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Posts posted by Siouxmama

  1. GF herald picks up on the lastest Commie craze... Link


    As a fellow redhead...I'm all for the Commie Craze. I loved him as a Sioux player, and follow his NHL career. Gotta love the guy. :) I need a robe! :D I think it's awesome how he has become a fan favorite in both Calgary and now in Edmonton.

  2. The bottom line on this topic is...why do Gopher fans care what we wear and where we buy it. Do you care about the clothes I wear to work? No. Does it matter if I buy them at American Eagle, Aero, Christopher & Banks or the Salvation Army? No. So why do a few Holy Cross jerseys have you all in such turmoil? It's our clothes, and we can buy them and wear them whenever and wherever we want to. :)

  3. When I see the name Holy Cross it just kind of sticks out you know. Yeah, they may have kicked Minnesota's ass but thats what happens when you have god on you're side. :) I'll order a Holy Cross shirt, besides, you can't have too many hockey shirts....even you all have to agree on that. :D

    No doubt there.

  4. Thats the thing, I think it's HILARIOUS that you guys are going to spend that kind of money just to try to get under our skin.

    Spending money on a Holy Cross "Bible Thumper" jersey= TOO MUCH.

    Wearing them to Mariucci next season to try to get a rise out of Gopher fans= STUPID

    A bunch of Gopher fans having Holy Cross t-shirts on at half the price to shove it back in their faces= PRICELESS! :):D

    Why is it you all have to refer to Holy Cross as "Bible Thumpers"? They are just another college, that happens to be a Catholic college, that happened to have kicked Minnesota's A$$! And don't worry what type of apparel the Sioux fans choose to buy and wear. I will wait, and look forward to see the day the MN fans wear HC t shirts...like that will ever happen.

  5. From reading a post on a different thread, young Lammy is going to Northern Michigan. Sounded like the Air Force helped him with that , after they denied his admission to the Academy.

  6. I hate to say this but the picture kinda looked like an old indian with back problems bending over and taking it up the butt by the guardsman behind him? Maybe I am too critical.... ???

    Or...maybe an idiot. As PCM said in the first post, he was looking for serious answers.

  7. The athletic department box office number is 707 7774689.

    I was thinking of going to the Dartmouth game and then visiting Holy Cross. Any idea what the distance between them is?

    North Dakota area code is 701. Geeze...by now you'd think Sioux-cia would have recovered from the site being down for maintenance. ???

  8. Wow! I agree with Sioux-cia, it was scary! Thanks for getting it back up and running administrator (and who ever else helped, if any). From the sound of things it had to be done though. I was not a member for the "ugly crash" but it sounds like it was bad.

    I wasn't a member during the ugly crash, but now that I think about it, Sioux-cia was a little on edge for awhile...a little mumbling, some drooling, draging one foot when she walked, dazed look. :0

  9. Sorry guys, I didn't mean to lead you on. I won't ever do that again.

    Everyone will find out soon enough. Just give it some time. I can't believe it hasn't come out yet. It will soon.



  10. Sometimes its hard to be optimistic. However, when the glass is empty I must fill it back up, hopefully with beer or Diet Coke. Life is too short to be depressed all of the time, thats why I think the article by Siouxnami really got me thinking about how good UND really has it. We are still loaded after losing all of those players. I don't think SCSU, MTU or UAA could say that after losing 5 players. I hope people like DAR will see the light and get on board. I feel a lot of possitive energy about next season already.

    Now, if I was a Sens fan now I would be looking at it as the glass is empty and about to be broken.

    The game just got over. The Senators lost on OT.

    Looks like their glass is cracking, and so is the Devils. :0

  11. I had an interesting talk with my dad the other night. One of his female employees is a Sioux indian. While he was interviewing her they ended up talking about her heritage and it turned out that her grandfather is the picture you see on the highway patrol cars in ND. She brought pictures in to show my dad more and a coin with her grandfather's picture on it that the state patrol or ND government had given her grandfather. While they were talking about all of this stuff she ended up telling my dad that it is a great honor to have UND using the Sioux name and that the majority of Sioux support UND using the name.

    I am originally from Devils Lake and have many Sioux friends from the Spirit Lake Nation. Out of all my friends, none of them have a problem with the name. They feel the problem seems to lie with the new Chairperson of the Tribal Council, Myra Pearson.

    I have also gone to many parkboard softball games in Devils Lake (that has many teams playing from Spirit Lake) and you look at what they are wearing...hats with the current UND logo or the old Blackhaw logo on it, or they wear lots of t shirts with the logo on it. It would be great if the Tribal Council would really listen to the rest of the people on the reservation, and not have tunnel vision that doesn't go beyond the meeting room.

  12. :D

    According to a post on the hockey thread, we have $4050 worth of jerseys that are on their way. Thats 20 gameworn jreseys and 5 practice jerseys. The teams signed them too. I'm looking forward for the day I can wear it to a Gophers game!

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