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Posts posted by JacksonW

  1. Ok, you win. These two little bastard's should be shot, hung, and pissed on, immediately. How dare they offend a bunch of fair-weather fans with these atrocities against humanity. Bring forth the firing squad, the earth will be a better place without scum like this. You must work for those assholes at the herald, or maybe wda-ssholes.

    Shoot the messengers, they violated the law, no wait they did thier job, reporting on something that the community is interested in. This would have leaked out eventually, might as well report it, it is news. They are very public figures in Grand Forks.

  2. A big beautiful building, and handfuls of players in the NHL I'm sure have nothing to do with recruiting.

    Which is what Denver, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan all have. But you also have the weather. The kids in town for the AAA midget tournament all they remember was how freakin' cold it was. Parents, believe it or not, know that many kids will never see the NHL, they hope their kid will enjoy the experience at college, get an education, and grow into the adult part of their life.

  3. This is an opportunity for UND and the hockey program to prove something. If the story is true JT and TJ (and Bina) need to be punished and the incident NOT swept under the rug the way many other schools might tend to attempt. I hate to say it, but the boys should sit a game or two and the team pay the consequences. Any less puts the Fighting Sioux in the cesspool with too many other athletic programs.

    When recruiting, coaches develop reputations for how much they emphasize acedemics and behavior. They will all say the correct things when recruiting, to Mom and Dad. But some coaches actions match thier words and some don't. This does matter to many parents, some schools that have trouble recruiting is primarily become the coach has a reputation for only caring about on-ice issues. Blais had a very positive reputation for caring about school and off-ice behavior. Hakstol is developing the same reputation, because of the players profile this will either add or detract from that reputation.

  4. I'm not saying throw the boys to the wolves. BUT they are under-aged and to go to a bar where 'everyone knows your name' and face is not the smartest thing to do. Some closet Goofy fan obviously turned them in. Judy's is not the type of bar that the city police or campus police bust on a routine basis. As Siouxmama said, high school athletes face discipline when they break the rules. IMHO, so should college students.

    Just because you're a college athlete doesn't mean your above the rules everyone has to follow. Hopefully a fine and 'in-house discipline' is all they will get. I love both those boys for their talent and what they have brought to the Fighting Sioux hockey program and I will be in line to get their autographs again because of it. I will always cheer for them. I've met T.J. and like him as a person and I like what I have seen of Jonathon as well. I still think they need to follow the rules or face the consequences, whatever they may be.

    You can tell who is level headed and see can the larger picture, and get past the short term hero worship. They probably are good kids, some consequences will continue the development of the citizen part of their life. I occasionally work with ex-jocks, most are great, but some (many years after playing) still think rules are for other people. Nice post.

  5. Poor turn out for tonight but fun games to watch. SSM got beat in a shootout! Didn't see that one coming. I hope to attend more!

    If you have time it is very good hockey, these teams have excellent coaching, the Wisconsin team that beat SSM is coached by one of the Suters. The Colorado team is coached by Brad Buetow. Ludwig is asst coach of Dallas. Most of these teams have large financial budgets and play 60-80 games every year. The goal is to get as many kids as possible ready to play college or Canadian juniors. The talent level of these 16-17 year olds in fun to watch.

  6. I live in Mankato and am familiar with the program, although I am a Sioux fan. Jutting is not a goon. He's actually a really nice guy. He's intense for sure. However, what happened, if it did, was totally inappropriate.

    Jutting is on the last year of a 4 year contract, his record over those 4 years is well under .500. Maybe the pressure to save his job is taking it's toll. This certainly cannot help. Would Blais be interested in taking on a challenge like this, or would this be too large a step back?

  7. From INCH:

    So Campion didn't go with the "marble in the pocket" theory of officiating that night. Interesting.

    The most important question is this:

    Did MSU-Mankato commit five more penalties than Minnesota?

    This expectation that every game should have equal numbers of powerplays is unrealistic: Objectively call what's happening on the ice.

    Minnesota was playing so passive you almost needed a mirror under the nose to check for breathing. MSUM played on the edge, hence more penalities. Can you have made an arguement for a missed call here or there, sure. But the penalties reflected the style of play of each team. in my opinion.

  8. It wouldn't have done any good. Shepherd had already determined that no penalty shot would be awarded. No amount of histrionics by Hakstol would have changed that.

    Good coaches know which referees they can influence and which ones can hold a grudge and how to treat each type. Bad coaches just do what emotions at the moment compell them to do. Confrontation after a game that requires 3rd party intervention generally won't have a positive lasting effect for your team

  9. You are totally correct on the very loose application of the label AAA. That is why I gave examples of the programs traditionally recognized as AAA and who typically qualify for the Tier I USA Hockey National Championships. There are about 80 AAA teams that have websites across the United States and the top programs take players from anywhere in the country. It is also true that some AAA teams that are thrown together in the summer would be beaten, and have been beaten, by very good North Dakota or Minnesota A teams. In North Dakota there is the Pepsi Cup tournament that is billed as a AAA tournament. Most and maybe all of the teams in that tournament would not come close to competing with a true regular season AAA team such as those in the Elite Midwest AAA league (Honeybaked, Team Illinois, Victory Honda, Little Ceasar's etc). In the end the label AAA is best judged after the fact based on the performance of the team against other traditional AAA teams rather than how the promoters describe it in marketing it to prospective players and families.

    Do many kids leave the state to play at the Tier One level as bantams or midgets? And if so where do they traditionally go?

  10. I think you will see the South side hockey continue to compete with the Moorhead teams in the future. To be honest, this may be Moorhead's last shot at a HS state title for quite some time. The reason for the improvment in fargo is that there are more and more parents that played hockey now have kids coming through the system. When I came through the Flyer system in the 80s and South in the early 90s my dad was one of the 2 or 3 parents who could skate, and was probably the only one who played HS hockey.

    I was fortunate enough to play against some of the best youth hockey teams in the country (GF Central/North team that won a Bantam national title and a moorhead team with multiple Div. 1 and NHL players) the reason these teams were so good is because their parents and coaches had a passion for hockey that didn't exitst in fargo at the time. A lot of that passion came from parents who played HS hockey and passed that down to their kids.

    Will fargo ever get to that point? It's hard to say, but the gap is closing by the year. :D

    Coming from another part of the country that doesn't have high school hockey, but has midget minor and midget major. Which level of pee wee and bantam do the best North Dakota teams play at?

  11. On the basis that their reason for not televising is "due to a shortened work week".

    I apologize if I offended you PCM. I'd compare my passion for Sioux Football to that of yours for Sioux Hockey and if a Sioux hockey playoff game fell on a holiday weekend and was not televised, I'm sure many more would be very upset. But, like I said, it's only football.

    If it is that important that you see the game, get up, drive, and watch in person. The game isn't in Florida.

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