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Posts posted by ringneck28

  1. I also dont see und going on a 9 game winning streak to win the mcnaughten. I think they lose one of the tech games in the playoffs and end up in the final five title game but lose it. However i woudl be happy in losing firday nite at the final five so we get that extra day of rest unless we absolutley need it to have a shot at number one seed. And therefore we cant mkae the we are tired excuse as we did last year.

    Not to be picky, but I am going to point out a couple flaws here. First of all, The Sioux only have 4 games left for Mcnaughten, did you mean the Broadmoor. Second, you would be happy to lose Friday of Final Five? I challenge you to think big picture. Just making the tourney isn't the goal. The goal is to get the best seed available. Lets see, lets be happy to lose and get a 2 seed and get sent out east to have to beat Yale or BC. Sieze the day and make hay when the sun shines. Lets get ourselves to Green Bay and have a nice Sioux cheering section. But hey, lets be happy to lose a game??

  2. So when do we think of replacing Kelly. This guy comes in with his liberal thinking and wants to change us? I think that we as a state need to start appointing people who have a good North Dakota upbringing. This guy has no ties to ND in any way but he sure knows what is best for us.

  3. My wife and I are HUGE Sioux hockey fans and are thinking about going down for the Frozen Four, but if the Sioux are not there, we don't want to go. Any sugestions on where and when we can start to look for a SAFE place to buy tickets if the Sioux make it? I don't want to get taken. Any good advice would be appreciated.

  4. Likely nowhere downtown, but just south of the river in downtown is South Saint Paul, West Saint Paul, and Caesar Chavez Boulevard. Great authentic Mexican cuisine at any number of places. The Boca Chica perhaps being the most well known.

    This is like a little latin america, love the area.

  5. Just a random side note (rant) from sat's game:

    When Howe was on the ice injured, some sioux fans right by us were cheering and clapping that he was down. I was so embarrassed by them. It doesn't matter whether the person on the ice is wearing a jersey from UND, CC, UMN, DU, etc. Its just some 19-20 year old kid out there. Don't cheer for the fact that he's injured. Show some class.

    Exactly on the point Keikla

  6. Um, the Sioux were 7-3-1 on 20 November this season.

    Nobody plans for having your best player taken away from your team 11 games into the season.

    I don't think that most people look at it this way. But this is exactly what happened. We lost Chay and had to figure out how to re align. Plus we had Hextall out for a while in the middle of the year. He comes back and look what happened. The ifs and buts of it all do not matter. We can now look forward to what is promising to be a very good season next year.

  7. Agreed Goon. The coaching staff's job is to train and condition the student athlete's to succeed at the NCAA level of play. Hak and Co. got this young team through a difficult schedule and put them in a position to succeed in their conference tourney and make the NCAA tournament. Some pretty good teams (Duluth for one) didn't get an invite.

    At tourney time it's everyone's back to the wall, and this team didn't play like that until their back was literally to the wall with 20 min. left. Yale came out that way in the first. Eids gave up a goal (second) by not leaving his skate anchored to the post. Zajac rang the pipe instead of scoring a goal. Yale worked hard for sixty minutes, the Sioux for about twenty five (some spots in 1 and 2 where they played hard, but not many).

    Coaching can't keep Eidsness's skate on the pipe, and can't will Darcy's shot an inch to the right. Bottom line is that the Sioux D held the top scoring offense in the country to 1 less goal than their average (3 instead of 4). Not bad, all in all, but it wasn't good enough to win when your not working harder than the other team for sixty minutes.

    Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard, and that's what we watched yesterday. And this is really just paraphrasing what Mr. Lapoint said in the post-game press conference, and what you've stated above.

    Hak, Eades, Jackson...they all did their job this year, and put together a very good team with some very young players. I, for one, like this coaching staff and wish them, and the Fighting Sioux, all the best next season and beyond.

    The Quest for #8 begins again in six months and I really hope these coaches are still behind the bench, because I think that gives the Sioux their best opportunity to win it all.

    One thing to add to this, ITS IN ST PAUL!!! HERE COME THE SIOUX :ohmy:

  8. Well it's the best thing you are going to find in the Twin Cities!

    No, if you want the best thing you are going to find in the twin cities, I suggest Sunsets in Woodbury or Minnetonka(I always went to the one in Woodbury). Thier wings are awesome and always good service. They will turn the TV to the game. And if sensors were the sioux bar, why is the F5 get together for the sioux at the hoggsbreath?

  9. I know of this Lunsetter through a friend. Canadian roots. His second cousin (I don't remember his name) was from central Saskatchewan. North Battleford, I think. After high school, he decided to attend UND and try out for the hockey team. Apparently, he got cut pretty quickly, while some other Canadian players his age or older made the team. I think he tried out two years in a row, failed both times, and then left school. Pretty bitter about it. Since he didn't get a degree either, he ended up working as a cashier at a 7-eleven in St. Paul, where he stayed and started a family. He had a couple of kids, including a boy, who would sign up for summer hockey camps at UND--I guess trying to reclaim his father's honor. I heard that the kid was sent home from camp because his skills were just not there and the staff thought he might get hurt. Kind of lost track of the kid until he started showing up on USCHO a lot.

    Lonetree! That's his name. Happy Lonetree. Nice enough people, but I guess they never quite got over that UND rejection.

    At least that's what I recall.

    I sat next to this same burly old bird at the F5 this last year. He kept talking about how good his son is at figure skating now. There is no checking in the ice capades. More his speed. ;)

  10. Not a big fan of sensors anymore. I really like Champs for my sporting events. Last time I went to sensors they would not put on the game because there was mma fight going on. This after I asked if the game was going to be on at hostess desk and was told it would. I had already ordered my food when they informed me that the gophers game was on also and they didn't have enough tv's for the sioux game with the fights also going on, so I was stuck there. Sorry to burst the sensors bubble but this wasn't the first time it happened. Note, there is also a pay per view fight that night and the NCAA basketball games. So call ahead and make sure it is not just one tv.

  11. K, so we all know that frattin is suspended, lets get over this and move on. I assure you the team has.

    Now here is the question? Who is going to replace him in that line on Thur. and does this affect our ability to win against the Dogs.

    Haks seems to be able to see who can do what the teams needs in every situation. He will put on the Mad Scientist jacket and pull a rabit out of his bag of tricks. I have all the confidense in the world in him.

  12. Who is selling a ticket for $1000. I see $1000 for 6 tickets for the weekend...that is $166 per ticket. Hey, I have 6 tickets split between two locations in the arena. Together with these tickets, donations for Fighting Sioux Club, and concessions I probably spend $10,000 in that arena per year. If some guy wants to give me $1000 for two excellent tickets for the entire 3 game series what business is it of yours! For $1000 two of my four kids, who could care less, can stay home...I will still be there in one of my other four seats. On one hand you act like Sioux hockey is the the most important event in the world and on the other hand you can't understand why someone with the cash would spend $166 for a Sioux/Gopher ticket. Your hipocracy is insane! Mind your own business and continue trolling for your elusive $20 ticket for the Sioux/Gopher game.

    Oh, and good luck finding one for $20. Supply and demand isn't it gr8. Tell you what, take your $20 go to the local sports bar and grill and have fun watching it there.

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