minors before he'll see regular NHL action. Oh, and go ahead and predict he'll never make it. Just like Brian Lee will never make it... or that Roche will be a lock for the pros. :(

    He was drafted as a project. Everyone said so. And, unlike the haters here, Washington likes him. They tried for two straight seasons to convince him to sign early.

    And since, Finley is a senior, he's not an early departure. That is only wishful thinking for the haters.

    As for VV, I agree.

    I have to agree with a lot of the finley haters on here. When it came to big game time, he had some stupid penalties or was a step behind. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't he to the right , right behind the player who scored the winning goal yesterday. Right behind the net during the duluth game when the first goal was given up. I think he has potential, but I can think of numerous times when his play hurt us not helped us.

    Now in saying that, look at when we started going on that long run. Right after he came back from his injury. This is a player that is so frustrating to me and so many other fans. Gotta love the big guy. Leaves a big hole but I think we are gonna be o.k. with Blood in there.

  9. I say heck, the Bison are already there- they already have guaranteed their check for making the tournament (which to me is what I'm jealous of, I wish we could get that infusion into our athletic budget)- I don't have a problem wishing them well. They have accompolished a lot with that win- and deserve the recognition they are getting. There are very few times in my life I could ever consider wishing that program well-but this indeed is one of them.

    The only problem is, in joining the summit league, they signed away any money that they get from the ncaa to the summit league. If this was the plan all the ay along, this was pretty stupid.

  10. Could you imagine seeing NDSU fans wearing their gear cheering on the hockey team and the UND fans with their gear cheering on the basketball team. :blush:

    The world must be on a tilt right now :whistling: Let's get people to Minneapolis and hope the selection committee puts the Bison there!!!

    Now lets just hope that the selection committee is thinking of ticket sales, because I know that I would be at the dome in my Sioux Hockey Sweater. Wow what a fun time.

  11. I am booked at the Crowne Plaza by the X. But it might be cool to check out some hoops action too. Is the Minneapolis region Thursday/Saturday or Friday/Sunday?

    It is Friday and Sunday, so IF they get the 11am game or the 2 pm game, All us North Dakotans could go invade the humpdy dome and then go to the Friday night hockey game.

  12. Wow, that would be crazy, I honestly didn't know a regional was in MSP this year.

    I was trying to figure out why hotels are sparse to get for the Final 5, well it just dawned on me that the NCAA's for basketball were also in town. One word of caution. If you don't want to drive a long way to get to the Xcel, book hotels now.

  13. That was a rough game for me, thank god we won. I really do appreciate the nice comments on SS.com, thanks guys.

    So what are the chances that it is a NORTH DAKOTA invasion of the twin cities next weekend. Could you imagine if NDSU is placed in the Minneapolis Regional on 20th and 22nd. That could be nuts, I hope that comes true. WOW what a fun time.

    I know the last time I went to a tourney game down there for basketball it was $20 for tickets. You know there will be seats to be had.

  14. wow az, that is some dedication starting a thread at 3 am :silly: im not sure how many years it has been since i have been up that late on a weeknight, but kudos to you :D so with the spirit of azsioux's dedication, sioux win 5-3 tonight. hextall, vandy, marto, duncs, zajac (we never lose when zajac scores :D ), then tie tomorrow night 3-3 with kozek, watty and jones getting the game tying goal with under a minute.

    But we do have one tie, LOL. It works 60% of the time 100% of the time.

  15. Anyone happen to know the password for ordering single game tickets in the early offering to Wild Season ticket holders? I think this is total BS that they get to have first crack. No wonder there are so many goof fans there. Thanks

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