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the green team

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Posts posted by the green team

  1. I don't mind our black uniforms. In regards to the photo, Anderson does have green accents on his shorts(i believe) we just can't see it, look at where the green trim is on the shorts of Shuler in the back part of the photo, that would be hidden on Andersons right leg as it is covered up by a Badger player. The outside of his left leg is away from us so it's impossible to tell if he has all black shorts. I just think because of the camera shot it is inconclusive.

    Jeepers look how high he is off the ground tho. :)

  2. I'm definitely excited about Roerich, I think she has some great potential. Her, already very good skills are going to get better as she gets to college and gets stronger and quicker. Frydlund is a project, but has a good blood line and has some athleticism to build off of. Don't know too much about the girl from Hopkins, but it will be interesting to see Burck and her in back to back classes, so we should have personnel for the PG spot for the next 4 to 5 years.

    With Lauck & Wall...and I think Buck will be good in the long run, I think we have pieces in all 5 spots around the floor, now the key is to add depth.

  3. Everyone calm down... don't you know that they have an obligation to come over here and remind us about every recruit they sign down there. Because as I have been told countless times from the people down there... they have won the recruiting battle every year for the past 30 years. Never have they lost a player they wanted, and we must want every player that they get. :silly::lol:

  4. Get it into your heads NDSU has ZERO interest in moving to the BSC. We have bus trips for some of our games and when we have to charter fights they're short trips. Fans can drive to most of the away games which is a big plus. We play in our recruiting area which is positive for the recruits famiies. Our student athletes only have to deal with 1 time zone (usually) which is a big plus for not being tired and getting their school work done. Fullerton got schooled by Douple. Fullerton should have made UND/USD a package deal and he might have gotten them. UND and SUU announced early and that left USD with options. You all know what happened after that. You are now out on a island and get use to most of the BSC bitching about playing you without a true travel partner. By the way thanks for taking SUU off our hands! :D

    2 years ago while we were traveling everywhere our women's basketball program had the 2nd highest GPA out of all DI institutions. That was a year where we went from Green Bay, WI to Flagstaff in 1 trip, and Vermont to Houston in another. Last year we were slightly down...still inside the top 10, oh my goodness we must be slipping. :lol: Either you have good student-athletes who are good students or you don't, whether your flying into different time zones it really doesn't matter. The fact that NDSU fans are worried about that says alot more about their student athletes that I had previously thought.

    I believe many of our counterparts on here like to point out that our fan base will not be excited about who we are playing in the Big Sky. I beg to differ and here is why... Let's say the we have a game in Late October in early november at Alerus against Cal Poly- and that game is for position in the standings, and playoff possibilities---people are going to show up. Just like they would show up in the same scenario if we were playing the Nevada school of the Blind. It's the situation that will dictate interest. Plus, I am excited about Eastern Washington- I can't wait to visit the Spokane area and see our team on the Red Turf, plus their program now has been making the playoffs, as well as Weber St, and the Montana Schools.

    For basketball - N. Arizona, Portland St, Montana, Montana St. & Weber St. have all had success in the last 10 years, plus you ad in a team like N. Colorado who finished 2nd in the conference last year, I am going to be into the team we are playing week in and week out. :) I'm going to have a blast following this conference...I just hope we can get good enough to compete.

  5. A very impressive run by the ladies considering the absolutely horrid start they got off to this season. Shoot out losses--take it for what you will, there's a lot of luck involved. A great performance its too bad this had to come down to penalties. Congrats ladies way to show us that we as fans should never give up on a season. You didn't and you made a great run.

  6. It was Dillon, she's developing into a nice 2,3 combo g while at Benildes. I have a feeling she is going to get a lot of pressure from much bigger schools over the next 12 months but lets hope she stays with us. Won't Roerich from South be officially signing now? she had verballed but did she actually sign?

  7. Considering the class of sophmores are going to be seniors year 1 in the Sky, I would hope to be competitive year one. It's always my belief that having seniors automatically gives a leg up in competitiveness and I would hope that translates in year 1. But because that class is so big, I could see a drop off, for a couple of years and then by years 3 and 4 be right in the mix from then on out.

    Will we win the sky, year 1?--that may be doubtful, but I believe we could be competitive. Year 4 in The Sky is when we win the conference tournament as a 3 seed and go to the dance--is my prediction. I crave the madness...march madness.

  8. I don't what everyone saw with Hendrickson back there, it looked to me like he had no idea what he was doing back there. He looks to be a good athlete, but a college qb? Maybe, there was a reason he moved to receiver? Lets face it Goska, can't or isn't making the throws, I don't think we will have a solution until after the season... unless we can pick someone off the waiver wire ;) .

  9. It goes without saying-that it's important for their fellow students and the community should be on hand, to cheer for and express thanks to a senior class that never had an opportunity in their upper class years of playoffs or "real" conference titles. Plus, I would like to beat Davis here again, just like we did in that playoff game...the place was loud that day-- unbelievable. Granted it may not be at that level this time but lets try make it a good atmosphere. Shoot your deer on Friday, early Saturday, or Sunday...but take a break and get to the game. Plus, the weather outlook looks like that it's going to be too warm anyway.

  10. I hope we stay with 4pm starts on non-hockey weekends. I just think they are great. I have the whole morning to spend with the family or unfortunately complete the honey do list. Catch a little tailgating starting at about 2, and then go to the game- and we are usually done by 7 or so. So you still have a little of your evening left. On hockey weekends, I see what they are trying to do is by going to a 12noon start they are trying to make it less of a non compete with hockey. I am ok with that. I say noon on hockey saturdays and 4pm on all others.

