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Everything posted by Gothmog

  1. I'm not saying that at all. There are many pluses and minuses in scheduling any team. IMO, there are more minuses than pluses for NDSU in scheduling UND. One of the minuses is that, since UND and NDSU no longer share a conference, UND might cancel the series leaving NDSU scrambling to find a game. Nothing in UND's track record convinces me otherwise.
  2. Not after promising that we would sign them and then sitting on them for months.
  3. Oh, good grief. You're really grasping for straws now.
  4. I have no idea what UND might do in the future. I only know what they have done in the past.
  5. It couldn't have hurt your chances when the contract was proposed ... it was proposed during the offseason. However, as it turned out, by the time the playoffs actually came around, it would not have hurt your chances. That's why I used the words "turned out to be false."
  6. You're assuming a 2 game home and home. That is not what anyone has talked about, nor is it likely to be what ends up getting signed, if anything ever does. We'll see what happens. But don't suggest scheduling UND as a way for NDSU to eliminate the possiblilty of a cancelled game. It's not.
  7. Hey, I didn't bring up PR (actually politics) in the first place. UND can schedule whomever it wants. Just don't tell that me NDSU should schedule UND because UND would never cancel a game. That's silly.
  8. Doesn't matter what you think the reasons are. The OP referenced the political and PR costs. In any case, that argument turned out to be false. Scheduling NDSU would not have hurt UND's playoff chances.
  9. Sure, the two situations are different. But your original post is wrong, NDSU cannot simply trust that UND would not cancel a future scheduled game, for whatever reason, simply because the resulting PR and political firestorm would not be worth it. They've already shown that they are willing to take that risk. So, scheduling UND is not a way for NDSU to eliminate the possibilty that they will need to find a replacement team late in the process.
  10. I would change it to "could cancel", but you're essentially correct.
  11. Ummm, correct me if I'm wrong, but Gene Taylor sent a 4 year contract to Roger Thomas back in 2002, refusing to sign that contract, and thereby ending a 100-year rivalry, certainly would be exactly the sort of thing that could cause PR damage to the UND athletic department. If he had been concerned about PR damage, he most certainly would have signed the contract and played the games.
  12. You're trying to change your original post. Here it is for reference: One thing that is certain is that UND wouldn't do to NDSU what Georgia Southern, Montana, and Montana State did. It would be political armageddon if UND or NDSU ever bought out a home-and-home game with the other. I simply noted that nothing in UND's history should lead a reasonable person to believe that they would not do to NDSU what GSU and MSU did, because of political fallout. That is, cancel the return game of a home and home series. Everything else you've added outside of your original post.
  13. Perhaps you needed a little help understanding. The second sentence refers to their lack of reluctance to incur PR damage in general not to any specific decision that might cause the damage.
  14. Fair enough, I guess. It;s just difficult to allow silly anti-Bison comments to go unchallenged.
  15. Again, I didn't compare UND's decision to turn down NDSU's offer of a 4-game home and home series to MSU's cancelling the 2013 game. I simply suggested that UND's past behavior (including turning down the 4 game series) indicates that they wouldn't be terribly concerned about the PR damage of cancelling a game with the Bison.
  16. Call it what you will, the effect is the same. Neither school is on your schedule in your primary sports. Maybe they will be in the future, maybe they won't.
  17. No, it's not apples and oranges. Your suggestion that UND would not backout of a scheduled game with NDSU because of the PR damage it might do is silly. They have shown no such reluctance in the past.
  18. No, you're misunderstanding. The OP said UND would not screw over NDSU because of the bad PR it would create. Based on UND's past behavior, that appears to not be the case. It has nothing to do with UND being out to get NDSU. It's just in their nature...kinda like the frog and the scorpion.
  19. Who's angry? Just an observation you might want to think about.
  20. This is an interesting comment coming from a fan of a program whose two biggest rivals both refuse to play them anymore. Ever consider the likelyhood that it's UND that's the problem not both NDSU and Minnesota?
  21. I don't believe that for a minute. UND officials have had no problem screwing over NDSU in the past, only a fool would believe that they would hesitate to do so in the future.
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