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  1. Pony officially retired from hockey a couple days ago. Pretty darn good career.
  2. Jackson Blake getting ripped to play big boy hurricanes hockey
  3. Adam Valentini signed with Chicago Steel rather than OHL… Rare for Toronto kid. I’m sure he’s on Sioux radar now.
  4. Well since that roster and staff won a natty, maybe they should go “out of character” more often then… lol
  5. I see great recruiting publicity
  6. I’m not sure on that. I would assume to stay dedicated to school and the program.
  7. Still enrolled at UMD and will be back in the lineup next season
  8. I don’t know the Lucius’ personally but from what I’ve read and heard over the years, they might not be “Fighting Sioux “ material… Obviously very talented though. No argument there .
  9. I think we should slide Pinto into this . First pick of 2nd round and from New York. Give the coaching staff lots of credit for landing him. That’s great recruiting . What a gem.
  10. Blake got a great deal! Almost rookie max and basically burning this year. $2.7 million and he’s restricted free agent in just two years. Very good contract for a 4th rounder that developed into first round talent while at UND.
  11. Not to mention they are one of the best teams in the league at the moment. It’s not like he’s dealing with San Jose…
  12. Don’t be surprised if Blake makes his NHL debut on Tuesday fellas.
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