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Camas Hawk

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  1. Also, T.J. Oshie - cousin Gary Sargent played with the Los Angeles Kings and Minnesota North Stars. Father, Tim, played college basketball in Seattle and at Bemidji State.
  2. Fine, and he doesn't have any respect for these people on this board. The kids don't read this board because it's people who never played the game, computer geeks and hockey wannabees. Practically every kid in college drinks. I'm sure you do too. But, to continually bash the players is a joke.
  3. This story has been revised with a passage from Chuck Grillo, a Pittsburgh Penguins Scout and Director of the Minnesota Hockey Camps in Nisswa, MN, where many NHL / NCAA / Pro Hockey players train each summer. It tooks a look at Oshie as a symbol for Native America. It's a great read.
  4. Courtesy Of Section 8A Hockey Web Site: The journey of T.J. Oshie has many twists and turns along the beaten path since 1991. From 1991-2002, Oshie was a member of the Seattle Jr. Hockey NW Admirals AAA Hockey Club who participated in the Pacific Coast Amateur Hockey Association, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. For Oshie, it was a vision of things to come in his young career. In the summer of 2002, Oshie traveled along with his family to attend the Hockeytown USA Hockey School in Warroad, Minnesota, directed by Cary Eades. When he left, he knew the Warroad H.S. Warriors was his destiny. Prior to his arrival in 2002, Oshie, along with his father, Timothy, brother Taylor and sister Tawni, each received their Ojibwe names from a spiritual elder named Joseph Big George, from the Buffalo Point Reserve in Canada. The Oshie
  5. WANTED: Looking for (4) Frozen Four Strips of tickets. Please PM me back. Anyplace in the Pepsi Center.
  6. There is no doubt it would be nice to see that "A" back on Oshie' crest. Yet, thinking back to the 1994 blockbuster, A Few Good Men, when Tom Cruise told the defendent, Harold, that "You Don't Have To Wear A Badge To Have Honor" line. Oshie should be a solidified Hobey Baker Candidate yet won't win thanks to the GF media and the folks even on this board that jump on the bandwagon when adversity hit back in January. Boy, just think if he jumped ship when adversity hit the Sioux everytime. Don't think the Sioux would be in this position this year or the previous two. Just look at his production and inspiration once the Play-offs hit. Last years Michigan game to scoring the shortie vs. BC in the Frozen Four personnafies what his character is all about. Plus, this season playing hurt ala last season with a broken thumb. Yet, he's as humble as always like the interview for being a Hobey Baker candidate when he told the camera "I'm pulling for Philly actually ... I voted for him online this week." That is the mark of a champion.
  7. The "main" reason Roseau went to Class AA in 1998 was because they couldn't past Warroad HS. Warroad had won (4) consecutive Section 8A banners and Roseau realized it wasn't going to get any better. The courthouse issue was still going strong where Warroad wanted to build the Roseau County courthouse and Roseau denied it. Realistically, if you look at Warroad, they have less students then Roseau and over 40% of the students are of ethnicticity (Native American / Laotian). Roseau primarily is a caucasin community of Swedish decent. So, Roseau can say how proud they are of AA yet they were searching for a Section where they didn't have to matchup with Warroad. Warroad dominated Roseau from 2002-2005 and beat the Rams, 15-1, in January of 2004. Roseau' worst defeat in school's history. Right now, Roseau has the upper hand but those two towns usually switch after a few years as to who is dominant.
