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  1. The odds that UND will make it to the NCAA regionals are very slim. So if you want to get rid of those tickets at a reasonable price, I am looking to buy 3 tickets. You are better off getting above face value now then if you were to wait till you know for sure that UND will not make it. The way it looks right now, MN will be in Fargo with probably Michigan, Providence, and either Quin or Mankato. Your odds of be able to get a good value for your tickets, with those teams(other than MN), will be tough. I am looking for 3 tickets for all 3 games. Thanks
  2. I will take them off your hands if you are unable to go.
  3. I am interested in these. Please post if they are sold so I know. I might have other tickets for cheaper but if that falls thru, I would like them.
  4. Are these still available? I would take them sat and most likely fri.
  5. i'm sorry I haven't gotten to you sooner but something has come up and I am unable to go to the game so I cannot buy these. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  6. I have sat in club seat and last time I got them for free. To determine the so called fair market value, you would have to take what was the total price you paid for them and then divide that by how many games there are at home. If that is $200 or more than ya that is fair. I was just wiling to pay $100. Watching hockey at the Ralph is fun but for me it's not worth $200.
  7. If you still want to sell them, my offer still stands. Just let me know.
  8. you have these still available? would you take $75 for them?
  9. $100 for them both. I know it's low but am not looking to spend anymore than that.
  10. I am looking for 2 or 4 tickets to Saturday's UND/WMU game.
  11. How many tickets do you have for each night?
  13. i'll give you $50 per ticket
  14. i'll give you $120 for both tickets if you can't get rid of them.
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