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Posts posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. I find these result unbelievable. If this is followed through with it might as well be a death sentence for every other sport on campus other than hockey. It's unfathomable that a majority of the "stakeholders" in UND have decided that we are to become a second rate university in ND. I'm speechless.

  2. When ndac and sdsu announced they were moving up UND was fresh off their first D-2 football national championship and were looking forward to future ones. Ndac and sdsu hadn't seen one in over a decade so the prospect of postseason ineligibility was trivial to them because they hadn't seen the postseason for that long anyways. Eventually feelings changed and most Sioux fans, alumni, administrators have crossed over into being D-2 proponents. Trust me if UND had partnered with the Ag college both would probably be in the Big Sky right now. SDSU can best be compared to a fat chick who hangs around her good- looking friends hoping some guy picks her up too.

  3. You'll never get the chance. The jerkoff turned his back on UND and his past a long time ago and doubt you'll ever see him back any time soon. :D

    Supposedly he's being honored next season at a basketball game with and honorary doctorate or something of that nature. The alumni association is trying to get him back for that.

  4. If we have to change the name it's best we go without a nickname and let the current traditions continue to be carried on by the fans. It would be the ultimate defiant gesture towards the NCAA. If ten years from now the students and fans decide they want a nickname then they can adopt one then. Until then I say we remain simply the University of North Dakota. Besides Flickertails is awful and it's what other schools call us when they're poking fun at us and we should never be the Rough Riders because that pompous jackass Phil Jackson suggested it. I think it would be great if next year when he shows up at a basketball game to be honored we boo his ass right off the floor and remind him that people remember when you turn your back on where you came from.

  5. Check with Lt Col Bunning, Any of the Staff Coaches, or Your Favorite Sports Writer Wayne Nelson, University of Minn. was either contacted by us or they sent out feelers when NDSU 1st refused there request for Oct 23, 2006....Facts

    As for UNI that is fine to play a D1AA, but as far as SOS index a Loss to them is more harmful then a Win in Div2...Again just Facts

    That may be true, but it's a general feeling that at this point a game like this is very much desired by the program. We don't belong in D-2 anymore and this will be a good measuring stick to see what we need to do to get where we need to be. Speaking with the players they all seem very excited about it.

  6. A 2-23-2 record could, certainly sound to me like a very common result of poor internal leadership - meaning from the players. It's tough for a team to win while they're dedicating their energies to "getting their coach fired for the past two years" instead of getting on the same page and working hard help make things work. Theere'll be plenty of kids to take those 18 scolarships - the kind who shut up and work vs. the kind who get to be big shots at new programs and that's why they go there. Now, a coach can do something about internal leadreship - mostly develop it, but it's hard to change it from negative to positive without kicking it off the team which looks like it's been done in some instances. And, it's not that the coach didn't recruit these players inthe first place, but beggars also can't be choosers when you're starting a new program either. If a kid comes drunk to practice or can't run a 5K do you think they should be on a DI college team? If some players are telling recruits not to come to UND then, who's fault is that? If you don't like it, leave, but otherwise you're just shooting holes in your own boat? Does that sound like a good kid to you? Regardless of talent, it seems to me that if I were Rivard I'd be thinking, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out" with some of the players who have quit or been asked to leave. If you pend all your tim pointing fingers at problems instead of looking for solutions you ARE the problem. Again, Rivard recruited these kids and maybe she waited to long to cut them. Maybe she didn't have the support to cut them unless they did something huge like showing up to practice drunk. But you've got three coaches who see these kids two hours a day and 20+ players who are together all the time. It only takes one or two negative ringleaders to drag a team down and keep it down. The coach needs to do something and it looks like maybe she's trying to kick it into gear, but these players need to take some accountability, grow up, and recognize that college athletics are a privilege, not a right. They don't need to like their coach and it's not the coach's job to be liked. But either they do what the coach asks them to do and shut up about it or leave. Period. Let some kid who would be happy to run in the snow (or probably wouldnt' have to because she showed up in shape) just to have the chance to stand on ice for the anthem. Sounds to me like Rivard is trying to clean house and there are two ways to do that: cut kids or make the environment unhospitable to those who are part of the problem so that they quit. Sometimes "a fish stinks from the head". There are two heads on the team - the coaches and the team leadership. Again, coaches can help with that team leadership by teaching them to lead positively, but not if those charismatic kids are not willing to be helped. If that's the case then, time to clean house.

