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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. We will see how Thome does. Can it be worse than Scheel was last night? I think we are going to have to score 7 goals to have a chance at a win, which could happen if the boys play like they did pre-break. A split would be good........
  2. But yeah, I would not wanna be in a DahLoot bar tonight. Just wouldn't be fun. Probably less dangerous than when I was there after we won though.......
  3. Or tweak some nipples. Whatever gets em going!
  4. Yeah..... That was on Hackstol's heels.
  5. Momentum has been the friend of UND natties.....
  6. Hah. Probably not the exact words, but.........
  7. Yep. And we shall hash them all out in the end.
  8. Yeah, he was on Hakstol's coattails then....
  9. Gad, I actually posted that? Sorry. I do that, type up a response, and than decide if I want to post it.. Kinda an internal editor.
  10. Yeah, yeah, there are always spoilers. UMD, Mankato, used to be even St Cloud. Enough excuses. get ON with it! That is part of the game!
  11. All I know is that we need to stand tall tomorrow. Both as fans as a team.
  12. This is absolutely spot on. Scheel needs to make about half the break aways, and stand tall during the run of play, stopping anything the defense makes predictable. Part of the problem is the defense making predictable, but the lion's share is with Scheel making the save.
  13. I think both can share the blame tonight...
  14. You know what? I believe we were out coached as well. Berry is a great guy and a great motivator, when things are going great, but I think he is short when things need attention.
  15. Yeah, we need some positive thoughts. A split would not be the end of the world. A sweep would, I am afraid, be tragic, both from a points standing and a "moving forward" momentum. Let's hope for the best. Be it Scheel or Thome or.................
  16. Crap. Crappy end to a crappy game. Makes tomorrow night's game a must-win.
  17. Maybe this is the loss we need to prep us for reality and to help move us forward for the rest of the season. It just doesn't feel like it..........
  18. Scheel didn't even move over to cover the pipe.
  19. Wow. Just wow. Scheel ain't our guy. Pull his arse.
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