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Posts posted by mikeypat15

  1. i see vande velde with a big year playing with some nice linemates. duncan will crack 40 points again without the O and the T :) kozek will be mid 30's with 20 goals. gregoire and toews in the 30's in points. D-TOEWS ROY-wcha. vande 40 plus points with genoway being the top point getter on the blueline

    Kozek's goal is for 30 this year

  2. Tommorrow at Wrigley Toews and Kane will go for a Grammy nomination in their duet rendition of "Take me out to the Ballgame"

    It's a 1:20 start, and the game is on CSN so not available in GF.

    Hopefully better than Ditka http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAXTbPCcGNM

    Go Cubs by the way.

    "You say the Brewers baseball team perform their heart with ease....Well if thats the case then what I just flushed was a giant masterpiece" -Jonathan Brandmeier

  3. thanks jfr! now lets talk hockey.......the season is right around the corner!

    Actually Sioux hockey can start next week with the start of the NHL preseason, Go Hawks!!!

  4. I was at Stevenson High School in Chicago, early in my junior year. We had ironically just finished watching a video in my first period Economics class on the world impacts of Lower Manhattan and the WTC. We walked out of class and through the cafeteria and saw students gathered around the overhead TV's. I will always vividly remember seeing the headline stating that the Sears Tower has been evacuated. It was just after the first tower collapsed and all one could see was smoke and dust and I quickly began to believe something had happened in my city. I tried looking at the pictures trying to decipher where in Chicago this was when the headline changed to the Tower collapsing.

    I continued on to class with one of my closest friends in total disbelief. I remember trying to create a story that I had heard news stories that the WTC was planned to be imploded and that this was it, just in total disbelief.

    I got to my English class and opened the doors to find my teacher in tears. I still was in complete disbelief and asked her what had happened, and she explained that two airplanes had hit the WTC. I was already a pilot and was in total disbelief that this could happen and asked, "Was it a small airplane?" to the response, "No." Then asked, "Was it cloudy, was the weather bad?" Again, "No." I just did not want to believe what I was seeing. We proceeded to watch the events of the next hour including the second collapse which just made me sick.

    I then went to Gym class. My teacher was an ex-marine but is still very involved with military affairs. He simply sat us all down and explained to us that when we have kids, they will one day ask us where we were on this day, and we would never forget. Obviously, I never doubted him.

    On a side note, while I was writing this NBC which is doing the coverage as it happened, at Jim Mic (not going to attempt his last name) describing an F-16 making a long sweeping pass over the Pentagon. If I remember correctly, it was ND's own Happy Hooligans who made that now famous "First Pass."

  5. How bout this?

    You must be 18, but cannot drink until

    6 months after you graduate from high school or receive your GED

    If you do not receive either of those your drinking age remains 21.

    This will greatly increase graduation rates, and you know the college presidents will love it cause it means more money in their pocket as most likely higher enrollment.

    This will also keep alcohol somewhat out of high schools. You already have brothers/sisters buying alcohol for their high school siblings which is rather impossible to stop, but this will keep older students in high school from buying alcohol for their 17 year old peers.

  6. OMG!! CNN just posted that LeRoi Moore passed away tonight!! How unbelieveabely sad! What a talent he was, I'm so happy I got to see him play at the Toronto show this year. My God, I'm in such shock right now and tearing up...crazy! The bands site has a tribute up www.dmband.com


    A very sad day indeed. I've been gone from the board for a while but this incredibly sad. Feel touched that the next Live Trax is the last time I got to see him perform.

    It is amazing all the tributes that you have seen in the past couple days, Kenny Chesny dedicating the show and playing Where Are You Going, John Mayer dedicating his show and playing #34, and the Allman Brothers dedicating their show. I'm sure that isn't all thats just what I have heard.

  7. What ya'll think of the first set, looked a lot like a D&F show but I don't mind. AntsLive on antsmarching.org is pretty sweet with people send pics and vids from the concert as it is going on.

