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Posts posted by JacksonW

  1. Tech I plan on going to Lubbock. Are there many scalpers on game day?

    Or is that a bad idea to get tickets.

    Ordered tickets thru Stub Hub last week got tickets on vistors side on 35 yard line for face value. Showed up on doorstep 3 days later via Fed-Ex.

  2. I believe the team/charter is staying at the Holiday Inn Towers about a mile east of the Stadium.

    I cannot wait for the game. The atmosphere is going to be something that the players will always remember and the fans will too! I have read that the campus is beautiful and is worth touring.

    Thanks for the welcome TexasTech guy!

    Have had the joy of tailgating at many Big 12 football games. It is an absolute pleasure. People are excited, happy, friendly, talkative, and generous with the food and beverages. They will want to know all about North Dakota and its team so it is an advantage to wear clothes indentifying yourself. It starts early and ends late with many TV's tuned to other games. It will be warm so dress for it. Hats and sunglasses help. It is easy to overconsume because of the environment so pace yourself. Get to stadium early, pre-game is usually very impressive. Have fun, support your team, make new friends. If you are a football fan try to attend a SEC or Big 12 football game at least once. You will go back and beg your AD to find another game to schedule to matter the score because of the experience.

  3. Looking at the rosters, it's shows how the game has grown - there are kids from all across the US, plenty from sun-belt states.

    Just using the Dallas area as an example, they finished 2nd in tier I 18-under (finishing higher than Shattuck) after losing in OT in championship game and won in tier II 18-under (Dakota Starz had semi final team in tier 2 16-under).

    This with 3 best kids from area in national program Brown, Amburgury, Fallon.

    And leading defenseman scorer in USHL as a 18 year old, DU recruit and 4th round NHL draft pick Donovan

    A couple of the highest ranked 13-15 year olds in country

  4. Believe it or not, as a visiting team, we are allotted only 300. I think that is the standard D-1 allotment. The real problem here is that unlike the Bison vs. Gophers type games whereby thousands of Gopher fans had no interest in going to that game and subsequently alllowed for more Bison fans to buy tickets, with Texas Tech, they are rabid fans and sell out each game regardless of the opponent. I am hoping there can be some more tickets available but I think it may be "dog eat dog".

    Stub Hub is usually a good option for tickets, supply/demand will usually change as it gets closer to game and impact prices either way.

  5. All FBS and FCS games are DI vs. DI if you don't like to use the CORRECT terms at least use I-A and I-AA as both are DI.

    Or D1 and D1-JV which would be the clearest way to define the difference. It maybe POLITICALLY CORRECT to use FBS and FCS but it is still very common for large schools to refer to "1-AA" games and have fans groan when schedules come out with a 1-AA game. Even more so than when hockey powers schedule RIT, Wayne State like teams, even though they are all the same classification.

  6. what does he play, size ect...thanks a lot, i will also look that up but in case you are still on the board

    ok found it, 5'10, 174 lbs, shoots left, defenseman

    i see there was a older ludwing that went to providence in 2003

    Ludwig is a solid defensive defenseman, strong on his skates. makes many jarring open ice clean hits. Should continue to grow inches and pounds. Best of the three brothers. (one was drafted by NHL)

  7. We don't know what kind of support they need to meet the supporting tribe requirement - perhaps they already have the support they need, or have an agreement with a Sioux tribe in the works that will satisfy the requirement. If they can negotiate their way into keeping the name, it's going to be much cheaper than fighting in court over it for the next three or four years, and probably faster, too.

    I still think there's a cause of action under equal protection in federal court if they want to keep the name, and people other than the university could reasonably have standing to sue. I strongly doubt that the NCAA, made up of mostly public university member institutions, isn't a state actor for equal protection purposes...


    I have often thought that UND medical school should attempt to become a leader in the addiction field. It has a huge impact socially and financially throughout the country. The current "solutions" are in need of improvment. It could build large clinics in Devils Lake area and Bismarck area for treatment and training. Encourage Native American participatation working on new solutions to a serious problem for them and many others. Work on reducing prison population that are in for drug and alcohol related reasons. Become world renowned for innovation in attacking the problem. I think this is the kind of thing that would influence tribal councils rather than an evening of entertainment.

  8. What does having support of the tribes really mean anyway?

    Sure we could get the support today, like UND has had in the past but that doesn't mean they will not go back on the agreement later. If that happens we are in the same boat anyway and back to the struggle to keep the name. I really don't like leaving this decision in the hands of people change their views on the nickname on a whim or whenever they think they want or need something else.

    I really think people should speak with their pocket books on this issue and if the tribes continue to behave this way, the casino's they own should suffer a boycott from anyone who disagree's with what they are doing. Oh, that makes me a hateful racist doesn't it. At least according to most of the 20 or so who have been protesting the nickname and logo.

    It doen't make you look racist at all, but it sounds alot like my teenagers point of view when they don't like a decision we make.

