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Everything posted by UND92,96

  1. Roebuck can be pretty blunt, but I don't think it's at all typical to be publicly critical of players' effort.
  2. I agree that he's got a very difficult job ahead of him. That was as bad of a team as I've seen in a long time.
  3. Did anyone happen to see the game in Bismarck last night? It sounded like the Sioux took a step (or two) backwards. Roebuck didn't sound too pleased in the post-game interview.
  4. People who haven't seen a UND men's game for awhile really should check them out this year. This team is definitely headed in the right direction.
  5. UND92,96

    next season

    Considering the uncertainty at quarterback and the major graduation losses on defense, would it be a good idea to schedule another I-AA (I'm not ready to start calling it by that other name yet) team next year? I'm thinking no, but I'll admit there are good arguments on the other side.
  6. UND92,96

    next season

    Obviously the UND men's basketball team has a new coach, and the play is already improved over recent years despite not having much of a chance to recruit yet. Two programs that SHOULD be cause for concern for their fans are the NDSU women's basketball program, and the SDSU men's basketball program.
  7. I think attendance is down all over the NCC due to having too many non-conference games in a short period of time and often on weeknights, and the loss of traditional rivals which drew very large crowds, bringing up the season average. Finally, the odd-number of teams in the NCC has resulted in a lot of one-game weekends, with that one game often being on a Thursday. Thursday games are never going to draw as well as Friday or Saturday, although I realize Thursday-Saturday games will be the norm for a dI conference. I have been going to UND basketball games my entire life, and I can recall many seasons where every conference game had crowds far in excess of the Betty's capacity. Granted, with the move to dI and the fact that men/women doubleheaders will cease to happen, things may never be exactly the same as they were, but I have no doubts that 3300 will be far too small of a capacity once UND is in a dI conference, and has decent teams.
  8. There was a pretty long thread on this subject last year. I believe the problem is that the Betty was rushed so that it would be completed in time for use during the world juniors a couple of years ago. I place far more blame on REA than on UND for the problems with its size and to a lesser extent its design. Had the men's basketball program been anywhere close to the level it was during the early 90's, there's no way the Betty could have been used for conference games last year, at least not without losing out on a huge amount of revenue due to ticket demand far exceeding supply. Most basketball fans I know are quite disappointed with the seating capacity of the Betty.
  9. It just seems weird that the series with Northern, Concordia-St. Paul and Moorhead have all been what we would expect--we go there one year and they come here the other--but with Bemidji we go there two years in a row.
  10. It's kind of interesting that Metro State, who UND beat a few weeks ago on a neutral court without Maffin and with a still-hobbled Langen, has gone on to beat St. Cloud State by 18, and just knocked off number one ranked Emporia State. Metro's only loss is to UND.
  11. UND92,96

    next season

    Exactly. UND has a better coaching staff, better facilities, and a far better history of success in football than does SDSU. I found it pretty interesting that Lennon makes roughly $25,000 more annually than Stiegelmeier.
  12. UND played UMC both at home and on the road last year. I know non-conference games are tough to come by since so many of them are needed with just a seven-team conference, but I just can't understand why we would agree to travel to Bemidji two years in a row unless it was part of a home-and-home series like last year with UMC, and like the men have had with BSU the past few years.
  13. I just noticed a rather odd scheduling quirk--UND is playing at Bemidji State for the second year in a row. What's up with that?
  14. UND92,96

    next season

    I'm not sure of the exact nature of his injury, or when it occurred, but I believe it was a lower body injury, and I know it was season-ending.
  15. UND92,96

    next season

    I was thinking it took NDSU two years to get to 63, and that was as quickly as the rules allow, but I'm sure one of the NDSU posters would be better able to explain that rule.
  16. UND92,96

    next season

    It will still be 36 for next season. I'm not sure whether you can add 27 scholarships immediately after next season (I-AA max is 63), or whether it has to increase to 63 over a couple of years.
  17. UND92,96

    next season

    Excellent points. I wouldn't be at all surprised if we see UND recruit more juco/transfer players this year than ever before. It would also be very interesting to know what sorts of credentials the quarterbacks who have contacted Lennon have.
  18. UND92,96