    Like it or not as a college coach making sure your players behavior or attitudes doesn't negatively affect the team or your win- loss record is a big part of your job. It's your job as a coach to prevent atmospheres like what's going on with women's hockey from developing. If you can't control your team then you've just proven that you shouldn't be coaching. Players probably are a big part of why that team has stunk the last two seasons and off the field disruptions only made it worse, but the coach has to take the largest amount of blame. It's her job to get a team on the ice that wins games, if she can't do that no amount of excuses should allow her to keep her job.

  7. Using your logic why don't you wait another 3 years and save another 10 million? Just remember if NDSU hadn't gone DI - UND wouldn't even be thinking about it. Some lead - some follow.

    Honestly it won't matter who went first five, ten fifteen years from now. I have to ask if we beat your ass on a level playing field five years from now will you still be clinging to the whole we went first thing? Exactly. Get over it. Who went first is immaterial, it's what you do after you move up that matters.

  8. If Phil feels so strongly about changing the nickname then maybe he should use some of considerable amounts of cash to change some opinions here at the university. Until then we should continue to listen to alumni who actually give a dollar or two back to the university and respect their opinions regarding the nickname.

  9. You people are something else! You get criticized for your arrogant attitude and your comeback is more attitude. Is it any wonder UND is losing its friends?

    I don't understand how that statement in question can be construed as arrogant. UND has the largest enrollment in the North Dakota University system, the Ralph and the Al are two of the premier sports facilities in the state, and the Fighting Sioux network reaches homes throughout the area on satellite. UND moving to Division I was inevitable. We've already established ourselves as the crown jewel of the NDUS by becoming the premier academic institution in the state. We have an extremely wealthy alumni who love to support their university and their athletic teams. Who's jealous of who?

  10. First of all we have 9 games already scheduled for 07-08. 07-08 you'll be in limo. You may have saved some travel cost (not close to 10 million) by following NDSU, UNC, and SDSU's lead if and it's a big IF we get into a conference. Fact is you'll have moved up to DI without a conference something everyone on this board said is the leading factor you didn't move up before. It's not written in stone that the BSC will move to 12 teams, they could just as easily take 1 and be a 10 team conference or stay where they are. If you move up now the only reason will be jealousy, nothing has changed from 3 years ago.

    Fact is five years from now it won't matter who moved up first and for what reasons. If in five years we're both D-1 and we're kicking your ass like we did in D-2 none of this will matter. Like it or not we're coming, hope you're not scared.

  11. I'm just curious what sports at UND support themselves "at the gate or through donations"? My guess is that would maybe be one (Men's Hockey).

    Women's basketball was in the black and football has been in the past, but due to a very poor deal with the Alerus Center came up red this year.

  12. Its not that I don't share the same worries, but I think the concern with a watered down DII level is greatly exagerated. For instance, do you want to go into DIAA and be a nobody or have an opportunity to compete for championships in your division. Also, look what the move to DIAA has done for NDSU...How many kids from ND or Minnesota do you see on the teams - remember when it was fun to identify the basketball players on both teams as being from Minnesota or North Dakota...Now the tradition is bringing in JUCO transfers who end up playing for two seasons before they are let go for academic reasons. I think our strength is in the traditions we have followed in the past and not the opportunity to beat the Wisconsin men's basketball team on a single night when so many will soon forget it.....I'd rather have our names etched on a trophy or logged into the record books with pride instead of disbelief.

    Part of that tradition has been having the premier athletic program in the state of North Dakota and getting the best local talent. That tradition is diminished if our athletes are soon unfairly labeled as "leftovers" or "Bison Rejects". For example, it wasn't long ago that UM-Crookston won the national Division II hockey title. Did you care? There names were etched on a trophy too, but it doesn't matter if no one cares to read them.

  13. And 'runner', one more thing:

    I'm a guy who believes that if college athletics can't support themselves at the gate or through donations they shouldn't be there. I'm not always a popular guy for that belief, and I also know that's not the world we live in.

