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the green team

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Posts posted by the green team

  1. Landry was better tonight- he is our qb. I think he knew what was the situation on that 2nd to the last play that if Hardin catches it, he could have got in or they would have had a 1 play to get to in from the 3. He did a good job leading that last drive down the field. I'm guessin Cochran as the Roughneck and Hardin as the POG. Better, not great, but better.

  2. I tip my hat to the school to the south for another significant win...lets see if it acts as a springboard to their season. I have to ask this of our program, where are we headed? Personally, I don't see us playing with or beating any low level or average FBS team this year or next year, or even the year after. I just don't see it with the personel that we have or that we have recently recruited. To me, we are not making progress. I'm not entirely sold that the Bison are all that good this year, but they went out there and competed and they did this in the past. I'm hoping this is a wake up call of motivation to our coaches to be better than we currently are in this transition, and that goes for all of our sports.

  3. That was really well said. You are definitely right that players want to go where they can be successful. Players also want to go play where they feel the atmosphere is going to be electric, heck we have an example of that right here with UND hockey. If our fans go games and even more so, our students go to football, basketball etc.. they add to the atmosphere. And young kids love to play in a cool atmosphere, plus they like to play in front of their fellow students. Its a must that we keep going to games and having fun and making it a great place to play- it will pay off down the road when we are elgible. .

  4. I see on bville and on the prairie cow media blog there is the same 3 to 5 people who represent themselves as 10 people who are crying bloody murder on this. Lakes over at bville is so absolutely furious-that he's pulling out whatever lies he can and directing it at the reignition of the rivalry. Best one..."The Bison coaching staff didn't want this game but had it forced by the admins"---honestly, if their coaching staff were not ok with playing this... this game would not have happened. The fact is, this game is good for fans of basketball in this state.

    The fact that this game has sent Lakes over the edge...makes me smile a bit more today. :lol:

    This should be great fun, and even though I'm not so sure about our team heading into this season, I know I'm going to be there to cheer them on until I'm hoarse. With the bigger venue- we should try to get as many Sioux fans in as possible.

  5. Just a question for the donors that won't donate anymore...why are you mad at the University?? If you have to be pissed at someone be pissed at the tribal council of the Standing Rock for not letting their people vote. Be mad at the NCAA for telling UND they need 2 tribes not 1 to get approval. Be mad at Wayne Stenjeum for not fighting harder in court. But UND has no blame for this unless you want to blame the people who came up with the Fighting Sioux name in the 1930's. If they left it the Flickertails money would still come in. So to put it this way what are you proving by not donating? Since there is NOTHING UND could do. It was in the hands of the SR Tribe.

    You can't reason with the unreasonable. They are firmly entrenched in their belief, they want to everyone to hurt more if possible. As if we aren't hurting enough already. My view is that if you have changed what has been a long established pattern of donation, and have decided to pull it in protest of the way this issue played out... it does prove that the name which I love and hate to see go, was always more important than the institution and the student athletes who represent it. There is no way around it.

    I've begun to realize that really their are only 7 to 10 posters on here that continue to harp on this issue of ways to make UND feel their pain--i really feel they are in a small minority (jmho), but also their are lot of reasonable people here too, who make rational arguments. I don't always agree with them, but I do think there are quite of few people.

    The fact is...it's not over the deadline is not here yet, but our University is positioning itself to be ready for Dec. 1st, that's it-no more, no less. There has actually no movement by those in power at Standing Rock that would indicate that we are going to see a different outcome. I'm readying myself for it. I know AFB is still fighting--that is great in my book...but because he is not in power there, he has a difficult road in a short amount of time to make headway. Don't think for a second that the SR Tribal Council didn't know what they were doing for months when they would postpone action, meetings, have non quorums. And then of all things, having to ask the SBoHE repeatedly for clarification of what they wanted. Uh duh? A 4 year old could have figured it out, but they played that tactic, and because they are in power---it's their right, and it was an effective tactic...in that world. Unfortunately for us we sit here and wait. And for some of us, that was a cue to attack UND and try to drum up support to reduce financial support in order to inflict pain to those who really have no dog in the fight...the student & the student athlete.

  6. Last time I checked, I've been told that at this point, people withholding donations has been negligable. I hope that continues, I choose to continue to support the institution and the student athletes that represent it with my donation. Of course I've already been on record in saying that and no one is really surprised that it is my postition. I hope, however that it is the prevailing wisdom in the end. That's perfectly fine that you choose to withhold your donation, as you say you can speak with your pocketbook-but in the end I'm not sure what kind of effect that it will have, because I believe my perspective is the majority on this issue (thankfully). When you're ready you can donate again, you will & life will go on. If you never contribute again---again oh well--that's sad, but again...life and the University will go on.

  7. Well Fasion & Kelly used the Summit as reason to move on & do so quickly & then it appeared to me there was little support for the name from the SBOHE

    which seems fickle - when just a few yrs earlier the SBOHE voted unamiously to keep the name - essentially now stabbing Ralph & Family in the back (fickle is to nice of a word ) :angry:

    Stabbed in the back...I'm assuming you mean literally? Why hasn't anyone called anyone to report this?

  8. I don't think sports because they don't usually occur in the 6a to 6p window of prime listening have much effect on the ratings. Also, the measurement periods are actually pretty short so I don't think that NDSU or UND sports deserve any credit or blame in regards to a stations ratings numbers. I'm just thankful that we have a affiliate in Fargo again who wants us, who has a good night time signal so I can get the games if I'm at the lake or out hunting later this year.