    Simple set for night one, I'm sure the best stuff will come out at my shows this year :D

  8. I see its disappeared from the Forum and has been replaced with Jeeves. I don't know, but I thought Google was rather insightful and man could he find a link to a topic quick. Jeeves though.....everytime I want to talk to him I need to ask it in the form of a question.

  9. Re-read what you wrote - "these kids are" not probably are, not might be, "these kids are". And the Canucks made it clear that there was no contract violation very quickly.

    But hey, you can't be bothered to read, you are too busy posting about something you are ignorant of that no one apparently is supposed to read and react to.

    We read different articles, one came out right as the news broke and did not have much information. You easily could have put your first post a different way but to come out and say i'm making claims is rather rude. I simply put it that there are many out there who violate their contracts but yet teams do nothing about it, this case was different. Respect peoples comments and understand that I was not making a claim about the person in question, I had not heard whether he had violated team rules or not, and you have no right to attack me for not knowing that. I was making a comment about the whole situation with athletes riding motorcycles as someone stated above.

    Most members here at siouxsports.com respect the other members, and that has seemed to go out the window lately.

    See what the administrator said in the Wheeler thread.

  10. He did not violate his contract and his agent never discussed it with him. So maybe try reading some of the articles before making such a claim.

    I never said that he himself was violating his contract, I was stating that I know a lot of contracts out there have clauses in place specifically for situations like these. Jay Williams lost a ton of money cause he violated his contract by riding a motorcycle.

    I read one article right as it came out and there was nothing in it, I won't read twenty different articles cause it is all the same thing. I was going off information I know and obviously more information came out later. No need to get your panties in a tiff.

  11. It was on the front page on CNN.com this morning, but yes a sad story. What surprises me is that these kids are violating their contracts. I know that there are clauses that say no motorcycles, no skydiving, no bungee jumping, etc. but yet kids still do it. Organizations need to come up with stricter consequences for actions like this. I remember the contract issues that came up after Jay Williams did it while playing for the Chicago Bulls.

    I don't want to sound cold, it is an extremely sad story, and my deepest sympathies go out to his family and the Canucks organization.

  12. I also heard that Chorney was not going to get the rookie max from Edmonton if that means anything.

    Personally I believe Chorn did not develop this season as much as some thought he would. I personally picked him as our Hobey candidate. Now I think he is definitely ready for the AHL and a couple of games next season in the NHL, but if he stays, again I will pick him as an early top 10 candidate for the Hobey as I feel he has a ton of energy/points stored up and is ready to explode.

    As for Big Joe, I love him but was really tough to watch in the final month of the season. I read somewhere that he would need quite a bit of games in the AHL before he was NHL ready which I agree with. At this point it is a matter of what both players want.

    One thing that I bet greatly influenced TJ's leaving was insurance. We all know that the WCHA refs suck and this allowed TJ to get mauled, raped, and murdered all in one shift. He battled through injuries, but at one point one of those injuries could have been serious (remember the CFB his freshmen season). After that CFB I remeber a local paper running a story about TJ and other high profile players taking insurance policies out on their careers. TJ was smart to get out of the WCHA before getting hurt, he was able to get the money, get into a better controlled environment (penalty wise), and get into a system that will better manage and pay for any injuries major or minor. Now this seems like a small point, but I feel that if the WCHA continues in its current direction this may become a theme

    The same goes for Joe and Chorney, though it would be tough to hurt Joe, Chorney as we saw is another story, and they may take the option to get money and out of some unsafe situations that the WCHA has created.

  13. Best of luck, but I think you should put something in your contract that sends you to the Blackhawks after the pre-season camp is over! Wish you would be a Hawk, but I guess that's just not going to happen, at least right away.

    I hear ya, I think the Hawks sign Duncan, then trade Lang, Havlat, and anyone else who sucks for Oshie and bring back the DOT line. Goon and redwing again just let me dream.

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