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Posts posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. Still don't care about the Summit League, went to Sioux Men's and Women's Basketball games in the

    Meltdown at the Ralph, lucky if there were 1800 people in the REA, and by halftime of Men's game less

    than a 1,000, and many of those tickets were complimentary. So, reality is Hockey and Football are the

    only sports on campus that really mean anything, and the Summit has nothing to do with those. Alas, the

    Summit League and that wonderful run to the NCAA tournament by the Bison, not likely to happen again for

    oh say, 20 years or so, so piss on the Summit League. In Grand Forks, Hockey will always be king, whether it's

    Red River High, Central high, Senior High or UND, Fargo and Bison fans will never understand that. Right on Goon.

    Mature response. Thanks for your worthless contribution to this thread.

  2. I'm sure Ed's comments were tongue and cheek. The Republicans are running a pro choice candidate in Mass. I guess you do what it takes to win. If the anti choice crowd in the Republican party think there leadership want abortion to end they will continue to be disappointed. They like the issue. They had 8 years to do something about it. If it was such a pressing issue they should have shut down the government for it. They would shut down the government for taxing the rich more. Of course we all have our priorities like money..

    You make a good point. It would be interesting to see what would actually happen if Conservatives actually got their way on abortion. It could be entertaining watching the Religious right and other conservative bible thumpers try to spin cutting social programs for the poor and disabled so that billionaires can have more as something Christ would have advocated.

  3. Mark Levin has powered me through many of work outs or bike rides. I down load his podcast to my ipod.

    Mark Levin is an idiot who is incapable of arguing any of his positions so he resorts to calling names. He wouldn't last a second in a debate with Olbermann or Schultz because they'd actually be able to articulate their position while Levin lacks the mental capacity to articulate nearly anything.

    Glen Beck on the other hand is either seriously mentally ill or is one of the all time greatest attention whores in human history. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he says some of the asinine things he says to get attention but it still shouldn't give him a pass for the outright lies that he promotes on his show. It's all a moot point as both will probably be jobless within five years due to the diminishing influence of right- wing talk radio.

    Sorry to go on a politics tangent here but it was already going this direction so I thought I'd get my shots in before this forum gets locked down.

  4. If the Summit League doesn't care about the Sioux nickname then why not review UND's application ? They know it will be resolved in the next 12 months one way or another. The answer is 1) they don't want UND anyway or 2) They don't have the ability to read the surrender agreement that UND made with the NC$$ or 3) there is some type of collusion between the league and the NC$$.

    By not accepting UND's application right now they are sticking their nose into the process. They will be directly responsible if UND drops the name in the next few months. By trying to avoid the "controversy" of the nickname they will in fact, be generating far more controversy directly involving the dropping of the nickname. Not sure I would really want to part of a league that is run by people with so little common sense. If they want to avoid any controversy then they should accept the application now and go through the review process. IMO, the Summit League has UND at the top of the list of schools they would like to add. Do they have to add them ? Of course not.

    IMO, it is not worth thowing away the nickname so the Summit League will accept our application. If the Summit League doesn't need us then what is the guarantee that UND will be accepted anyway ? If there is no guarantee then why drop the nickname just so they will be so kind as to review our application ?

    For those that are urging UND to panic and throw away the nickname today what will you do if Standing Rock approves, UND keeps the nickname, and they join the Summit League. Will you continue to proudly wear the Sioux logo to games when you were so desperate to throw it away ?

    Being a transitional Division I, we are at the mercy of conferences like the Summit. If we want to join it will be on their terms because they hold all the cards and they know the death sentence that life as a Division I independent is for a university. That being said the Summit wants the nickname resolved by early 2010 to meet their expansion timeline. They would prefer to have UND but if we refuse to address our issues in order to meet their timeline they will pick someone else and we'll be on the outside looking in. In all honesty, their only concern is adding a strong 12th member who they can add according to their timeline and fits their existing footprint. They don't care about the Sioux nickname other than they would not like it to have it as an issue or more likely would prefer to have it gone forever. Criticize their policy but the fact is they have us by the balls because they will get along just as well without us.

    I wish this could somehow get resolved with us keeping the nickname but I truly believe that this fight is a lost cause because one way or another the NCAA will get their pound of flesh that is the Sioux nickname. It's a reality that we need to accept. I'll still wear Sioux gear after the name changes but would also most likely wear gear with the new logo on it as well because I'm a fan of the university and it's athletic teams whatever they may be called.