  9. I was wondering about Montana myself. I guess nothing specifically addressed about them. I was thinking that even though the roster is still young... it would be disappointing if this team didn't finish higher in the Great West standings this year. From what I saw of Great West teams this past year, I didn't consider any teams except USD to be all that good and I don't think anyone is going to improve that much more this year. Anyone heard if Archer is back from his knee injury yet? He injured it in January and this would basically be 7 months which might be a little early...I don't know.

  10. I certainly think that the Alerus business wise, and customer service wise needs to improve. But, even though I don't go to much at the Alerus other than Football and Taste of the Holiday's---which is great by the way. I'm not as negative about it as some in this community. It seems to be an easy target for some though. why? I've been out out on the town when we have events and I see full restaurants, lots of people in mall or other shopping areas, when things are happening there-things get going commerce wise to another degree...again from what I've seen. Some business are going to benefit more than others. I ran into a business guy and he said he doesn't see any increased business when there are events, but then I asked what business he was in....(and this isn't it, but it's along the same lines, I do this for a persons anonimity) but they said they sold sewing machines--in that sense I can see that the Alerus may not have an effect on that business on Alerus Event days, but I can also see commerce taking place to another degree at other places when there are events at the Alerus.

  11. Oh boy....here we go again, I thought that some on here would eventually realize that the nickname issue & retirement has been really a confluence of many things, and issues (1st & foremost the SR Tribal Council) that contributed to it's demise with the Summit & our administration being really not one of the issues. BUT since we need something to blame it seems that the Summit and administrators are the easy targets and so I say commence with it.... as I can see that absolutely no amount of reason will make a difference. So many people here seem to have all these wonderful answers yet when I visit with people in athletics or the foundation I ask if anyone has approached them with these wonderful solutions and they don't seem to exist. If you have the answer march down to the offices and provide, because if it truly can save our name then I am all for it. However I'm not going to blame the conference or administration for the name issue, I guess I just can't be persuaded that its where the blame should lie, and I know that I am in the minority here---but oh well.

  12. I first thought this was a joke, but then realized that today isn't April 1st. I look at this (although I know some will) as not a republican or democrat push, but a push by morons, & it doesn't matter what their political affiliation is. What's unfortunate is that the EPA could be something positive in America, in regards to issues, but how can anyone take this agency seriously after they pursue a course like this...forget if it actually happens, the fact that they actually thought this up and have gone on to the process of unveiling it... is a cue that there are some really out of touch people, in a place with powers where they most certainly should not be. Yikes

  13. Don't agree with MPLS Bison hardly ever, but I'm a big believer in free speech, and that's what forums and message boards like these are all about. Plus, I would never give anyone that much credit for having that much effect on my personal fun. I'm a big person, I can handle reading his posts, or choosing not to...I'm certainly capable of that.

  14. Welcome, Coach Philippe. I'm not expecting anything even as optimistic as a 15 win season this year, but if we lose, we had better be in more of the games we lose... at least. I'm thinking 11 wins. Who's going to score for us? Big, Big Question. Sorry Sophmores last year as rs freshmen you got to cut some slack, but we can't just have a glance of ability from time to time this year...we need consistent contributions. No pressure, of course.

  15. I think it's impressive that our players are able to succeed in the classroom despite the travel schedules over the past few years. Now, if we can only continue to get talented players that are also good students.

  16. I am perfectly fine with REA not changing any logos. They are fully within their right to do so, and I support their position...the only potential problem that could ever be is if NCAA Hockey, decides through their exploration to move on with an opening round where high seeds host a best 2 of 3 series, but we r long way from that taking place. If that actual day were to come, it would be unfortunate for us. Since were under the WCHA, umbrella until after the Final 5/6 when the NCAA's start, I don't see any reasons to change logos.

    The NCAA BBAll tourney has indeed had opening round games at local sites... I've been to Boise in 2009 to watch opening round games at Taco Bell Arena, which is where the Broncos play.

  17. I for one would like to see us have the ability to host post season games, especially if the NCAA goes to the opening round best 2 of 3 series format, which from what I understand, they are exploring. It would be unfortunate especially for us fans- who come to cheer on the team throughout the season in hopes that our team gets post season home ice opportunities.

  18. I still think that the little conference teams, such as ourselves here in the future are going to suffer. Their going to get stuck in many of these games and it diminishes the tournament experience for the student athletes. Does anyone remember which 2 schools were in the play in game last year, and you can't tell me that the players of the team that lost were absolutely devastated by the fact that they didn't get to the real opening of the tournament on CBS that Thursday & Friday...that's when you want to be in the tournament--whether you're playing the 1 seed in the first game or not. You won't see any highlights of "One Shining Moment" (which I love by the way) of these early games. By doing this, and this includes the previous 1 game playoff...the NCAA has devalued its own product.

  19. They were in a lot of games at times, but as soon as those games started to slip away....they really avalanched. Sometimes its more painful to lose games by a posession as opposed to 25 points, but right now I would take that...it would show that we are making progress. Our home schedule isn't anything that I'm all that excited about, granted I'm still going to all of them. Our overall schedule has some nice challenging games.

  20. I know many people who have gotten their teaching certificates from both Mayville State & Valley City State. They have gone on to serve as great educators throughout the region but also around the country. Many played 4 years of sports at these institutions and through their experiences and education became great coaches at many different levels as well. I am a UND guy, but I have an affection for these small little "teacher colleges". Thank goodness for Mayville St, that's where Gene Roebuck went to school. These schools are charged in developing young educators, and do a very good job of it, I would hate to see them close. Changing them to 2 year tech institutions would do away with that mission, and that to me would be sad.

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