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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. Great 1st period! (for a change)
  2. Why doesn't FSSN have a ticker for Penalty Time??
  3. 3-2 Sioux, 6:45 left in the 3rd
  4. 'bout time! Evidently "tackling"is not a penalty!
  5. Hakstol had better "wake em up"!
  6. Wow - just wow. Officials must have bet on the Huskies.
  7. Replay looked like a clean hit. Shoulder. He was not ready for it.
  8. He went down like a sack of spuds!
  9. Gotta come out HARD in the 2nd. Another goal would be great to take the wind out of their sails. GO SIOUX!!!!!
  10. Not if I have anything to say about it! Which I don't.
  11. Just no touchie on the boards, evidently.....
  12. BE had better be on his game tonight. It won't be like last weekend where we out shoot the opponent 2-1.
  13. Settle down and pass, boys!
  14. BE is on his game. The boys look like they sharpened their skates tonight. GO SIOUX!!!!
  15. Wow, we actually got the benefit on that no-goal call!
  16. This is better than out PPs last night!
  17. Off to a better start tonight! We ned to put Denver back on their heals right away. Either that or just goahead and spot em a goal for the one that will inevitably be dissallowed..
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