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Posts posted by sioux7>5

  1. Well, duh, PCM. You know why that is, don't you? Because people like you and me were born white and male, we have "power" and can hold minority groups in their place. Myles Brand would visit you personally if you were Jesse Jackson and lodged a complaint about the Fighting Irish nickname.

    Lets all get in a big circl and sing kumbyya(spelling, I suck at spelling)

  2. No, that's not correct. You need to read this post from above.

    No, you don't understand. If it's a state case, then Rodriguez can't receive the death penalty.

    OK I read it and I understand more now, Thanks. I still think he should fry, state or federal I do not care re-instate the death penalty just to fry him. Do it at half-time of a football game, I would be money to watch him fry. He is a monster and we should do away with monsters

  3. From my understanding of the law, if he is found innocent of the federal charge, he can still be tried at the state level in ND and MN if both states want to. He could not be tried at the federal level again because he was already found innocent, but since both ND and MN dont have the death penalty the worse he could get would be life in prison with no paroll, thats why the defense attorney is pushing the death before transit argument so much, because if he didn't commit the crime across state lines the case is no longer that of a federal case. This is my understanding of it, but feel free to correct me if i am wrong.

    So let me see if I understand now, if he kidnapped her in Grand Forks but did not kill her untill in Minnesota then it is a federal case. But if he killed her right away after her abduction then it is a state case. OK I understand and I still do not care. Fry him regardless

  4. I have a question for any one to answer. Lets say that they can not find out reasonable where she was killed, if ND does not fry him can Minnesota have a crack at him? Why would it really matter where she was killed, the kidnapping started in ND and her body found in MN, I do not think it should matter. No matter how you look at it, it is still kidnapping resulting in sexaul assault and murder. Fry him good and for a long time I am sure there is a nice cubicle in hell reserved for him already. Can someone please explain for the law impaired.

  5. I just talked to someone at the NCAA and was told that letters should be going out later this week to people that applied for tickets. They also said that you can call 800-801-9268 at the end of the week and they should be able to tell you if you were selected for tickets.

    I hope this helps Sioux fans that have waited to hear about their applications,

    Ok so the lady I talked to was abviously on crack. I got my letter today. So everyone that applied should be receiving their letter shortly. Good Luck to all that applied.

  6. I just talked to someone at the NCAA and was told that letters should be going out later this week to people that applied for tickets. They also said that you can call 800-801-9268 at the end of the week and they should be able to tell you if you were selected for tickets.

    I hope this helps Sioux fans that have waited to hear about their applications,

  7. Here are my picks for the National Ranks:

    1. UND

    2. Boston College

    3. Wisconsin

    4. Boston University

    5. Minnesota

    6. Maine

    7. Denver

    8. Miami

    9. Michigan St.

    10. Michigan

    11. UMD

    12. New Hampshire

    13. St. Cloud

    14. Cornell

    15. Colorado College

    16. Holy Cross

    17. Dartmouth

    18. Colgate

    19. Northen Michigan

    20. Nebraska - Omaha

    I do think UND will be the pre-season #1 but to me that can be a curse. I would rather have them around 3rd or so. I never understand why the east coast teams that no one has ever heard of get ranked so damn high.

  8. The Kessel family, however, remains supportive of their son's decision.


    "I'll release a statement as soon I get out of the hot tub," his mother was quoted as saying.

    I want her to stay in the hot tub....I best not have to see her get out of it. I am scared, somebody hold me.

  9. He can be charged federally if she was alive when he began transportation. They're trying to cast doubt on whether she was alive when he started driving, and they are saying that the United States can't prove if she was alive or dead.

    OK Thanks for that info I do appreciate it. I still think that he should fry.

  10. Then Don't! Heaven forbid anybody should be held accountable! Criminals break the law and they are held accountable, but when individuals (Dr's, parole board's etc ) turn them loose back into society and the criminal repeats, there is no accountability on anybody's part. A Dr. sits down and psychoanalyzes a criminal or patient and then deems that that person is fit to go back into society and that person repeats /commits a crime, what does the Dr. do?? shrug his/her shoulders and say "oops!"? Nothing will change, when a person commits a crime or repeats, they are the only one that will be accountable. When that individual gets released and if they happen to repeat, we the public will sit back and say.........."Why was he/she even released"? Like we always do.

    Ok here is my take on what the defense is trying to do: They are trying to say she was still alive when she entered MN. Fine if Dru can still be alive in ND then fine if she is still dead in Mn or ND then he should fry. I am not trying to be insensative but I hate these people like Alfonso. More then that I hate their attorney's.

  11. Probably not very cool.

    I would never make fun of someone with a serious mental condition, but I do not think if Hirsh has that mentally ill he should not be playing major college hockey. I just do not want to see Mr. Hirsh really go down when the Sioux beat up on the Goofs. Plus with all the trash talking that goes on during a game. It might not be a good situation for him.

  12. Given his condition I would think that there has to be some personal risk in resuming the pressure of playing DI hockey. I wouldn't want the responsibility of making the decision to play him.

    I wanted to see what the silly little Goof fans were saying, so I went to GPL.com and one quote is "it is tough to lose the most talented college hockey player in the country". They are depressed over on GPL and I love it. One person did acknowledge that Toews is now the best player in the country, now that Phill left. What a joke. I would much rather have Toews then Phil.

  13. No need to worry about that. Hirsch will be back.....

    Tyler Hirsh is coming back. I thought he went to Europe and played there last year. But it will be nice to see the boy try and play in a straight jacket....I am not trying to poke fun at him..OK yes I am, but he kinda brought it on himself.

  14. I'll give him (KR) this, he had everybody fooled (except me) about his rehab. I thought it funny about how the announcers on Monday Night Football were praising him on how he's turned his life around. :D

    We're damn lucky he didn't kill somebody. What a loser....

    So lets keep giving guys that should be in prison millions to play a game. Most of these guys are nothing but rich gang members and are total idiots and they obviously do not think that the rules do not apply to them. They are losers. From Robinson to Moss all of them. If they could not play football or basketball they would be in prison.

  15. I was just on the Boston Bruins website and they have a poll set up, and the question is should Phill Kessel sign or not. The results are over 52% think he should sign and join the team. Here is a link to the page.

    Boston Bruins Web site

    The "One move wonder " has his own poll about him. Also on INCH they said a formal announcement about him leaving the Goofs will come today.

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