    I look here and see all of the dollars in state and university monies and student fees diverted to fund athletics and I wonder if they couldn't be used for better things within the university structure: labs, instructors, research, more scholarships for the total student body. The primary mission of a university still is academics.

    If subsidized athletics is going to be there, yes, I will try to lobby for competitive teams that may also approach fiscal self-sufficiency. If that's a problem we must agree to disagree.

    The two go hand in hand. Without college athletics many alumni don't feel motivated to donate. College sports gives alumni something to take part in and stay connected to the university through. I think you'd see far less donations to academic interests if alumni didn't maintain their allegiance through college athletics. Collge athletics is about prestige and a poor athletic program reflects badly on the university as a whole. Look at George Mason for example, I read an article in USA today that they're expecting a record freshmen enrollment next fall and that interest in their school by high school students as risen dramatically with their NCAA tournament run. College athletics add in many areas that aren't always tangible when it comes to the balance sheet.

  14. Just my personal opinion as a student I wouldn't mind paying an increased athletic fee to fund a Division I move. I dont' know how it will go over with the rest of the student body since we're going through a time where more and more costs are being lumped on students. I wouldn't mind paying this fee since it goes to something I appreciate and get something out of compared to some of the other fees (ex. ConnectND) which seem like gigantic wastes of money.

  15. That's kind of weird isn't it? That sort of shows a little bit of indecisiveness on Lennon's part, IMHO.

    They also said that Manke is #1 going into practice. (-----AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!!!!!!)

    What this does is give both of these highly qualified individuals a chance to compete for the position this spring. They both will get a shot to prove themselves as the DC and it's better to do something like this during spring ball as opposed to fall camp. Expect one of the two to be named defensive coordinator after spring ball is over.

  16. Anybody else catch the Dakota Student yesterday. Front page of the sports section there is a story where three current un-named women's hockey players badmouth Rivard and one even suggest that she needs to be fired. It really sheds light on what a mess that program really is. It probably was the second most embarassing thing for UND aside from the whole School of Communication fiasco in the paper yesterday. It's time to cut our losses we need to seriously consider cleaning house in that program. Get rid of coaches, players, assistants, everybody or scrap the whole idea and just drop the program.

  17. I agree when I read that I thought it was a weird thing to say but this was a very memorable win in NDSU history, especially for a coach like Miles to have. I don't really know why Bohl is seen as a bad coach here, the guy is solid and has done a great job at coaching NDSU over the past few years. He's turned NDSU into one of the best defensive teams in IAA football and has lead NDSU on to some impressive victories. Bohl has worked with some of best minds that football has ever had and from what I have seen I don't know how you could say isn't knowledgable about the game.

    When you speak of Bohl leading the bison to some great wins over the past few years other than the Montana game what wins are you actually speaking of. If you're talking about his wins over sdsu, UC-Davis, and Northern Colorado then I guess I don't understand what the big deal is and how beating these teams is suddenly greater at the I-AA level than at the division 2 level. Other than the Montana game when has he ever won a big game or a game the bison weren't favored to win. He always loses to Cal Poly, he couldn't beat the Sioux in the final rivalry game even though his team was heavily favored, his team lost in St. Cloud to miss the playoffs in the last season they were eligible to be in the playoffs, and he lost to Montana State. All of his big wins are against former D-2's and mediocre to bottom feeder I-AA's. I'm sorry but I don't see what the big fuss is about.

  18. Bouncey-ball is pretty much insignificant at UND anyways. They could drop the program and few people would notice or care. I know I wouldn't. Hockey and football are the sports that UND fans are passionate about. Even if the bouncey-ball team was good they would always be second fiddle to the hockey team. Hockey is by far the #1 winter sport in North Dakota. Everybody knows that except for the Bison zealots who think that just because they don't have a team hockey isn't a real sport.

    As much as you may despise it basketball is a bigger sport on the national level and within the state of North Dakota than hockey ever will be. A successful D-I mid- major basketball program at either UND or ndsu would be a bigger draw than our hockey program.