    Casinos exist because most people enjoy gambling, not support or oppose the owners views. Should UND fans never go to Mystic Lake casino because they support Minnesota's athletic program?

  9. Man i hope the nerds from ND and the attorney general have fast cars cuz i heard big protests...this is bullsheetanad i feel most alumni feel the same. spending over a million and settling it and still havae to change it...say good bye indiaaans to evyerone goin to the casinos and all he feel schooling u get here.


    Shouldn't you be out puking in some parking lot somewhere? Your charm oozes through your posts.

  10. And what exactly would induce them to do so NOW? I agree with you in principle, but if it ain't happened by now, it ain't happenin'.

    If the University cannot find an effective method of negotiation over the next three years they aren't being creative enough. Every group wants or needs something they don't currently have. Threatening to take things away generally is counter productive and not very clever.

  11. When it comes to crooked politicians, tribal councils have everyone beat. I say take the offer, buy off a few people on the council (which will be easy). Get that agreement signed, put it in a safe deposit box, and keep the name forever!!!!!!!!

    You have never done business in Chicago, they do political corruption as an art form.

    Your post is a perfect example of making any solution more difficult rather than easier. Thanks for helping.

  12. You don't spend close to, or over, $1 million dollars on lawyers to agree on a settlement like this. It's just inexcusable. You don't fight for 2 years and then agree to give up the name in the next 3. It just doesn't make sense. Hopefully there will be some vote amongst the members tomorrow and realize how silly this settlement agreement would be.

    Another thing: What does removal of some of the Sioux logos in the REA mean? Every other section? Every Other Row? No Logo at center ice?

    If UND agrees to that, it better have an inside track on getting the tribes support.

    Maybe they don't want to spend another couple of million. Donors no matter how wealthy, have limits, especially with the outcome uncertain. While you have every right to have a strong opinion, the board has pragmatic concerns as well as personal opinions.

  13. Have to say that I side with kicking the player out. This is not a court of law, this is a university. If the video tape is accurate, there is no other evidence that is needed. I think the accused player on the tape should not be given any slack.

    As for the other 3 players; If they knew that this was going on, which obviously one person did when he was recording, they should be expelled along with the aforementioned. If consent was given and they had no knowledge of the alleged assault, then I don't believe they should be expelled.

    Players get kicked off teams all the time for things that aren't against the law. How many times do players go away for lack of ability, lack of intiative, insubordination, violation of team rules. This type of behavior should be at least as serious as sleeping through meetings and missing workouts which can lead to expulsion. Some coaches and fans love to hide behind the legal system when it serves a purpose. I think Brewster sends a strong message that bad behavior is bad behavior irregardless of the criminal ramifications.

    I am reasonably sure if they are only guilty of disgustingly poor judgement another college will be happy to forgive and forget (if they are talented enough)

  14. Sicatoka, I know Tori Hunter's contract is up this year, and no I dont have any inside information in regards to that, but my boys get a kick out of Jason Kubal for some reason, just wondering if you have any inside info on his upcoming status, is he out of options to be sent to the minors,will he continue his good play, is he going to resign with the Twins, heck is his contract even up? If you know anyting please let us know! I am just trying to put your level of inside information into perspective for you.

    I dont think you get it, the lack of actually not having baseball or softball coaches doesnt matter, not one bit. I see they named an interim baseball coach, where is all the talk about who will actually get the job full time! Whereas the top college hockey coach left dangling into the final year of his contract is HUGE!

    It must be way past your bedtime! Lucky for you this is late and mabye most people wont see your "inside iformation", I wish they would, the laugh is well worth reading it. Nobody really cares if he left ,stayed or whatever. Again no offense to him,but it is the cold hard truth. Ok I guess someone does, obviously you do!

    I am sure you have seen Mr Buning in his politician and cheerleader mode, but this goes beyond that. Again as I said earlier mabye you should just sit this thread out! Even if you have experience in either of those, there is no room for it in this thread. Hey I have an idea,mabye you can start the " who will be the new baseball coach" and " who will be the new softball coach" threads(no offense to the players or coaches), I bet you have tons of inside information to share! Now I dont care who you are , thats funny!

    MAYBE readers would meet you halfway if your posts didn't read like junior high angst. That is what your lecture implies. Attempt to persuade not harangue, it really does work better.
  15. I'm not sure but I think it should start with everyone taking a look in the mirror and asking themselves how many times a day on average do they post on any given message board and how many days they can go without having to make a post on a message board. That would be the first clue.

    Now I better stop posting before I get suckered into this category.

    Yes, Price Is Right reruns are on, scurry back to your remote control and Old Milwaukee.