    I hope I answered your questions, but I would like Sioux nickname supporters to answer a few for me. What do you realistically see as a future conference possibility for the rest of our athletic teams if UND misses out on Summit expansion due to the nickname? What negative repercussions are you willing to accept to keep the Sioux nickname? Losing athletic teams in everything but hockey? No longer playing MN and WI in hockey when Big 10 hockey starts up? An athletic department with serious deficits created by pathetic interest in any program other than hockey? What price is too high a price to pay for logo?

  5. After observing the talent level of Montana, ASU, and the two CAA squads that played last night it's evident that it's a level above anything seen in the MVFC. All four of the semi-finalists are much better measuring sticks of what it takes to be nationally competitive than UNI or even SIU in my opinion.

  6. Even if there is a Big Ten of hockey UND will be fine and still a top power. Alvarez is a moron. Think about this you put Michigan, MSU, Minnesota, OSU, and say a Notre Dame, all of these teams are going to be knocking the piss out of each other and they aren't going to end up with 4 or 5 teams in the NCAA Tourney, they actually hurt their chances. IF this happens and I don't think it will, MHO there will probably be a re-alignment for college hockey.

    I disagree. It would impact UND attendance considerably. Without Minnesota and Wisconsin the WCHA is a bunch of Division II and Division III schools except for UND and Denver. Games against SCSU and Mankato won't draw nearly as well without the interest created from big draws against Minnesota and Wisconsin.

  7. Contrary to popular belief the Summit League has other options and doesn't need us in their conference. They have all the leverage and could really care less about what effects getting rid of the nickname before the 2010 deadline will have on our university. Die-hard nickname proponents need to accept this fact.

    No one at the NCAA or the Summit League really gives a rats ass about the Sioux nickname. They would just as soon have it gone and unfortunately they have all the leverage in this situation. If you choose to punish UND when the nickname finally does go it will only hurt UND and will have no impact whatsoever on the people who actually brought about the death of the Sioux nickname. If UND clings desperately to the nickname then the NCAA and the Summitt League will punish the school for this stance and university will suffer tremendous losses while the NCAA and the Summit will be largely unimpacted by our decisions. They got all the cards and it's time for us to move on, drop the nickname, and focus on building the UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA as the school and it's athletic teams are far more important than the nickname will ever be.

  8. Looks like the Bearcats are going to hold on for the W. Good for them as I can't imagine how many shrinks that squad would have needed to get rid of the complex created by losing 5 straight national championships. Congrats Bearcats!

  9. 1st post here. Interesting topic. If Notre Dame decided to enter the BigTen would a six team hockey conference form? Six is the minumum for a conference right?

    I think it's in the Big Ten bylaws that if six schools sponsor it then the Big Ten must have a conference. Still doubt Notre Dame moves to Big Ten even though it would be in the school's best interest. I think you see Syracuse or possibly UConn becoming the twelfth member and a Big Ten Hockey Conference up and running with affiliate members in the next three years. Alvarez and Wisconsin have a hell of a lot more pull than Mature (who could be unemployed soon) and Minnesota. If OSU, UW, and the two Michigan schools want Big Ten hockey then there is nothing Minnesota can do to stop it.

  10. I do and so do the fans of nearly every other program on campus except for the hockey program. The longer it takes for this nickname issue to get resolved the more it hurts our chances of being accepted to the Summit League. If this thing is still an issue in late January, early February it will probably result in the Summit choosing another member (probably Denver) and leaving us out in the cold. If this happens it will essentially de-rail our Division I move and will be death sentence for every other athletic team on campus other than men's and women's hockey. If the powers that be allow this to happen in order to appease some hockey nuts who are bigger fans of a logo than the actual athletic teams then I for one will never give another red cent to this university.

