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Everything posted by UND92,96

  1. UND92,96

    UND vs. UMD

    Hellevang has now missed six of his last eight field goal attempts.
  2. Langen and Kimbrough were their usual selves--very good. Seay has a nice mid-range game. It was good to see Ledger back from her injury. Interior depth should be very good. I'm glad to hear that Bagaason's injury isn't severe, because her 3-point shooting will be a key to keeping opposing defenses somewhat honest. Jossy will knock down some 3's, as will Guinn and Beck at times, but Bagaason is really a pure shooter. I believe Youngblut also is known for her outside shooting, although she struggled a bit with her shot last night.
  3. The starting lineup for tonight's exhibition game (won handily by the Sioux, as expected) was Langen, Kimbrough, Beck, Guinn and Seay. Guinn was actually running the point, which was a surprise to me. I thought she did a pretty good job, although how she will do against quick point guards who can put a lot of pressure on the ball remains to be seen. Bagaason and LaFrance were in street clothes--not sure whether they were sick or injured or what.
  4. Definitely. And I have mentioned lately that Dale Lennon is the best football coach in UND history and should never even consider taking another coaching job?
  5. Oops...judging by Coach Lennon's comments on the coaches' show tonight, these little injury updates I've posted based on information from past coaches' shows aren't appreciated, so I apologize.
  6. Unfortunately, this year's team appears fairly likely to either set or tie a rather dubious school record--fewest wins in a season. That record is six, and UND currently has five, with only a match at Bemidji appearing to be a good chance for a win (and Bemidji is better than UMC).
  7. I'm not aware of any other Big 10 wins, although Northern Iowa has several wins over Big 12 teams over the past 20 years, including multiple wins over Iowa State and Kansas State. I think it will be very difficult for UND to reach a number one ranking within the first four years of the transition as NDSU has done, although a top 10 ranking is quite possible IMO. Even if one were to take NDSU's success out of the equation, SDSU's success has probably been greater than or equal to what they typically did in the NCC, and that would certainly seem to bode well for UND. If UND is not a top-10 program in FCS within three or four years, I'll be pretty surprised.
  8. The pre-trial was continued until November 5. link.
  9. UND92,96

    UND vs. UMD

    This should be similar to the Mankato game in terms of a team that's going to throw roughly 50 times. Last year the Sioux had success getting to Schlafke and sacking him/forcing picks. Hopefully we can find a way to get some pressure, although I'm sure he'll get his yards. On the bright side, considering what UNO's backup running back did against them last week, and that the UND offensive line is apparently going to be healthier than they were against UNO, Chappell has the potential to go for big yards if he gets 25 touches or so. Obviously this is a must-win for the Sioux, but UND has done well vs. Bubba since he took over at Duluth, and I have to think that will continue on Saturday.
  10. Just a reminder that the women have an exhibition game this Thursday vs. Winnipeg.
  11. Was it expected that UND would take a step back this year in terms of success? I thought they did fairly well last year, but this year has been a struggle to win matches.
  12. My understanding is that Lehnertz has really improved a lot, so hopefully he can provide an effective rebounding/defensive presence when Koenig isn't in the game.
  13. I'm watching this game, and the commentators were talking about the South Florida defensive coaches and mentioned the name Rich Rachel. It sounded vaguely familiar, so I looked up his bio on the South Florida web site and sure enough, he once coached at UND under Roger Thomas in the late 80's.
  14. I notice he's already been removed from the roster. That certainly didn't take long!
  15. Dosch has proven that he is a very good coach, particularly with what he's done this year at Jamestown. However, knowing Dale Lennon's track record, he's a loyal guy. I can't see him making any big staff changes unless one of the current coaches leaves for a better job. I could see Mussman getting a head coaching job after this year, but I don't see any of the defensive coaches being close to moving up the coaching ladder at this point.
  16. This would appear to be as close as we've seen in the media to a confirmation from Twamley that Buning won't be back:
  17. It sounds like Bauer may be back for the Duluth game, but Muscha probably won't be ready yet (although he's apparently not out for the season). It doesn't sound very promising for Malner to play again this year, so presumably Schwenzfeier will be playing a lot at strong safety.
  18. Buning was/is allegedly back in GF: link
  19. Just because somebody--whether Buning or an attorney--came up with the idea, doesn't make it a good one. I can't guarantee that I'm right, but I do have some experience in this area. And my opinion is, unless Buning somehow thinks he can argue his way back into his job, there is no advantage to delaying the inevitable. Any wrongful termination or breach of contract action is not going to be substantially affected by delaying the firing. I'm confident Phil Harmeson and the UND general counsel would agree with my assessment, or else they wouldn't have (allegedly) given Buning a couple of days to decide whether to resign or be fired. I'm willing to bet that they didn't foresee this happening, precisely because it makes no sense for somebody to do. In the end, we'll probably never really know what the theory was behind this course of action Buning has taken, because it's likely going to end with a resignation and a nice check (which he would have gotten regardless). But a lot of bridges will have been unnecessarily burned, and it may cost Buning any chance he had to work in college athletics administration again.
  20. The "futile and misguided" part is thinking that you have to delay a firing, or else you may lose some of your rights in some sort of a wrongful termination action. Not true. I was not commenting on whether Buning actually has a cause of action (although I don't think he does). I'm simply commenting on the wisdom, or lack thereof, of using the FMLA in this manner. If this was such a great idea, don't you think that it would happen more often in situations where somebody is given the choice of resigning or being fired?
  21. If one believes that Buning was already told either he could resign or be fired, then taking UNPAID leave makes no sense whatsoever. It accomplishes nothing positive. If Buning truly has a "serious medical condition," then he has my sympathy, but the reality is that it makes no difference in terms of his soon-to-be-former job. If you have no job to return to, what sense is there in taking FMLA leave, other than a futile and misguided attempt to "explore your legal options"? Why would his options be any different after the firing/resignation than before? In my opinion, there would be no difference. I think there's good reason few if any people have heard of a situation quite like this before. Because 99.9% of employees would see what a futile and pointless gesture this is, and wouldn't do it.
  22. It wouldn't be public record, but the employer can request medical certification that the "serious health condition" for which the leave is taken actually exists:
  23. My understanding is that UND was in her final two. Oh, well. I can't blame her for wanting to play in the Big 10. I hope she does well.
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