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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Not a bad idea. Kids have been doing strength and conditioning plus BB and VB open gyms in the FM area for weeks.
  2. P With that said the Fargo Smart Restart would have middle and high school kids distance learning only if starting today. Elementary.....hybrid.
  3. Again good stuff. ND is at 1.16. MT iss 1.25. SD is 0.95. MN is 1.08. Anything above 1.0 virus spreads quickly. Below 1.0 spreads slowly. Planning on going to MT next week for vacation. Is my risk any really higher than in Fargo? Couple weeks later off to SD to see family......so it is much safer in Rapid City? Safer for me to go to the DQ across river in Moorhead than one within walking distance from my house?
  4. Do question to some extent the validity of "unique" daily positives though. Know someone who registered for the testing....too long of a wait so left without getting tested.......yet got notified test was postive.
  5. So over half of all tests performed in ND have been on individuals that had been already tested.
  6. A hospitalized patient in OH was tested 15 times over the hospital stay. Each day a positive test came back on this individual it was added to the daily "positive test" numbers. Yesterday over half of people in ND tested who were tested before. Not sure why. If someone tested positive Friday in Bismarck, retested positive again yesterday is he/she add back in the new daily positive cases? Be interesting to know.
  7. If masks are as effective and are "proven to work" to the extent as some here and national experts claim reopening schools should be a no brainer. Totally with you on your first comment.
  8. Throw in the fact 16% of all positives in ND are healthcare workers.
  9. With those numbers and one death in MN under 20 plus the effectivenes of masks which are "proven to work" there should be no reason Walz won't reopen all school in MN face to face.......right?
  10. Walz to mandate masks in MN today but probably won't allow schools to reopen face to face. UND mandated masks for classes but now is most likely going online only. So are masks really the answer? "Proven to work" some say. You'd think more opportunities for "normalcy" would open up because of masks. Obviously that's currently not the trend. BTW IIRC one person under 20 in ND and MN combined have died from Covid19. UND had more students die of suicide in the fall semester last year.
  11. That answers basically nothing. Is UND going strictly distance learning in the fall (minus the Med School)? Obviously you have insight otherwise you would not have chimed in. Or do I need a decoder ring?
  12. 14 shot at a funeral on the south side of Chicago tonight. #BLM
  13. Gonna slash its collective throat if the university goes strictly online.
  14. Heard a rumor, unsubstantiated, that UND is going to cave and go to strictly online classes this fall. Any of you that drink morning coffee in Twamley have any inside information on this?
  15. If you are from ND and are traveling to NY you are now required to quarantine for 14 days apon arriving in NY.
  16. Playing the Ouija board to get his next opinion?
  17. ND... 82/3739/1. 2.2%. Active cases down too.
  18. Hmmmmmmm.....interesting. It has been reiterated repeatedly here not wearing masks everywhere in public kills people. Just looking for advice from the mask warriors.
  19. Went to a local grocery store early this morning (with a mask on).......half the employees not wearing masks. Store policy doesn't mandate masks at this point. In the future what should be my verbal and/or physical response to those "buffoons"?
  20. Not questiining the overall death total but IIRC the CDC has noted a decrease in weekly death totals the past 10 weeks.
  21. Who's going to be in charge of rounding up the 40% that will refuse to get the vaccine? And where are they going to put all of them? In special camps?
  22. Where have I told people not to wear masks? I do believe people can chose for themselves to wear a mask if they want to or not.
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