97% of the time, it’s the players on the ice that decide the outcome of the game. 2023 National Championship. Rand out-coached the crap out of Bob Motzko .
I don’t know the numbers for this season or the last couple but when my son was playing NDHS in 2021 I don’t think South/Shanley had any players on their roster that went to school at South. If they did, maybe one or two. They were all Shanley students.
Kinda funny reading this thread. While losing, all mentions were its Berrys fault, not the players. After the comeback win, all comments are about the players doing it. No coach mentions. Lol. So berry is only responsible for the bad parts of the game and has nothing to do with the good. Got it.
Well you would lose that bet because the coaching staff loves them. The players love them and the staff loves it for the players. Awesome college experience and lifetime memories.
Destination games are a great recruiting point. To tell a recruit they will play in Vegas or Madison Square Garden, etc. that’s a plus. There’s also prob some 14 yr old stud hockey player from the area that will go to the game with his pops. Fall in love with UND and choose them over others as a 4.5 star recruit because he watched them in Austin two years ago….