  11. First Round, November 28, 2009

    South Dakota State (8-3) at (1) Montana (11-0)- Montana

    Eastern Washington (8-3) at Stephen F. Austin (9-2)- SFA

    South Carolina State (10-1) at Appalachian State (9-2)- Appalachian State

    Elon (9-2) at (4) Richmond (10-1)- Richmond

    Holy Cross (9-2) at (2) Villanova (10-1)- Villanova

    New Hampshire (9-2) at McNeese State (9-2)- New Hampshire

    Weber State (7-4) at William & Mary (9-2)- William & Mary

    Eastern Illinois (8-3) at (3) Southern Illinois (10-1)- Southern Illinois

    2nd Round:

    Montana vs. SFA- SFA

    Appalachian State vs. Richmond- Richmond

    Villanova vs. New Hampshire- Villanova

    William & Mary vs. Southern Illinois- Southern Illinois


    Richmond vs. SFA- Richmond

    Villanova vs. Southern Illinois- Villanova


    Richmond vs. Villanova- Richmond repeats!

  12. Thanks for clarifying the transition rule... I should've read back in the thread a bit to see that.

    I like where UND is going w/ the FBS games we have in the next few years. Obviously, Faison is using his WAC connections. Hopefully we can also get some Mountain West games outta it as well, as most of them are former WAC members, along w/ a few Conference USA teams that were in the WAC. UND should be able to compete w/ many of these teams. I don't like the idea of going to "body bag" games against upper level SEC, Big 10, Big 12 teams, just yet. Maybe after our transition is over. I do understand the big paychecks always are enticing & we did hold our own against TT. But I'd like to see these kept to a minimum for the next few years. Although some of the lower teams from FCS-bid Conferences would be great. But, the Alabama's, Ohio State's, etc just don't seem realistic right now to me.

    If it's true that SDSU & UND both have Nov. 20th open next yr, then let's make it happen. 2 for 1, 1 & done, I don't care as long as we get a 2011 game.

    I agree. However, I think we should take any game with a Big Ten team that's available to us. Looking at the Big Ten's performance against I-AA, WAC, and Mountain West teams it's apparent that not even the top end schools (Ohio State, Wisconsin, Iowa) would be much better than squads from less regarded conferences.

  13. Taylor knows he's on his way out and this just might be his last stick in the eye to the state legislators who got rid of the crook Joe Chapman. I predict he won't be NDSU's AD next year at this time. On another note I also don't foresee UND and USD getting into the MVFC for the foreseeable future. I think UND gets in the Summit unless this nickname garbage de-rails it. I also think the GWFC will get an autobid as soon as the moratorium is lifted and Nebraska-Omaha and multiple other strong Division II schools move up (Central Missouri, Tarleton State, possibly a few others).

  14. Different day, same old crap.

    For the students on this forum just remember that as long as you're a student at UND their will always be two sets of rules regarding behavior in Grand Forks. There is one set of rules for students and those of student age and another for everybody else. Just accept it and try to remember when you get older that just because you're no longer of student age it doesn't entitle you to treat those younger than you like crap just because you're older.

  15. Pretty sure Mannausau was a GA when both Schmidty and Kotels were there.

    QUOTE (thequestionguy @ Nov 9 2009, 10:33 PM)

    I agree with those thoughts completely but do you think MM doesn't know the 3-4? It basically boils down to JK calling the defense and he doesn't know the 3-4, he's a 4-3 guy from Augie who went way back with Mussman. We could save alot of time and energy and give the play calling to Mannausau as I am pretty sure we would see many of the same things we were used to seeing before Kelling came into the mix.

    These two posts are right on and it is totally up to Muss, what he will do is anybodies guess? I hope he makes the correct decision because if he goes the wrong way it will affect UND FB until all new coaches come in.

    The decision to have co-coordinators by Lennon was originally made because Mannaussau lacked the knowledge regarding the secondary to call a defense correctly and Kelling lacked enough knowledge regarding the 3-4 to call the defense correctly. This should have been a good indicator that neither one of them was ready or capable of being a D Coordinator. I think if Lennon would have had the option he probably would have gone and looked for someone outside of the program to come in but the pay scale is so low that he likely had no choice but to promote someone from within. Both of these guys have had four years to prove themselves and the defense has gotten worse every year under their watch.

  16. Ah-ha ... so it's not just me. I've been a season ticket holder since Alerus opened and it's over an hour one-way by car for me.

    Yesterday I was sitting next to my wife, who is far from a problem fan. She'd crossed her leg and rested a knee on the seat back in front of us. She then extended that leg so her foot was hanging in free space. Call it a disgusted reclined slouch given what she was forced to watch by the home team.

    Security rushed in to tell us you can't have a foot up on a chair back. That was it for me.