  11. No one saw the SDSU scrimmage- it was closed per NCAA rules- the whole building goes on lockdown. (per my source) It is my understanding that the Men's exhibition game was cancelled because it was 1st believed that playing non-counters in exhibition play would not count against the schedule--as it turns out it does- so the Men had to give a game back to be in compliance, and in this case it was the exhibition that got cut.

  12. The reason I jump on the students for it is because its utterly shameful. Their fellow students are representing them, I don't care what the sport is. They receive free tickets. even now they receive free parking if they choose to drive, and have shuttle buses available if they choose not to. There are games that are starting at 12 Noon and 11am every saturday around the country--most schools can get their students to turn out. Please regular fans don't offense to the following....if you're a student, take it for whatever. I firmly believe on game day whether its basketball, football, underwater chess, i don't care, the student athlete likes that his parents and family are there, likes that long time fans and alumni are there to watch, but loves really loves when their fellow students who they see around campus on a day to day basis show up and support them. Thats the difference maker.

    Don't give me that the Alerus is too far away bull, either. I've walked from Wilkerson to the Ralph and Wilkerson to the Alerus--the walk to the Alerus took me like 12 more minutes than it did to get to the Ralph---Big---Deal. I hope the athletic department takes those unbelievably prime seats that have been set aside for the students and begins to sell them. I will buy a couple and give them to people who I know will actually attend.

  13. Everyone kept saying what Lennon this, & Lennon that. Let us remember he was one that lobbied very hard for us to make this move, and then once we did...he got out of dodge before having to deal with one single ioda of the transition. The landscape of trying to transition into D1 football is far different and in my opinion far more difficult than it was for teams 5 years ago. Lennon is a good coach, but lets not get ahead of ourselves in regards to how things would be different had he still been coach. I'm not entirely sure they would have.

    2 things, our offense just was absolutely horrid after the first possesion of the game. They have to be able to keep our defense off the field & defense you have to sometimes make a play on your own behalf to get yourselves off the field.

    Lastly, the game was tied at 14 at the half... why did only half the students of the original section return for the second half? I mean cmon man. Despite struggles it was still a game why not come back and try to be a factor as the 12th man in the 2nd half. I definitely noticed though that because teams are converting 3rd and 4th downs at a ridiculous clip against us that the noise on the downs while usually very loud early in the game, is very often a fraction of that on those downs as the game progresses. Its almost if our crowd has resigned itself that we can't accomplish getting a stop.

  14. I know that as long as the lineman aren't set, LSU can substitute and did, the defense is then suppose to get enough time to substitute as well. I guess my question is did Tennessee? I guess by looking at it they did & it is their own darn fault they couldn't substitute correctly--I dislike Tennessee, but I really despise LSU, and certainly would gained more satisfaction seeing the Tigers lose. I always agree with an Ole Miss Tradition... directly following the national anthem when the stadium is still so quiet... and then one lone person yells...."Go to hell, LSU" Then the whole place errupts. They do it every game, even when they are not playing LSU, they do it when they play Arkasas State School of the Dumb, and all SEC opponents, and most importantly LSU Games. I think it's hilarious and awesome...and I agree "Go to hell, LSU"

  15. Jake can sometimes be his own worst enemy, but sometimes we don't lose because the qb spot, and the sooner you realize that the easier your life will become. What did Jake ever do to you? Steal your gf? We should feel fortunate that we've had as much success as we've had over the years in that dog & pony show of a facility they have down there. There was the one time that Murray got hit late (it was flagged) and richochetted off the folded up bleachers.

    Dear USD nice win, but please blow up that sorry excuse of a facility. Playing in someones backyard would be better than that place. Granted it still would be a backyard in Vermillion but it still would be an improvement.

    We've got a long bus ride to get focussed on performing well for Homecoming, and beating a SUU team that has had our number in recent years. I think they can, but they won't if they continue to tackle poorly or if your in man coverage with no help over the top, you had better not let that guy run past you, or better blocking by our line....I can keep going, as you can see it's across the board, but it's always easiest to blame Jake.

  16. I was out of town driving today so had to listen to the game and get some feed back on the phone from those who made it. Couple of comments. 1st I've listened to the radio a couple of times this year and it would appear to me that they aren't having any signal drops like they have had in past years...I haven't heard any of that song while we wait to reaquire to game. Knock on wood, I hope this continues, cause I enjoyed the broadcast, and if there was something they've done differently...good job.

    Second, from what I heard from the family, the attendance at the game and tailgating was way down as compared to Potato Bowl. What gives? They said the lot where the students now get free parking hardly has any cars in it? So the students get free tickets and free parking and still can't show up... what gives? It's rare that I have to miss a game but it's disappointing to hear that so many (not just the students) are choosing other things on Football Game Day.

    Way to go Sioux! now let's go get the Yotes. I didn't get to see the deep balls thrown by Landry today, but the seemed to describe on the radio that he threw some great deep balls. Keep it up.

  17. I knew there was something about that high school that this kid plays at, was ringing a bell. His teammate was one of the top 5 recruits in the country and has verballed to Kentucky.My link. Plus this High School finished 2nd in the national rankings the year that Labrons high school team, St. Vincents? finished as the top ranked team. Apparently, this school knows basketball and I hope I assume correctly that if your going to be on this team, you would have to have some ability and talent.

  18. I liked the place goin dark-- the band marchin with the flashing lights--very cool, the opening videos and the way we played, and not to mention tailgating. Pretty good day. It's good to see that the Athletic department is trying to make it more of an experience. It's tough to keep energy in the building when you're throttling the opponent early, but hopefully the atmosphere will continue to build.

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