  8. Oshie 3g+1a
  9. WCHA & Official Association: NEWS FLASH: When the league (McCleod) and his boy (Old Man Sheppard) have the guts to make some serious changes to the league structure of officiating, it will be way too late. The best kids potentially will start looking at the CCHA, HEA and various other leagues because of the constant thuggery the WCHA has. All the serious Hobey Baker Candidates come from Michigan east. Why, because these kids get treated the way they do in the NHL and the absolutely biased East Coast writers. How can the WCHA's very best, have 20-25 pts. less then the Hobey top flights. This league is an absolute joke when it comes to officials. Bottom line is revamp the entire Officials Association and bring in some young guys who are up and comers that aren't afraid to change this pathetic ref'd league. The NHL should let the WCHA know that if you aren't going to clean it up we will just sign the 'young guns' before they even start college to keep them healthy and content. The WCHA is a total goon league from top to bottom because of the ref's. It is the old NHL where you get away w/ highway robbery and the ref's officiate the scoreboard. Better take hold of the superstars of this league soon because they will be looking east, or NHL (AHL) before wanting to get absolutely killed in the WCHA.
  10. DENVER'S CHEAP HITS ... GWOZDONKEY A JERK First off, how can this coach keep crying "oh they hurt our player tonight." Denver is the cheapest team in the league. How about the vicious, two-hand X-check to TJ Oshie in Denver during early in the contest on November 30th? It only took six weeks of rehabiliation for Oshie. How about Bina's hit by the cheapest player of all time in the last five years in the WCHA in Paukovich. I sure wish Radke could of lined up longer w/ Testie Weed in the second period. That would have been sweet. Bottom line is the WCHA has allowed this crap to go on for many years and no actions taken in the matter. There needs to be a "State of the WCHA" press conference with the media able to place ?'s to old man Sheppard as to why all the malee's in the league this year. Does the words, "start calling the penalties every one else is in the world as to obstruction is calling even in mites". The WCHA has been called the 2nd best league in North America by Tom Kurvers of the Phoenix Coyotes. Yet, no ramifications to the joke WCHA Official's Association. Until it's cleaned up and legitimate penalties are called the WCHA will be the Goon League of college hockey.
  11. OSHIE
  12. Thanks for the last post regarding the WCHA officials and the entire WCHA office for having the most pathetic group of candy asses that stick out their chests because they purchased the WCHA Officials patch and red band at Wal Mart in Denver. The referees in the WCHA are the worst in college hockey. I'd say promote the young up and coming linesmen that get #1 skate, which 3/4 of the referees can't keep up w/ the play; always out of positon to call goals, no goals, ooh I can't see the puck squirt through the goalies legs laying on the goal line; have to skate over to the players box to explain every single penalty (what a joke!); don't have the balls to make the call at the scorers table then simply skate away; get rid of instant replay because they make the wrong decision 8 out of 10 and lose games at the final buzzer; have a clown who runs the Officials Corp thinking he's God's gift to officiating. Whew. I have lots more where that came from. If the league would suspend the AR who physically pulled Bradley Malone's facemask all the way around his head until it was left hanging then threw him in the penalty box because he wears one of Sheppard's patches. That just isn't right. Maybe Malone should have met him just before the linesmen had drinks laughing about the game Saturday night at Stubbs & Herb's. Then we would see how tough this punk is not wearing his "Superman" jersey. The kids have consequences. The coaches have consequences. The WCHA Officials are above God in the eyes of Bruce McCleod. That's where all the problems begin and fester. The WCHA attracts the absolute best and most skilled players year in and year out. Yet, the NHL is more suited for the skilled players now so they leave early. What does the NCAA and the WCHA say to T.J. Oshie in the first game of the season after he scored the previous shift. "Get in the box .. no go to your corner .. you are the highly touted kid going to St. Louis .. we will show you what the WCHA will do to you and penalize you as much as possible and let every player in this league hook, slash, cross-check, spear and butt end you. You little S.O.B we will show you." The kid flat out should have left and laughed while going to the bank. Look at JT. Barring injury would have been ROTY no doubt. In the WCHA, always injured due to goons kneeing, slashing and tackling him. Why do you ask UND is so strong in the playoffs and makes the last three Frozen Fours. Because we don't deal w/ WCHA refs. Everything starts and ends with WCHA officials. They are a joke and they represent the best league in College Hockey.
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