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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. If this type of "peaceful" protesting continues for the the next two plus months and there is a change in the presidency all bets are off.....might come down to who has the biggest guns and the best shot wins moving forward.
  2. Still just counting cases aren't you Grandpa? Or have you come to realize this pandemic leads to other causes of death than "presumed Covid"?
  3. If you're keeping score at home deaths at UND to date...... Suicide 1 Covid 0 #saferathome #distancelearningonly #wearamaskstayalive #countingpositivecases
  4. Frey has been in over his head since day one. He couldn't be an assistant manager at a Culver's. Walz is too concerned about tracing cases from a rodeo, mandating masks while having sex and instituting his convoluted criteria make sure kids don't go to school in person this year.
  5. #anyreasontoriot Hopefully that s#$t show in downtown Minneapolis will continue and will look like Portland thru early November.
  6. Is the NBA even still a thing? If so who's watching or cares if a majority of its fan base is out rioting and looting on a nightly basis? Asking for Doc Emrick..........
  7. Breaking news on the Covid front.....I'm still alive as are 330M+ other individuals that live in this country. Carry on........
  8. University of Minnesota systems ask for a 2 week delay in opening campuses. What a novel idea......wait 2 more week. Never heard that BS before.
  9. Biden said he's willing to lockdown the country again. "You have to fix the virus".......Joey B Is the virus like a small engine? Humpty Dumpty? A broke vase? Biden's new campaign slogan should be "Just fix it".
  10. You're a case counter so not good for you obviously.
  11. Had an interesting conversation with my neighbor who's a hospital intensivist...….he basically said the only COVID numbers he wants to hear about is 1) deaths and 2) those sick enough to be hospitalized. He said nothing else matters. He said it's a virus and viruses spread and make people sick to varying degrees.....nothing he hasn't seen before in 40+ years of practice.
  12. No deaths again reported today in Cass County......just saying.
  13. Fauci just had a procedure to remove a polyp from his vocal cords. Any chance that procedure will help him say things that make sense?
  14. UND will have more suicide deaths than COVID-19 come mid May. Oh........and I guess those named Erin and Aaron have vaginas. That kid needs to grow a pair. Or he could move to Cass County.
  15. UND sends out email to students and families that there are seven positives cases tied to six Greek Chapters on campus. Who knew zero positives was the goal on campus???
  16. At least classify them as essential workers as those working in liquor stores.........
  17. Cass County without a single death for the 36th day in a row (IIRC).
  18. My teenage daughters enjoy Billie Ellish's music but both realize that at 18 she is nothing more than a sheltered, home schooled, depressed, wanna be political influencer who has very little "real world" living and that her presence at the DNC last night was just a PR stunt.
  19. Watch the video.........she's a just a pathetic individual. POS really. This incident shows what BLM is really about. Word of advice to anyone getting pulled over or approached by the police when you're in the wrong......don't be an agitating b#$@h or dick and things tend to go smoothly when dealing with them.
  20. So UND sent out an email to students to get Covid tested with the allure at a chance of $500 credit in bookstore IIRC from what my daughter told me. Well played UND.......test a bunch of asymptomatic kids to find positive cases so that the university can go strictly to online learning and still collect full tuition dollars but still allowing kids to live in the dorms.
  21. Good to see ND HS athletics back in action with boy's soccer matches starting last night. This needed to happen for many reasons but mostly for the kids involved.
  22. Just heard from a reliable source that the BLM person is looking to sue Officer Zimmel. This is what happens when hired, instigating, agenda driven trash is brought into communities. Bolded part....got the same impression.
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