    next season

    quarterback This may be the biggest unknown on the team. Danny Freund and Jake Landry both had outstanding high school careers, but Freund has very, very little college playing experience, and Landry has none. Lennon mentioned on one of the coaches' shows a month or two ago that he's had several prospective transfers contact him, so I suspect he'll have to make a decision as to whether that's a route he feels he needs to go. I kind of doubt he'll go in that direction, but you never know. running back Things look very good here, with Ryan Chappell returning for his sophomore year after rushing for over 1200 yards this year. Brandon Brady should be the backup, with Jordan Armentraut and Brandon Dungy providing depth. Sorbo will probably be the fullback. receiver Dressler and Trenbeath are an outstanding duo. Caufield should return from his injury, leaving Nicholas, Rambeck and Wahlin to compete for the fourth spot. tight end Another well-stocked position. Grover will probably be the primary receiving tight end, with Troy Ott and possibly Marcus Tibesar also playing a lot. offensive line Four starters return, led by Mitch Braegelmann and Brian Troen. Brett Bauer and Andy Hoffelt will likely start at tackle, leaving just one guard spot open. Erik Moe is probably the frontrunner for that position. defensive line Alex Cadwell at end is the sole returning starter. Nate Wayne was Wolff's backup, and presumably will be the starter at the nose. Jeff Richter, Link Gottbeheat and Andy White will presumably be competing for the other end spot. linebacker Robbie Meek is the lone returning starter. Brett Holinka would seem to be the likely other starter on the inside, with Bobby Stroup and Noah Dombrovski the likely starters on the outside. There's not a lot of experience after that. Matt Bodoh and Andy Miller both played some this year, as did Tyler Morrow. I suspect at least one freshman may find his way into the rotation. secondary Donovan Alexander returns for his third year of starting at corner, with the other corner seemingly between Drake Otto and Brandon Jordan. Rory Manke was essentially a starter this year at free safety, and IMO was actually the best safety on the team. Derek Malner will likely start at strong safety. Similar to linebacker, there's not a lot of experience after the projected starters. kicker/punter Both Hellevang and Halfmann return. Similar to this year, it certainly appears that the offense will be the team's strength. I really hope we're pleasantly surprised by the defense, because there just isn't a lot coming back in terms of proven players.
  19. Probably either Freund or Landry, with an outside chance of an incoming transfer. On the bright side, with a pair of receivers like Dressler and Trenbeath, a running back like Chappell, and an experienced offensive line including a pretty good receiving tight end in Grover, it's about as good of a situation as possible for a new quarterback. I'm far more concerned about what the defense will look like next year. There are definitely guys returning who played a lot this year, but even with five senior first-team all-conference players, this defense had some shortcomings. I'm not sure how realistic it is to expect improved play given how many new starters there will be.
  20. It was a pretty wild game tonight against Mayville. In the first half, UND's defense and rebounding were outstanding. In the second half...not so much. The Sioux blew a 17-point second half lead due to committing a ridiculous number of turnovers once Mayville starting pressing. UND ended up winning, but it certainly wasn't pretty. It seems as though UND has three 6'0" shooting guards, and no real points guards. That presents a problem when teams press. On the bright side, I really like the frontcourt versatility this team has. Against smaller teams like Mayville, UND can go with Kruse, Little and Boyce. When they need to go bigger, you have Koenig and Gutter in place of one of those three. The bottom line is that if the Sioux can figure out a way to take better care of the ball, I suspect they'll be very difficult to beat at home. I think a .500 NCC record is achievable, and if everybody actually sticks around, this team has a chance to be quite good next season. Finding a pure point guard would be advisable, however.
  21. I agree, but I can't help but be a little concerned about the state of the defense going into next year. We obviously were having trouble for stretches of the season (albeit against two excellent teams the past two weeks), and we lose five first-team all-conference players and a second-teamer. For one thing, I think Dale needs to decide on one defensive coordinator. I'm not aware of any programs who have co-coordinators on either side of the ball.
  22. UND92,96

    Lennon & DI

    With all due respect to Roger, if Dale Lennon were to leave UND, I would really prefer that somebody be hired who has actually coached in the past eight years, and who is a bit younger. There are a number of ex-UND assistants who would be excellent candidates, as would Chris Mussman.
  23. The team charter left this morning for Grand Rapids, and apparently, the weather there is really bad right now--ice storm.
  24. UND92,96

    Goodbye NCC

    Maybe that's what he was referring to, but let's say that UNC, NDSU, SDSU, UND and USD had all moved together and formed a new version of the NCC three or four years ago. Would that "conference" still exist a year or two from now? I doubt it. There's too much to gain by moving to a conference with an autobid. That's part of the reason I feel the NCC was doomed no matter what.
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