  19. Actually UNO pretty much has a monopoly on all of the talent that there isn't room for in Lincoln hence a lot of players who should be playing I-AA but don't have the opportunity because it's either full blown D-I or D-II and plus have the advantage of recruiting in some larger population areas than we have. Grand Valley recruits is in the fifth most populated state I believe and thus has a large area to recruit from. Not only that they've adopted the strategy employed by most Division I-AA schools by continuing to receive transfers from all of the area I-A schools. In a state like North Dakota we lack some of the advantages other schools in high population areas have. We've made up for it by offering the highest quality of football outside of the University of Minnesota and Wisconsin and have gotten kids who were snubbed by these two. If NDSU is soon viewed as the best school in the area after these two they'll start getting all of the talent and we'll suffer for it by not getting the talented players we were once getting.

  20. One of the big reasons we've had the success at the Division II level we've had is because we've been able to get Division I level talent here at UND because of the distance between us and Division I schools. If we don't move up the quality of our atheletic teams will drop as these kids head to other programs. People are even less likely to support a mediocre division II team then they are a mediocre division I team. Case in point look at the past few recruiting classes for the men's basketball team. Look at this year's recruiting class for football. The fact is if we lose every kid we go up against ndsu and SDSU for we'll start seeing poor results on the playing field when we play the UNO's and Grand Valley's of the division II world. This isn't a question of maintaining the status quo. It's a choice between taking a risk and possibly moving forward or not and choosing to regress.

  21. If you're saying Sioux fans will convert to Bison fans, no. If you're saying the corporate sponsor dollars may shift, yes, that's possible.

    Yes, corporate sponsorship dollars is one area where we'll start to lose out if we remain division II, but UND and ndsu also compete for North Dakota sports fans who have no strong allegiance to either of the universities. There are far more of these at the Ralph or the Al on a given weekend than us diehards and if we start losing these people we'll be playing to empty arenas and hurting in the pocketbook. Also, it isn't so far fetched to see the Division I label start turning allegiances. Just look at some of the recent signings. I know a few of these kids grew up lifelong Sioux fans and now they'll be suiting up for the bison. People in this state also want to support a program they feel is on the way up and right now watching the bison on compete on the national stage against the likes of Wisconsin and Minnesota is winning people over faster than our teams continuing their excellence at Division II.

  22. These studies must be taken with a grain of salt when talking about UND's move up. UND is in a unique situation where remaining a D-II will further hurt the bottom line and lead to increased expenses. We're currently in a situation where it is extremely expensive for us to fill out our schedule. We have either spend more on travel or give out generous guarantees just to put together a quality schedule. We have a D-IAA program south of us that if we don't move up a division and choose to compete with will cut in to our fan base and lead to diminished attendance and donations to our Division II athletic programs. We leave a substantial amount of revenue on the table in our big money sport- hockey by continuing to remain a Division II. These studies also fail to factor in the increased donations that would come with a Division I move every other school has seen increased donations since announcing their moves and UND would experience the same. We're leaving a lot of money on the table by continuing to wait with this. Kupchella needs to make this move or we need to can him and get someone who will.

  23. Johnny Royale your are correct NDSU would have an advantage right now if the two schools were to play and they should they do have 25 more scholarships. The fact is a lot of the guys on UND's team this year were Division I-AA and a few Division I-A level players. If in ten years both schools are still in their respective divisions then we'll start to see some disparity. The other fact is that in the past with a level playing field between the two schools UND has taken it to the Bison. If UND moves up this year it won't matter who moved up first or second all that will matter is who's winning and don't be surprised if in 5 years we're the one who's consistently winning and beating you.

  24. 1) ndsu has 25 more schollies and they've been building depth for 3 yrs now. Like it or not, it makes a difference. For example, Digger Anderson is a fantastic LB. The Bison's Joe Mays (#8) would knock him silly. Mays has 20 lbs on Digger and has a .3 faster 40 time. There's a difference there. Plus, NDSU has 2 more guys just like Joe waiting in the wings.

    Joe Mays and the rest of the Bison middle linebackers should be fighting over who gets to carry Digger's jock. He's got a legitimate shot at the next level. Joe might get to watch him play on Sunday's next year.

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