  16. Can anyone here truely say they wouldnt want to have that access? I know of one particular person,who after the Frozen 4 loss to BC in Milwaukee rather than go to the night game was lucky enough,because of a relationsip he has with someone, to go to dinner with Tony Hrkac and other memebers of the 87 championship team. All of us would die for that chance

    Die for that chance? Because somebody played hockey or is an athlete doesn't automatically make them great dinner guests. Some of the old players I have met are great guys and a blast to have a beer with, some frankly aren't. Having access usually isn't that interesting. How well they played in college or NHL has zero correlation to thier personality or insight. I have sat through enough boozy "glory days" conversations that aren't interesting in the least. I have also had the pleasure to meet some ex-players that are well rounded, funny, and truly never bring up old hockey stories unless asked directly. FYI a "good friend" talked to Cary Eades a couple of weeks ago and the only thing he complained about was evaluating and recruiting kids that are 15-16 rather than 17-19.

  17. I think the point fs1 makes is very poignant. Because some of us aren't on here posting all the time, people tend to forget prior comments that we have made and therefore, whenever we try to post something insightful, we are challenged on it. And sticking your neck out and making a prediction or offering insightful information on a touchy subject is much different and will ultimately draw more criticism than sitting back and constantly offering a phylosophical analysis of what others have said. Like Jimdahl said, he believes others and takes them for their word because he sees there posts a lot and sees a lot of what they have to say even though it may just be "fluff" and not all that insightful. So if we are always constantly hit with comments by the same posters over and over again, we tend to take them for their word (which indirectly relates to the number of posts a person has).

    I can't recall a time when fs1 has offered insight that has been false or way off base. In fact, he's even had the correct recruit information when some of the more highly touted recruit posters on this site have been wrong in the past. So just because fs1 or others don't post often enough for them to be recognized easily, that doesn't mean what they say has any less truth behind it.

    And like was said previously, this situation with Buning is common knowledge among quite a few people and there have been rumblings of it for quite some time. So it's completely different than making a comment that no one has any knowledge of whatsoever (i.e. Hakstol eating kittens as the example Jimdahl tried to make). So when fs1 made his first post in this thread on this subject, it seemed like he was adding further analysis and insight into the situation. But since he wasn't recognized because he doesn't post that often, people knee-jerkingly ask for where's the proof whenever someone new tries to offer insight.

    I think that fs1 is "whiny" just stating facts. Makes me look small and petty, doen't it.

    By the way he and I were both wrong, we thought Kozek would be a big time scorer his soph year. Nobody is right all the time with "opinions" I mean facts.

  18. Ya thats it, well said!!

    I respecfully disagree, he may have perfectly valid points, but they weren't well said. He immediately vents at people who don't have the same opinion as him. Because they have the audacity to believe what they may see and experience(and must be easily fooled) and not what he sees/knows/has connections. Or they have no clue and must believe him because HE SAYS SO IN CAPS FOR EMPHASIS.

  19. Ya thats it, well said!!

    Is "severly broken the man to man trust" slang for something? I know about the woman to man trust thing and the trust between a man and his dog. I know that a trust fund is a good thing. Are there any other trusts I need to learn about?

  20. You've broken someone's trust by posting rumors on message boards. If the person would not want it to be public knowledge, then it's best left off here entirely.

    Exactly, the leaking of "private" major accusations without actual facts to "protect" the sources all the while naming people involved is BS. If you are blabbing about it on here you already violated the trust, you just can't be held accountable.

  21. There is a Buning problem! Just because Siouxcrioux1 says is is "basically a bunch of ppl making something out of absouletly nothing", doesnt mean there isnt a problem. Just because someone doesnt know what the problem is(example being Siouxcrioux1), doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Siouxcrioux1 is obviously not privy to the information pertaining to the problems. And obviously doesnt have access or connections to the information. And as for those who ask for it to be clearly stated here, word for word, that is not going to happen. People are told things in confidence, exact details, and if they are put here for everyone to read, one would be betraying the trust that another puts in you. I for one am not going to do that,whether that pertains to the Buning problem, a player,or a recruit. What type of person would betray a freinds trust in order to post the information here just to fill in fellow forum people of the exact details? If thats what it takes for Siouxcrioux1 to believe it ,well then I guess he just wont believe it! Siouxcrioux1 and the others who dont believe there could be a problem with Buning have probably only seen him in his POLITICIAN MODE at a game or fan gathering doing his rah rah speech or standing across the room from him seeing him smiling. And if they arent able to see that is as fake as a real politician walking the line shaking hands or holding a baby for a photo opp, well then let them believe what they will. The ones who work with him on a daily basis and the coaches who deal with him would tell you a completely different story. A story that makes them seriously consider leaving rather than work with him. Just because Lennon decided to stay, doesnt mean that he doenst have a problem with Buning. It just shows that his love for UND and the football program here,along with what he feels is best for his family outweighed his dislike for Buning. That may not be the case the next time with him or any other coach for that matter. The next opportunity for him or another coach might be enough to offset the pros of staying at UND.

    As long as Buning is here,there is no reason to think the problem will go away. Among other things, once you have severly broken the man to man trust you have with someone, it can almost never be rebuilt. Buning is not here for the long term, I think most people understand that,


    And why should anybody think you opinions are credible?

    They may be, but you post like a know-it-all teenager that has an over-exagerated sense of self importance.

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