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Posts posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. I have been following Montana and Montana State somewhat closely this year and they have almost all of thier games on TV and on Satelite so the alum from around the country can see them. I wonder why that has never been done for NDSU or UND football. Usually for NDSU the only game you see is the UND game and then you can catch most away playoff games and sometimes a home playoff game on the satelite. Both schools could stand to look at Montana as an example of how to increase the visibility of your institution. I think a satelite feed of your games, while maybe costing some money up front, helps keeping the loyalty of your alumni and help, in the end, with overall fundraising for your respective university. To me it seems like a no brainer in getting every game up on a satelite.

  2. Don't get me wrong...I am very impressed and surprised with what the Sioux put together. And I like to see any NCC team whip up on the rest of the country. But, when you look at UNA and who they have beaten this season, I think that UND will get smoked. However, the Sioux have been full of surprises.

    I think that UND has performed so well this season that it may be tough to keep Lennon as coach. It will be interesting to watch the post playoff time period and se what offers he gets. My estimation of Lennon as a coach has improved greatly with this seasons performance. I still like Bohl much more as a head coach, especially after the turnaround he engineered at NDSU this year. At the beginning of the season I thought we probably would go .500 or maybe one game better than that.

  3. A Sioux fan over on the Bisonville board thought that maybe UND got the game because if UNA make it to the title game they would have had the home field the whole way through the playoffs. That actually could make some sense and was an interesting observation.

    I do think that UND will get stomped on Saturday, but I hope you don't. I, again, will be pulling for those most despised Sioux....

  4. Not showing the game outside of the local area, say 100 miles from Grand Forks, really shoots yourself in the foot. Most people from Minot, Bismarck, Williston, or Dickinson are not going to drive over to the game. However, if you televise it to the west the school will get more exposure....and that is a positive thing despite the attendance issue. It seems strange logic that Thomas used on this, but then that seems to be his pattern.

  5. If UND could only muster a 7 pt win against Winona State I would say that the Sioux will get the SH*T blown out of them. UNA seem in a league by themselves and will win the National Championship....

  6. Not good having the back-up playing. I still hope the Sioux blow them out and show the NSIC that they are not a real D2 conference, but the back-up situation makes me a little nervous. Damn, it you guys loose I will be eating crow over on D2, and probably be getting sh*t from some of my fellow Bison fans... ;)

  7. NDSU will be very competative in D1AA ball. There is a lot of alum support and many many of us are stepping up our giving to fund a first class program. It would seem that the Sioux administration realize that and that is probably why they are so spooked of playing NDSU in the future.

  8. I actually suspect that most UND fans are in agreeement with Verk62. From the UND alumi I know, most want to move to D1AA and most think NDSU is making the right move. Also most want the game with NDSU to continune. I think the group of Sioux fans posting on this site are pretty slanted in thier view and don't reflect the majority.

  9. I for one don't post here to ruffle feathers. I post here so we can have a good exchange on issues of a common concern. Tony does a hell of a job running Bisonville and has been pretty lenient on banning anyone. From what I have seen it is only the vulgar personal type stuff that gets one into trouble. And that is how it should be on any board or listserve. I think Jim also does a good job dealing with the banning issue here as well.

    I am far far from a supporter of UND or the Sioux. I despise UND (it is probably the only place other than BYU that I would refuse to pay for my kid to attend). However, I have never been warned or close to being banned on this site despite my disagreements with the UND fans, and that is what these boards are all about. Free speech with in reason. I think that both this site and Bisonville do a pretty good job of allowing free speech with in reason.

  10. But the fact of the matter is the ball is in UND's court. It will be UND thatdecided whether or not to continue the game. NDSU is leaving the offer open. And, the unfortunate fact remains that as things stand now a NDSU/UND game will do no favors to either school in the playoff race. Obviously NDSU won't see that impact until the probation period is over, but it will still affect NDSU. The real issue is whether the rivalry is more important than the playoffs. On that I think both sides are split. Remember though.....NDSU has always said the offer to play UND is open.

  11. I think it is UND that is more hung up about the rivalry than NDSU. Most of us have moved on. I am paying more attention to the D1AA playoffs this year because that is our future. I don't like to see the rivalry end, but then again NDSU is moving up and needs to schedule D1AA opponent. Clearly a D2 opponent hurts you when trying to make the D1AA playoffs. Montana has had to sweat that one out. That being said, I think that the NDSU/UND rivalry is a big enough deal in the State of North Dakota that both schools probably should drop the petty whining about playoffs, scholarships, etc. and play the game. I think that NDSU will keep an invitation open to UND to play the game. It is really up to UND as to whether or not the series continues.

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