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Everything posted by SiouxFan100

  1. Rutroe
  2. Big series against the red hot Indians. let the best team win. Time for the twins to wear their big boys pants
  3. Who likes mama? I do!! As I raise my beer
  4. Hamms?
  5. Not satisfied but elated we are mentioning twins and playoffs in August!
  6. Was talking to a parent last weekend and she went through the football time commitment and expectations players have during the fall camp. Wow! I knew it was a lot but it is virtually all day every day. I wanted to again thank the players. As a fan I need that gentle reminder to appreciate the good and not get too down on them for the bad. any former players out there willing to give insights on the mental and physical stress of fall camp?
  7. Four games up! Not dead yet august and still interested
  8. Looking for insights on the ol weight less weight so they can pull more?? Less weight for a little more stamina with hurry up and faster pace?? Any other advantages?? less weight means less power up the middle?? If pace doesn’t work are we sol?? I was unfamiliar with zone blocking as talked about in this thread. Definition I found: Zone blocking is a running scheme in which the offensive linemen block gaps, rather than a power blocking scheme where each lineman is responsible for a specific defender. The offensive line typically flows to one side of the field in unison, with blockingresponsibilities developing as the players move in concert thanks in advance
  9. Have to say it was good walking into memorial stadium for practice Saturday. I haven’t been in there for about 30 years. it looks like a nice place to practice. it was the first time I actually stepped on the track. By the way, I got into the stadium from the northwest corner. This was after checking out the only entrance I knew of from my college days on the west side. Walking in I was only ten yards away from some players so I wondered if I was someplace I wasn’t supposed to be. it brought back lots of good memories. I parked north of the stadium. There were only about ten cars in the parking lot. Lots of space for a grill and beers for fans to gather after practice!
  10. There seems to be adequate to good coverage of UND football in the herald this year. kudos to the GF Herald
  11. I watched part of the practice today- my first time. Impressions: it was fun to watch the athletes look very impressive without pads and up close the practice was very hot the practice was VERY organized and timed no dilly dadling between any part rush rush rush passes were thrown to a spot that didn’t look open when passed but our receivers got their hands on it - including one back shoulder pass to a tall wide out!!! players need to be very prepared before practice or they will be embarrassed during practice would love to go and watch again- highly recommend it One regret is not saying hello to the few fans watching- one must have been the much appreciated Teeder!
  12. Thanks for the updates! Much appreciated fun time of the year
  13. Morrison - 278 pounds I think that is good news
  14. That stinks
  15. Twins up Indians down late
  16. Twins double their lead today
  17. Well it’s something
  18. That’s is how I interpreted your post. I found it interesting. Wasn’t meant to say that the first commit is the cream of the recruiting class. my two cents
  19. Here we go again?
  20. A little harsh?
  21. No way
  22. 7 RBIs tonight
  23. What a game back and forth
  24. Twins aren’t dead yet!!!
  25. Bom bom
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