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Everything posted by GF_siouxfan

  1. that video is better than all of my science videos in school put together
  2. this vid is long im half way threw
  4. i cant reply without getting childish
  5. i mean i think someones jumping the gun but than again what do ik
  6. GF_siouxfan


    Will Farrel is hilarious and that guy in the student section is great too!!
  7. were not that BIG time someones getting a little to CRA CRA
  8. Mandan vs RR 6 - 13
  9. how about the imperial hunters? and our symbol/logo would be a big brown eye with bow n arrows
  10. that was really sweet by the way wow! HES A GOOD ONE! question? Is he big enough to play in the nfl? i definetly think so, even when he still has room for improvement!
  11. the way i remember it is that we were right behind san antoinio or san somethin that kind of city if you know what i mean but yah that article was real real old i really started to wonder on this so i stopped and found out heres what this site says : http://blog.lordsutch.com/archives/1475 Drunkest city in America According to this HealthDay article, San Antonio, TX,
  12. siouxfan5 YOUR SITE is not impresive! here it is: http://www.-fighting-sioux-rock-.piczo.com/
  14. has he been taken yet i have not found one thing on the internet?
  15. Yah I heared this stupid rumor in my highschool from one of the dumbest kids in my class! Its proably not going to happen. IS dumbest a word?
  16. CHOCTAWS - A Native American people formerly inhabiting central and southern Mississippi and southwest Alabama, with present-day populations in Mississippi and southeast Oklahoma. The Choctaw were removed to Indian Territory in the 1830s. what is this? SIOUX - A group of Native American peoples, also known as the Dakota, inhabiting the northern Great Plains from Minnesota to eastern Montana and from southern Saskatchewan to Nebraska. Present-day Sioux populations are located mainly in North and South Dakota. its strikingly familiar ik but... What does SIOUX really stand for? i understand this is a very broad question but if someone could answer it for me ill be back soon
  17. Ya i want some pics of that (wheres uncle rico?)
  18. I much agree that the student section should stop the chants ! ! Although they do get me kind of pumped up for the game, but for the kids they need to do something about the bad chants like having the "BAD" students leave the arena.
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