    For the second time ever I walked out of a UND Athletic event. The first was the USF debacle. (We left the USF game because we observed Alerus security, FOUR security people, roust a young couple, that I could see were clearly of age, for their ID for having a beverage. Did I mention this couple was sitting with what looked to be one of their parents? Nice treatment in front of the in-laws for one of them, eh?)

    We were the only two people in a vast open area of seats and her leg resting on an open chair back is an issue. We weren't blocking a view. We weren't putting any undo wear onto the facility. And right across the aisle from us was a group of people with legs slung over the chair backs and dirty shoes being put onto the seats. (Now that's undo wear.) And as we were walking out we passed another man who was seated with a leg up similarly and security had to have seen that too. Can you say inconsistency?

    What wasn't the issue were the people who stood in the aisle in front of us blocking our view on at least three occassions during just the second quarter. Nope, being comfortable was the problem.

    On the way out I asked to have my tickets scanned out. I was asked why because there is no re-entry. I said to speak to management about this undo security presence (no, really it's domination). Funny, I've had days where I scanned in and out of REA multiple times to meet people in the main lobby but it's a problem at Alerus?

    I didn't talk to Alerus management. Why continue to be treated as if you're doing something wrong by just showing up.

    This same person (the evil leg rester wife of mine) was at a Wild game recently. She couldn't remember security at the game other than at the turnstiles or to verify she was headed into the right section. Interesting comparison.

    So, we left and headed over to REA to catch what was left of the OSU at UND womens hockey game.

    We walked in there (main lobby), were greated by a "green jacket", and went right in. We sat close enough to the benches to smell "gear stink" and saw a much faster game than either of us expected.

    Almost as a taunt I crossed a leg and put an actual shoe (gasp!) on the chair back in front of me. Nothing. Nada.

    Matter of fact, we were greeted ("thanks for coming", "good night") by another "green jacket" and a uniformed REA guard on the way out after.

    There's another interesting comparison I'd say.

    Now UND Football has to convince us why we'd want to renew season tickets we've had since Alerus opened and why we'd ever want to go back there.


    A Fighting Sioux Club member and donating Alumnus

    Closing Thought: We're not big tailgaters because of our drive. However, we have stopped for post-game to see friends on occassion. The requirement to be cleared out within what feels to be a far too short period of time (I think you have to be gone in like 45 minutes after the final gun) seems to be as detrimental to tailgating as anything. The people I last visited were genuinely concerned about being out on time so they wouldn't have to face the wrath of Alerus security. And it was real as I witnessed Alerus security coming through and "heavily encouraging" people to be on their way.

    I worked security at the Alerus for a number of events during college. I never worked a football game but worked a lot of concerts and gradually determined that some of my co-workers just genuinely enjoyed being dicks to people at these events. It was major power trip for them and they just couldn't seem to understand that the people they were harassing over minor or bogus transgressions had paid to have a good time which they were then spoiling. The security is so poorly trained that most of the time these jackasses would escalate minor situations into major ones by being overly confrontational with people. It frustrated a lot of people, including myself, and a great deal of the good security people stopped signing up to work events which has evidently led to what you're seeing today.

  17. You guys still mad at Jimmy K dropping that ball against UNC, Shannon B fumbling in the mud at Indiana, PA, Bowenkamp missing that reciever in North Alabama......?

    Dale, Bubba, and Dosch leaving....how could they....?

    I know I still send them cards every year..... :angry:

    No I'm not mad at those guys because they showed up every week and played hard. None of those players would have considered yesterday's performance acceptable. What was acceptable about yesterday's performance? What was acceptable about the loss to Sioux Falls or the blowout loss to Southern Utah? Why should continuing underperformance be considered acceptable? It's how things work in the real world. Either you produce or your gone.

  18. No one is saying that these coaches aren't nice guys to have a beer with but their is and should always be expectations that come with being a part of this football program. Right now those expectations are not being met. If we want to be a !@#!$ football program where winning and competing for championships isn't a realistic goal then we can continue tolerating the poor play and poor game day preparation demonstrated by this football team and this coaching staff.

  19. I don't think it would be a stretch to say that the attendence this year at home football games has been alarming, especially the lack of student support. Let's face it, yesterday they just completely threw away the one student section for elementary school band kids to sit in. So obviously there is a problem about the student attendence and the overall attendence as well, but to be able to fix it I think someone has to point out what the real issues are. I've noticed a few things this year, and maybe if I point them out someone will read this and take some of it to heart.


