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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Sounds like an enabling parent to me. It's been one season after another of minimal discipline........on both sides of the ledger.
  2. Note to self....... double check what one posts for grammar spelling and punctuation!
  3. Not many places in this country where a HS degree and the willingness to work hard can land you six figures a year.
  4. But he wins faceoffs in those PK situations. Wait......never mind.
  5. To be kind Kennedy has not endured himself to donors of UND.....big or small.
  6. Can we get @MafiaMan in for a ruling on this: Eco- vs. Ego-
  7. So that explains why this team is 6th in the conference in goals scored this season (to date).
  8. Wins this series keeps UND afloat. A loss buries them. Must guess is a split this weekend. UND 4-2 tonight. Per Schloss an interesting fact.......the top 3 shot attempts leaders on this team are all D-man.
  9. I definitely see your point......2 years away from live game action is long stretch but she could help UND's team IMO.
  10. That's a pretty deep rabbit hole you're going down.
  11. We'll agree to disagree. BTW Walseth's record at NDSU is 31-84 I believe.
  12. If Brew has not placed a call yet to Sarah he should ASAP
  13. My daughter has played HS sports with a lot of quality athletes in the FM area that have gone on to play at different levels collegiately in different sports. Not many she has played with have had a better work ethic, passion to improve/succeed or have had better leadership skills. I have meet Sarah and her parents.......I'll side with her on this one.
  14. Sara Jacobson was "dismissed" from the NDSU program.....and some think UND is the biggest dumpster fire in the RRV? Brew better have made a call already!
  15. He has that "it" factor.... something Coyle and Granlund didn't have.
  16. Next year's schedule is like seeing Sioux Falls University on the FB schedule in years past
  17. Speaking about methane gas.....what about all the farting cows?
  18. "Here" -- Briggs Feat. with Caiti Baker
  19. ........and the fact he got a couple cups of coffee in the NHL as a forward!!! SMH
  20. Agree. Going to F4s to cheer on your team are a blast. Hak's teams couldn't get over the hump. It is what it is. It's part of his legacy here. Were those seasons frustrating as a fan... absolutely but these past two seasons are even more frustrating. They have been cringe worthy!
  21. There's at least 8 rostered forwards on this team that would have had zero chance on making any of the rosters the 3 years Oshie played. Zero chance. Think about that!
  22. Could it be due to a botched Botox procedure? Asking for Daryl Hannah.............
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