    Yesterday when I was coming through the turnstiles for the game I saw 3 different students get told that they can't come in to the Alerus Center because they didn't have their Student ID to go with their ticket. REALLY! I mean REALLY? We can't get students to come to games, and now we are turning the ones we do get because they dont have their ID? WHO CARES? They have a ticket, they might cheer, they might spend money, they definitely weren't taking someone's seat away who did bring their ID. Oh by the way I got in with a student ticket and no ID yesterday, maybe some consistentcy wouldn't hurt?

    Another thing I noticed was during the Cal Poly game, some people were leaning up against their seats during a dead ball period, not sitting or standing, but just leaning. Within seconds a security guard came down to tell them that they either have to sit or stand, they can't lean. I know it's a minor thing but come on, what are they hurting.

    One more thing on this topic, one of my friends decided he wanted to go down to the front row during the Cal Poly game, he got down there and I can only assume was heckeling some of the Cal Poly players, and a security guard apparently saw him go down there and asked him to return to his original seat. My friend asked, well if I had a coat in this empty seat right here could I stand here and do the same thing, and the guard said "sure, thats a different story, but you need to be in your seat."


    This should be an "event" something that people get excited to do, even if they aren't football fans. The people who do go out and tailgate, kudos to you. You spend a lot of money to make it an enjoyable time. But this is something that if enhanced, would at least raise interest. I don't think it's a secret that people in ND love to drink, and a lot of people like sports. It's just the culture. It shouldn't be that hard to get people interested in doing both. I know all business are in things to make money now, but this is a great promotional opportunity for businesses in the area. Have games, events, and things to do, give out shirts, I dunno something. I know there is some of that, but it could be expanded upon. Granted there will have to be more people involved with the tailgating to make that worth it. This kinda gets back to the Alerus Center issues. Does EVERYTHING have to be about making an extra couple bucks? There are a lot of college students who will not go tailgating because it costs $5 to park in there. A little deregulation wouldn't hurt anything. Get people involved, get them in the seats, and get some atmosphere back in the Alerus.


    Right now it seems to me that the only reason to come to a UND football game is because you like watching football. Well we have a 13,000+ seat stadium and not a population that contains 13,000+ people who love football enough to take 3.5 hours out of their Saturday to go to a game. People do like being entertained though. Make football games an event. I mean it's obvious that people don't care about who we are playing. Cal Poly comes, great team, in conference team, and nobody shows up, but we get an extra 1000 people for a 2-6 NAIA opponent on the opening of deer season. We are constantly battling hunitng season up here, I understand that, but I know it wouldn't affect the hockey crowds thats a given. Football here is like basketball is to Florida. When we have a good team people care, but there is no loyalty. We have to figure out a way to build loyalty amongst the alumni, community, and what should be the easiest target, the students.

    This may seem very simple, but if students don't come to games now, they aren't going to donate when they are alumni, or make the trip up for games in 10 years. Make the games more student centric. Go to any large school, people do not miss football games. We are D1 now, it's time that we do the same. Make the Alerus Center an experience instead of an inconvienience.

    I would have to assume that Cal Poly, Southern Oregon, Stony Brook, and Sioux Falls don't think the Alerus is a tough place to play. South Dakota may beg to differ, since we actually had people show up and made their lives a living hell for 3.5 hours, and look what happened. I don't think any school wants to be known as a nice place for road teams to come into and play. The Alerus is becoming that. Just a few thoughts, take them or leave them. If you have any comments I would love to hear them, because we are faced with a huge problem, and something needs to be done about it. Without a voice nothing will ever get fixed.

    Pretty much spot on. Couldn't be said any better than this.

  20. ...and what dog do you have in this fight exactly?

    Take it easy on him. He's just bitter after incurring 30 grand in private school debt to end up cutting grass for UND and other state school grads who paid a fraction of the cost for their education. Obviously the bitterness has gone to his head.

  21. The series will probably resume next season. NDSU doesn't have any cards left to play and Taylor will literally have to risk his job if he fights renewing the rivalry. NDSU is on the !@#$ list at the legislature and won't have a leg to stand on after 13,000 empty seats appear at the Fargodome to watch the Bison lose out against Youngstown State.

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